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Thursday, June 16, 2022
MRC Cheers Clarence Thomas' Biased Gotcha, Censors His Wife's Growing Scandal
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's Nicholas Fondacaro loved the biased gotcha from a Supreme Court justice he served up in a May 16 item:

On Friday, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas spoke at an event in Dallas held by the Old Parkland Conference, a group that looks to tackle issues in the black community. During his time on stage (which included a Q&A), Thomas spoke about the liberal media and how they do their jobs poorly along with the “white liberal elites” who try to keep him down and isolated from the rest of the black community, lest they hear the truth.

In a clip that has gone viral, Thomas seemed to address calls from the media for him to resign for any of the number of fabricated grievances they try to smear him with. “I will absolutely leave the court when I do my job as poorly as you do yours,” he quipped to the laughter of the crowd and his own infectious belly laugh. “And that was meant as a compliment, really,” he continued to joke. He would go on to give an example.

Towards the end of his speaking time, Thomas talked about how the right needed to hold themselves to a higher standard and be better behaved than those who aim to destroy on the left. “The most they can point to is Garland did not get a hearing. But he was not trashed,” he argued. “And it was a rule the Joe Biden introduced by the way. Which is, you get no hearing in the last year of an administration. That was not the rule before then.”

He then noted that the right would not be caught “going to other peoples’ houses, attacking them at dinner at a restaurant, throwing things on them.”


And giving some astute analysis of how the liberal media machine works, Thomas pointed out that when they can’t outright censor you, “they load you up with negativity and they give you challenges as for credibility to prevent you from getting to their ears.”

This isn't quite the gotcha Fondacaro thinks it is, since Thomas' anti-media rant that parroted right-wing narratives exposed him as a highly biased justice who puts ideology before facts (kind of like the MRC itself).

Missing from Fondacaro's post entire was the elephant in the room regarding Thomas: the right-wing political activism of his wife, Ginni, which is so blatant even the MRC stopped trying to run to their defense over it.

Unsurprisingly, the MRC has stayed silent about the latest revelations about Ginni Thomas: that she coresponded with Trump lawyer John Eastman in an attempt to help pressure Trump administration officials into overturning the election, and that she also tried to pressure 29 lawmakers in Arizona into overturning Trump's loss in that state. All this looks bad for Clarance Thomas and raises questions about whether he has a conflict of interest in ruling on cases related to the election. Instead, the MRC complained about speculation that Ginni Thomas might have been the person who leaked the draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:31 PM EDT

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