Topic: editor Terry Jeffrey loves to bash the Washington, D.C., suburbs as being overly rich -- though he doesn't disclose that he lives and works in those self-same suburbs (the HQ for the Media Research Center is in Reston, Va., just west of D.C.) and, as an MRC executive, presumably gets paid well enough that he can afford to live quite comfortably there. Jeffrey took one of his regular swipes in an Oct. 5 column, which contained a bonus swipe at the suburbs of San Francisco, where longtime MRC target Nancy Pelosi is based:
If you want to live in one of the wealthiest communities in the United States of America, do not move to Manhattan or Palm Beach, Florida. Move instead to the suburbs or exurbs of San Francisco or Washington, D.C.
The Census Bureau this week released its data on the 2021 median household incomes for areas that have populations of 65,000 or more.
According to this data, taken from the bureau's American Community Survey, the five wealthiest counties in the United States were all situated near the nation's capital or the city by the bay.
Specifically, Loudoun County, Virginia, had the highest median household income ($153,506) of any county in the survey, and Santa Clara County, California, ($141,562) had the second highest.
Fairfax County, Virginia, ranked third with a median household income of $134,115; Howard County, Maryland, ranked fourth with a median household income of $133,267; and San Mateo County, California, ranked fifth with a median household income of $131,796.
But the trend did not stop there.
It turned out that 11 of the 20 richest counties, according to the Census Bureau's data, were located either near Washington, D.C., or near the Golden Gate.
Nationwide, the median household income in the United States in 2021 was $69,717, according to the Census Bureau.
That means the median household income in the Washington, D.C. exurb of Loudoun was more than twice the median household income nationwide.
In Fairfax County, part of which sits inside the Washington Beltway, the 2021 median household income of $134,115 was 1.9 times as great as the national median of $69,717.
Jeffrey didn't disclose that Reston, where the MRC's HQ is, is located in Fairfax County. Instead, he concluded by huffing, "The bottom line: We are living in a country where big government is even more lucrative than Big Tech."
Jeffrey repeated a similar attack in a Dec. 16 "news" article:
Four of the six richest counties in the United States in 2021—when measured by median household income--were located in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., according to newly released data from the Census Bureau’s Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates.
Loudoun County, Va., with a median household income of $153,716, ranked as the nation’s richest county in 2021.
Falls Church City, Va., which the Census Bureau counts as a county because it is an independent city, ranked second with a median household income of $142,430.
Fairfax County, Va., ranked fifth with a median household income of $133,845.
Again, Jeffrey didn't didn't disclose that he and his employer are contriubint to the thing he loves to complain about.