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Monday, June 13, 2022
The MRC's Issues With Women Continue
Topic: Media Research Center

Media Resarch Center writer Nicholas Fondacaro has issues with women, particularly the co-hosts of "The View." Since the last time we checked, Fondacaro has continued to smear the hosts as a "coven":

One has to wonder that if Fondacaro really believes the "View" hosts are  really a "pro-baby killing coven," that he also believes they use aborted babies in secret satanic rituals. He would be the kind of person who would believe it.

Fondacaro's issues with women also surfaced when his boss, Tim Graham, tagged him in a tweet in which he retweeted an image from a now-suspended account maliciously depicting "View" co-host Joy Behar as an ogre with the message "Can't unsee this." Fondacaro's response? "That's about right."

Those co-hosts are not the only women with whom the MRC has serious issues. Kevin Tober exposed his own issues with Hillary Clinton in a May 5 post under the headline "CBS's Norah O'Donnell Lets Hillary Clinton Shriek Over Abortion Rights." In it, Tober asserted that "Clinton returned to her infamous shrill angry screaming that makes her so unlikable," going to to complain that "There was no pushback from O’Donnell, who just sat there and nodded her head while listening to Clinton rant incoherently like a homeless person."

In reality, a fair view of the clip by a normal person indisputably shows that Clinton did not engage in "shrill angry screaming," nor did she "rant incoherently like a homeless person." She spoke like a normal person, which was apparently too much for Tober to handle. And he proved he's the real ranter with this closing tirade:

This interview surely reminded voters why she lost to former President Trump in one of the most stunning upsets in American presidential history and almost lost the Democratic nomination to a seventy-four-year-old socialist from Vermont. Her own party can’t even stand her. Norah O’Donnell isn’t much better for enabling Hillary’s insane ramblings. 

Show us on the doll where Hillary touched you, Kevin. Or just get some professional help to address your vile misogyny.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:20 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, June 13, 2022 5:24 PM EDT

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