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Wednesday, November 20, 2013
WND's Cashill Absolves Zimmerman of Responsibility For His Behavior
Topic: WorldNetDaily

When WorldNetDaily punted and cribbed another media outlet's report on George Zimmerman's latest arrest, we predicted that Jack Cashill -- the WND columnist who wrote a book lionizing Zimmerman as a civil rights martyr -- was hard at work figuring out a way to blame anyone but Zimmerman for his actions.

Hoo boy, were we right. In a Nov. 19 WND article, Cashill pushes the idea that Zimmerman has post-traumatic stress caused not by, you know, killing a teenager, but by being held accountable for it:

Journalist and author Jack Cashill, who covers the Zimmerman case in his new book, “If I Had a Son: Race, Guns, and the Railroading of George Zimmerman,” believes that the Florida man’s latest actions are uncharacteristic of the person Zimmerman was before the Trayvon shooting and may be a sign that he is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD

“I’ve talked to his father and his brother and they said he’s just not the same person. I would say PTSD is probably a pretty good description of what’s going on,” Cashill told WND. “They took his job, took his marriage, the whole thing cost him tremendously and the media gloried in his screw-ups.”


Cashill said believes Zimmerman exhibited the thousand-yard stare, the limp, unfocused glaze of a battle-weary soldier that is often a symptom of PTSD.

“He had the thousand-yard stare. You saw it during the trial. He didn’t look sane when he was in that trial – he was utterly disengaged,” he explained. “That he is suffering from some total breakdown seems totally obvious at this point.”


Cashill said he believes the media and federal government’s relentless pursuit of Zimmerman drove the man to ruin his own life.

“Soon as the verdict came in, everything changed,” he said. “There’s a weekend of hubbub, but then they didn’t want to talk about it anymore. They didn’t want to revisit it because they know how guilty they are. His life is ruined by what they’ve done to him.”

Gee, we thought conservatives like Cashill were all about personal responsibility. Well, apparently not when it conflicts with Cashill's ideological agenda -- and he's written a book whose sales are being jeopardized by Zimmerman's increasingly criminal behavior.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:21 PM EST

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