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Wednesday, September 11, 2013
WND Shockingly Doesn't Promote Its Trayvon Book With Story On Zimmerman Arrest
Topic: WorldNetDaily

If there's anything WND really hates beyond the mere existence of President Obama, it's news that contradicts its prevailing narrative. As WND has amply demonstrated with its birther obsession, anything that proved them wrong was generally ignored.

Which makes Chelsea Schilling's Sept. 9 WND article on the arrest of George Zimmerman on suspicion of domestic violence an exception to the rule. Why? Because WND has spent months portraying Zimmerman as a victim and Trayvon Martin as a one-man black mob who totally earned being shot to death by Zimmerman.

WND is also publishing a book by columnist Jack Cashill on the case, which contains in its subtitle "the railroading of George Zimmerman." But strangely, WND -- normally a self-promotion machine -- makes no mention of Cashill's book in Schiling's article, yet another failure to disclose a conflict of interest. Nor does Schilling seek out Cashill for a comment on Zimmerman's arrest.

Why did it fail to take advantage of this opportunity for promotion? Did the normally shameless WND recognize that there is such a thing as bad publicity after all and this was not the right place to promote Cashill's book? Perhaps. 

If Zimmerman continues to behave badly, that will put a crimp in Cashill's book. We assume Cashill is feverishly working to come up with an explanation for Zimmerman's actions that will blame anyone else but Zimmerman.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:22 PM EDT

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