Topic: WorldNetDaily
What even Axelrod didn’t try to laugh away was the fact that although Hillary Clinton had only visited the White House 43 times in four years and Leon Panetta, 20 times, IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman had been in and out 157 times. When you realize that, between fundraisers, vacations and golf outings, Obama only visited 78 times, you have to wonder if Shulman and Michelle have been carrying on an affair.
-- Burt Prelutsky, June 18 WorldNetDaily column
But why, O why, did the Nobel Wooden Spoon Committee award the thing to Black Jesus? To the very same Black Jesus who, if reports are to be believed, proposes to send U.S.-made weapons to stoke the war between one Islamic extremist faction and another in Syria, of all places?
-- Christopher Monckton, June 18 WND column
In America, among the many destructive policies of President Barack Hussein Obama, he has included a campaign of placing Muslim Brotherhood operatives in key government positions. Notably of late, there has been inordinate deference paid to Islam in the military and the Pentagon, and an inversely proportional persecution and marginalization of Christian personnel at all levels. National defense protocols and training have been stultified due to the influence of Muslims in official capacity in the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security. Mosques, which serve as bases of operation for terrorists, have been off-limits to routine law enforcement surveillance efforts under the Obama administration.
-- Erik Rush, June 19 WND column
By the time you read this, it may already have been voted upon and settled, just waiting for the magic signature of the man in the Oval Office – or, in other words: “The Great Oz” gets what he wants again, and the people be damned.
The country, too.It’s euphemistically called “immigration reform,” but in reality it’s a massive sell-out of the United States to Third World illegals who have taken advantage of our laxity, stupidity, liberal racial guilt and the death-wish of the Democratic Party to gain political power that it hopes will put them in office forever.
--Barbara Simpson, June 23 WND column
Saint Patrick may have been recognized for driving the snakes out of Ireland, but this past week one of them slithered back in. Obama is the personification of an elapid that is now without the appendages some believe the serpent that beguiled Eve in the Garden had possessed before it was made to slither upon the ground. That said, he has not shed the character of the personage incarnate in that first serpent.
-- Mychal Massie, June 24 WND column
What this country needs is a sober Eliot Ness, eager to clean up the corruption in Washington. What it has, unfortunately, is Barack Obama, a Marxist airhead who is so infatuated with himself that in high school, I’m willing to bet, he invited himself to the prom.
-- Burt Prelutsky, June 25 WND column
Obama has bankrupted America. His interventions in Benghazi, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt and Syria have been inept at best, illegal at worst.
Obamacare will import all the worst features of the communist country in miniature that is Britain’s now terminally collapsing National Health Service, where treatment is rationed by death.
His climate change policies, and the slew of lavishly taxpayer-funded renewable-boondoggle bankruptcies, are mad.
His anti-Christian attitudes, enthusiastically endorsed by the Supreme Kangaroo Court, spit upon the memory of the men of religion who founded your nation and intended that Congress should pass no law circumscribing religious freedom.
And his birth certificate is bogus. He is not entitled even to hold the office of president.
-- Christopher Monckton, July 2 WND column
The cost of another president leading us as a nation under ever more surveillance will be a future 9/11 in which the terrorists will have won – even before all the corpses they amass are counted.
Bear in mind that a majority of us re-elected Obama, our lead betrayer. Shall we continue betraying ourselves?
-- Nat Hentoff, July 2 WND column
Let’s forget for a moment that Obama is what passes for black in America (though not necessarily in Africa). There’s the Obama who genuflects before the Chinese and Saudis, and apologizes for America’s colonialist past when he speaks to European liberals and those in Arab nations. Then, there’s the Obama who goes to Africa and patronizes the hell out of them, dangling American largesse on the one hand while attempting to dictate their social agenda on the other. He’s the ultimate con man.
-- Erik Rush, July 3 WND column