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Saturday, July 12, 2014
WND Suddenly Has A Problem With Overthrowing The Government
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Art Moore writes in a July 1 WorldNetDaily article:

In an in-depth interview aired this week by the Fox New Channel, Weather Underground co-founder and Barack Obama colleague Bill Ayers has been put on the defensive by a well-prepared Megyn Kelly, who has peppered him with facts and substantial allegations of his group’s violent attacks on the U.S. government in the 1970s.

Ayers, while refusing to talk about his specific involvement in bombings, typically defends his group by characterizing it as one of many protesting an unpopular war that was taking innocent lives abroad.

But often lost in conversations Ayers has engaged in over the years about his radical past is the indisputable fact that the ultimate aim of the Weather Underground was to overthrow the U.S. government and replace it with a communist regime.


Though the war in Southeast Asia may have sparked Ayers’ movement, the many grievances that arose from the war were merely pretexts to justify a greater cause. Ayers obviously recognizes that while some solidarity can be found, even today, for the use of violent tactics in protest of an unpopular war, very few Americans have sympathy for sedition.

So WND suddenly has a problem with overthrowing the government? It sure didn't earlier this year, when it was advocating a military coup led by retired generals. And it certainly had no problem with the heavily armed militia members who came to the defense of scofflaw rancher Cliven Bundy and their threats of violence against the government.

Moore doesn't explain why it was a bad idea for Ayers to plot to overthrow the government but perfectly fine for retired generals and armed militia to do so.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:45 AM EDT

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