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Monday, October 22, 2018
Another Historical Reference Gets Shoehorned On Kavanaugh Saga
Topic: WorldNetDaily

ConWeb columnists have tried various historical allusions to bring into the Brett Kavanaugh saga, from Emmitt Till to the trial "To Kill A Mockingbird" -- never mind that, unlike with Kavanaugh, racism was the primary driving factor in both cases and the accusers were proven to have made false accusations.

Now comes Paul Kengor, who uses his Oct. 8 WorldNetDaily column to invoke another less-than-perfect allusion: the Scottsboro Boys, a group of black teenagers falsely accused of raping two white teen girls in the 1930s. Kengor then attempts to shoehorn Kavanaugh into the Scottsboro Boys narrative:

Well, truth be told, with the ideological perversities and pathologies of the left, this one can be (partly) tidied up with some nifty identity-racial politics. Here you go: The Scottsboro boys were black men, whereas Brett Kavanaugh is a white man, and a pro-life white man, and a conservative Catholic, and seeking to fill a crucial Supreme Court seat that could threaten the left’s holy grail: Roe v. Wade. Thus, Kavanaugh is a complete reprobate, never to be believed. By contrast, on the left’s ideological totem pole, the Scottsboro boys assume, by nature of their skin color, an elevated victim status that compels them to be believed, just as Kavanaugh’s position at the bottom rung of the pole (near the slimy pond scum) demands a verdict of presumed guilt.

For the confused, or unanointed, just ask a millennial college grad. This is what your children learn in our universities with your life savings. This is the price you pay for their indoctrination.

But while those curious mental gyrations help a liberal navigate how and why Brett Kavanaugh must be presumed guilty and the Scottsboro boys presumed innocent, it does leave the messy problem of what to do with the left’s new dogma that women never lie about sexual assault.


So, liberals, especially those of you dominating our universities, how will you re-evaluate the Scottsboro case in light of your newfangled political sloganeering in October 2018? I’d like to be in the Gender Theory classroom at Swarthmore or Yale when the gals take up that one. Then again, maybe not.

We've previously caught Kengor falsely smearing Margaret Sanger as a racist sympathizer of the Ku Klux Klan, a claim he walked back only reluctantly, so he's not above imposing his right-wing politics where it doesn't belong. And gratutious shots at "the Gender Theory classroom at Swarthmore or Yale" would be relevant if Kengor held his own side to the same scrutiny -- but he hasn't.

In a March column in the right-wing American Spectator, Kengor claimed to have been "troubled" by Juanita Broaddrick's rape accusation against Bill Clinton, but he never questioned the veracity of Broaddrick or other Clinton accusers. Apparently, women who make harassment claims against liberals must always be believed.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:55 AM EDT

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