Topic: WorldNetDaily
We've noted how WorldNetDaily apparently has a quid pro quo deal going with Texas Rep. Steve Stockman -- WND gave Stockman copies of Aaron Klein's slow-selling impeachment book to give away to members of Congress, and Stockman gave WND the scoop on his run for John Cornyn's Senate seat.
Now, WND is trying to help Stockman's campaign with a Jan. 5 article by John Griffing trying to claim Cornyn isn't a real conservative because he purportedly is "not standing up to President Obama’s agenda to move the nation toward more socialism." Griffing declares that "Stockman’s assessment that Cornyn hasn’t lived up to his billing as a conservative is correct."
Griffing's article reads like an oppo-research document -- for all we know, Griffing worked with Stockman's campaign to put it together. Last time we checked, such blatant shilling for a candidate does not qualify as journalism under any reasonable standard.
Further, as conservative Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin points out, the fact remains that Cornyn "is no squishy RINO" and is "the second most conservative senator, according to one ranking."
WND loves to blather about how it has "no sacred cows." That has always been a baldfaced lie. And it's clear that Stockman is a very sacred cow for WND.