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Thursday, October 21, 2021
WND 'News' Article Push Conspiracy Theories Over Planned Parenthood, Biden's 'Failing Mental Abilities'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Bob Unruh peddles two anti-Biden conspiracies in a single Sept. 18 WorldNetDaily "news" article:

Joe Biden's openly failing mental abilities have been a common topic of discussion since long before his election.

He's frequently seen stumbling through statements, pulling cheat sheet notes out of his pocket, forgetting names and more.

So a related question has been just exactly who is making those decisions that come out of the Oval Office.

Now it's known that one of the major influencers is Planned Parenthood.

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, senior editor at the Federalist, has written on her organization's website that's because Biden is "flouting the law to push through a massive financial favor to the powerful and lucrative abortion industry that backed Joe Biden's presidential candidacy with tens of millions of dollars."

This being WND, Unruh offers no objective evidence that Biden has "openly failing mental abilities" or that anything Biden has done has occurred under the direct "instructions" of Planned Parenthood.

It takes Unruh several more paragraphs to (badly) explain (with bias) that all his biased invective is over a relatively minor policy change regarding the Affordable Care Act. In 2020, the Trump administration added a provision to the ACA to make billing for abortion services more cumbersome by requiring that coverage for such services be billed and paid for separately, rather than allowing them to be paid under a single bill, a practice that medical observers said was "expected to generate consumer confusion and potentially coverage losses" -- an observation even the Trump administration agreed with. The Biden administration is simply reversing that policy.

This also being WND, Unruh can't be bothered to balance his article with any countervailing view -- the entire article is a veiled opinion piece that censors dissent from its right-wing agenda.

This, by the way, is the kind of "news" content WND wants its readers to pay for and other websites to republish, at least if they can "provide a large audience." But if WND can't provide its own audience for such content, why would anyone else want to?

Posted by Terry K. at 4:18 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, October 21, 2021 4:20 PM EDT

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