Showing once again there's less and less separation between the Media Research Center and its "news" division, once again followed the MRC's partisan footsteps by echoing a story the parent had previously pounced on, this time the Nicki Minaj COVID story, in which the rapper is made out to be a victim for her COVID anti-vaxxer claims being exposed. Megan Williams parroted the rapper's side of events in a Sept. 16 article:
Rapper Nicki Minaj told her 22.6 million followers she had “been suspended from Twitter” for posts telling people to get the COVID-19 vaccine when they are ready, reported Salon.
“They want you to get vaccinated for the Met. If I get vaccinated it won’t be for the Met. It’ll be once I feel I’ve done enough research. I’m working on that now,” Minaj tweetednon Monday.
She later posted about her cousin’s friend in Trinidad and Tobago that supposedly got the vaccine and became impotent and had swollen testicles. She warned her followers to make a decision about getting the vaccine for themselves.
“So just pray on it & make sure you’re comfortable with [your] decision, not bullied,” Minaj advised.
It wasn't until the 10th paragraph that Williams got around to noting that "Trinidad and Tobago claimed that there are actually no reports of the COVID-19 vaccine side effects that Minaj reported in her tweet."
The next day, Melanie Arter seemed to be blaming the Biden White House for Minaj getting things wrong about its outreach to her:
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is denying that they invited rapper Nikki Minaj to the White House to discuss her concerns about COVID vaccinations.
As a result of the controversy, Minaj said that she was invited to the White House, which she called “a step in the right direction” and indicated that she was going.”
“The White House has invited me & I think it’s a step in the right direction. Yes, I’m going. I’ll be dressed in all pink like Legally Blonde so they know I mean business. I’ll ask questions on behalf of the ppl who have been made fun of for simply being human. #BallGate day 3,” she tweeted.
The White House, however, denied that they invited Minaj for a visit.
Arter also uncritically repeated Minaj's bogus claims about her cousin's friend's swollen testicles without also mentioning the claim has been discredited.