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Monday, July 8, 2013
CNS Remains Upset That Federal Money Is Spent On LGBT Issues
Topic: loves to portray any federal money spent on LGBT causes to be a waste, and that that attitude continues in a July 3 article by Melanie Hunter complaining that "The Department of Health and Human Services through its Administration for Children & Families plans to spend almost $1 million on 'transitional living programs' for homeless lesbian, gay, lesbian, transgender and/or questioning (LGBTQ) youth."

The headline for Hunter's article puts "LGBTQ" in scare quotes:

Hunter offered no explanation for why she devoted an article to this program, but the article's vitriolic comment thread suggests that it was done to provide an opportunity for CNS readers to express their longstanding hatred toward the LGBT community.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:14 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, July 8, 2013 2:02 PM EDT

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