Only would consider an effort to prevent cancer to be a waste of money.
The latest entry under CNS' Golden Hookah Awards (formerly Waste Watch) is a July 24 article by Eric Scheiner complaining that "The National Institutes of Health has awarded $544,188 to the University of California this year for a study on how to boost the number of young girls getting Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccinations in Los Angeles County."
Scheiner doesn't explain why he considers this money to be a waste; rather, he tries to fearmonger about the vaccine, hyping "772 serious adverse side effects, including 32 deaths, among the millions of doses administered to young girls between June 2006 and December 2008."
Scheiner then skews what the Centers for Disease Control has said about HPV vaccine to suggest that it's on the verge of banning it:
The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it continues to recommend HPV vaccination -- "based on information available today."
Along with the Food and Drug Administration, the CDC examined adverse effects from the Gardasil HPV vaccine from June 2006 through December 2008.
Of the 23 million doses administered during that period, it counted 12,424 adverse events, 776 of which it described as "serious," including 32 deaths.
Neverthelss, the CDC concluded that the vaccine's benefits continue to outweigh the risks at the present time.
CDC says it continues to "closely monitor" the vaccine's safety and will take additional action, if warranted, to protect the public.
In fact, theCDC has been much more affirmative about the overall safety of the vaccine that Scheiner suggests:
The MRC likes to plant baseless fears about HPV vaccine even as it rails against anti-vaccine conspiracy-mongers like Jenny McCarthy.To date, adverse events reported to VAERS are consistent with those identified during the vaccine’s pre-licensure clinical trials, and reporting patterns have remained unchanged, with no new concerns, since a summary of VAERS reports was published in 2009.
VAERS data continue to be routinely monitored and analyzed by CDC and FDA, with a detailed review of every serious VAERS report.
Post-licensure safety monitoring from June 2006 through March 2013 continues to show:
- No new or unusual patterns of adverse events to suggest a HPV vaccine safety concern.
- Syncope (fainting) can occur among adolescents who receive vaccines, including HPV vaccine. To decrease the risk of falls and other injuries that might follow syncope, CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that clinicians consider observing patients for 15 minutes after vaccination.