CNS -- perhaps to put a slightly nicer spin on things -- has changed the name of its "Waste Watch" page to "The Golden Hookah Award," providing this explanation of the name (though no explanation for the change):
The Golden Hookah is the symbolic token that confers on government agencies that win our “What Were They Smoking Award” for outrageous government spending. presents the award to a component of government that has distinguished itself in taking the hard-earned money of taxpayers and sending it up in smoke.
Inspired by stories that exposed federal grants used to subsidize research on hookah smoking in Syria and Jordan, the “Golden Hookah” symbolizes how a prodigal government squanders the taxpayers’ money on outrageous, unconstitutional and unconscionable programs.
The page's modus operandi hasn't changed, though: Of the 23 items currently on the page, four are LGBT-related, which continues to make it disproportionately represented.
Or, in CNS' words, spending money on LGBT issues is "outrageous, unconstitutional and unconscionable."