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Monday, July 26, 2021
WND's Magazine Repeats Bogus COVID Claims
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The most recent edition of WorldNetDaily's sparsely read Whistleblower magazine is dedicated to the coronavirus pandemic -- or, rather, attacking the "ruling elite" for its handling of it by purportedly engaging in "all-out suppression of proven safe-and-effective COVID treatments." The issue covers all the dubious conspiracy theories WND has been promoting on the subject:

The first lie to be exposed was that an entire healthy society should be quarantined – not just the sick and vulnerable, but everybody, including those with virtually zero risk from the virus. This radical departure from previous public health practice served to prolong the pandemic by preventing the necessary attainment of herd immunity. America's booming Trump economy was crushed. Millions lost their jobs and businesses. Little children were needlessly forced to wear masks on the playground, or to stay home from school altogether. The entire nation lived in fear. Suicide, depression, drug addiction, alcoholism and crime all skyrocketed.

Moreover, the radical national lockdown enabled the far left to ride the wave of COVID chaos to shield the worst presidential and vice-presidential candidates in American history, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, from close scrutiny, then to corrupt the 2020 election, and ultimately to install a regime of deranged leftwing revolutionaries untethered to reality, history, the Constitution, the Bible or reason.


If that isn't surreal enough, there's the elite class's maniacal obsession with forcing everybody, including infants and children, pregnant women and COVID-recovered people with superior immunity, to be injected with an experimental drug despite an unprecedented lack of safety data and thousands of reported deaths after receiving the mRNA jab.

Even more shocking and inexcusable than all of the preceding has been the intentional suppression of well-documented, safe, effective and inexpensive early treatments for COVID-19 that could have saved hundreds of thousands of American lives. That is the considered conclusion of countless frontline COVID-treating doctors in the U.S. and around the world.

Repeat: Safe and effective treatment for COVID-19, which would allow the infected to be treated at home with inexpensive medications safely used for decades, avoiding massive hospitalization and death, has been intentionally suppressed and demonized. Even online discussions about these medications have been largely banned, suppressed or "fact-checked" out of existence by social media for more than a year.

While refusing to say it out loud, WND is referring to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and research still hasn't proved they are effective treatments for COVID-19.

Articles in this edition of the magazine include at least one we've proven wrong. It's a repeat of a May 25 article by Art Moore touting fearmongering Dr. Peter McCullough advsing people not to get a COVID-19 vaccine because it's "too risky"; we caught him falsely claiming that reports of adverse side effects to a government reporting system was absolute proof of the vaccine's alleged harms (in fact, the database itself clearly states that "the inclusion of events in VAERS data does not imply causality."

The magazine also includes a reprint of a May 10 column by Jane Orient of the fringe-right Association of American Physicians and Surgeons baselessly fearmongering that the vaccine could harm fertility in young women. As we've documented, the column features other baseless or outright false claims.

There's also a reprint of a May 31 article claiming that "A citywide initiative in Mexico City to prescribe ivermectin to COVID-19 patients resulted in a plunge in hospitalizations and deaths." In fact, the study is based on a database analysis, not clinical study, and it was a preprint that had not been peer-reviewed.

WND managing editor David Kupelian laughably claimed: "This issue of Whistleblower is meant to offer hope, as well as practical and vital information, to Americans who have been forced to live in fear, isolation and hardship – and subject to nonstop disinformation – throughout the pandemic, and who are looking for some real light at the end of this long dark tunnel." Actually, the only agent of disinformation we see here is WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:31 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, July 26, 2021 10:13 PM EDT

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