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Monday, August 30, 2021
CNS Digs Up Old House Prayer For Another Obtuse Attack on Pelosi

We've noted's recent penchant for repeaeting months-old -- or even years-old -- stories and treating them as news.This happened again in an anonymously written Aug. 5 article that rehashes something that happened nearly two years ago:

When the U.S. House of Representatives opened its meeting on Nov. 8, 2019, the clerk read a statement from Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) that she was appointing Rep. Jamie Raskin (D.-Md.) to sit in that day as speaker pro tempore.

Raskin then introduced guest chaplain, Pastor Deamon Scapin, to say the opening prayer.

“God of Heaven, let truth reign,” Scapin said near the beginning of his prayer.

“Bind the lying spirit of Satan and remove corruption, falsehood, and bias,” he ultimately said.

As with a previous article that repeated a months-old floor speech, no explanation is offered for why the article is appearing now, 20 months after the prayer being reported on was first made, or what, if anything, the anonymous writer found objectionble. Prayers to open legislative sessions are pretty much a daily occurrence and are typically not newsworthy in and of themselves. There may be a clue in the headline, however, which specifically refers to "Pelosi's House" even though Pelosi herself was not even there at the time.

CNS' multi-pronged war against Pelosi -- which include attacks on her religion for purportedly being insufficiently Catholic -- has gone into some weirdly obtuse places, such as an article a few weeks earlier which strangely obsessed over her saying "Oh, my God." This appears to be yet another one of those.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:43 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, August 30, 2021 4:30 PM EDT

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