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Friday, January 3, 2014
WND's Cashill Still Whitewashing The Murder A Sailor Committed
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jack Cashill couldn't be more happy that his favorite murderer is out of prison.

Cashill's Jan. 1 WorldNetDaily column celebrates the release of former Navy sailor Steven Nary, who served 17 years in prison for killing a man in San Francisco. Cashill performs his usual smear job on the victim, calling him a "chunky, coked-up" illegal immigrant whose sexual advances Nary was merely fighting off and who died from nothing more than a blow to the head with a mug.

Cashill goes on to lament that San Francisco wasn't sufficiently homophobic to let Nary get away with it: "If this incident had taken place in some city other than San Francisco, it is unlikely that Nary would have been indicted, let alone convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced."

As per usual, Cashill leaves out some certain inconvenient facts: Nary allowed Pifarre to perform oral sex on him, for which Pifarre offered to pay Nary $40; Nary told police he choked Pifarre for five minutes and the apartment where Nary killed Pifarre was strewn with blood; and Nary originally denied any sexual contact with Pifarre and told the Navy medic who treated the broken hand Nary suffered in killing Pifarre that he had hurt it playing basketball.

Still, Cashill insists the killer is the real victim. Go figure.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:24 PM EST
Updated: Friday, January 3, 2014 3:32 PM EST

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