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Monday, June 24, 2013
WND's Cashill Ramps Up Anti-Trayvon Bias For Zimmerman Trial
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jack Cashill has made his anti-Trayvon Martin bias abundantly clear in the trial of George Zimmerman, and Cashill's fretting that Zimmerman might be held responsible for Martin's death is growing.

In a June 20 WorldNetDaily article, Cashill frets that the racial makeup of the Zimmerman jury means that his "likely" acquittal will be challenged:

In a case filled with anomalies, chalk up one more: Unless one of the six chosen jurors is booted from the case, George Zimmerman will have an all female jury.

And if the Hispanic Zimmerman is considered white – he would not be on trial if he were not – his jury is all white as well. In any case, there are no blacks among the six jurors or four alternates.

If Zimmerman is acquitted, and he likely will be, the absence of black jurors will likely be someone’s rallying cry. For the record, however, Seminole County is only 12 percent black.

Cashill also frets that "The year has been an existential nightmare for the [Zimmerman] family." Of course, it has been even more of one for the Martin family, but Cashill has already convicted Trayvon in his fevered little brain, so he is incapable of feeling the Martin family's pain.

And in a June 24 WND article, Cashill cheered that experts for the prosecution will not be able to testify that they believe screams on an audio recording of the Martin-Zimmerman encounter came from Martin. He complained that the experts' report, which used "software called Easy Voice Biometrics to determine whether it was Zimmerman who cried out for help on that fateful night in February," was "chock-a-block with arcane pseudo-scientific patois that no jury would ever have been able to understand, to wit, 'Audio CD and 911 data-logging recording both have 16-bit amplitude resolution, which divides the vertical amplitude scae (sic) of the digital signal into 2^16 =65,526 amplitude gradations.'"

Yet Cashill had no problem with arcane software examinations when he was trying to prove that Bill Ayers ghost-wrote Barack Obama's first book.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:05 PM EDT

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