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Thursday, June 20, 2013
CNS' Lucas Tries To Invent An IRS Controversy

Fred Lucas' June 20 article certainly sounds ominous:

The Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual advocacy group, will not say who provided it with a confidential list of donors to the National Organization for Marriage, although NOM’s chairman believes someone at the Internal Revenue Service leaked the information. The IRS also is silent on the question.

Providing such donor information is a felony, John C. Eastman, chairman of the board for the National Organization for Marriage, told The Justice Department deferred the matter to the Treasury Department, but Eastman said the probe by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration seems to have stalled.

To keep up this tone, however, Lucas has to ignore the evidence that undermines it.

As Media Matters details, congressional testimony from acting IRS Commissioner Steve Miller made it clear that the disclosure of NOM's donor list was done by an IRS employee who wasn't follow proper procedures, and disciplinary action was taken.

Further, former NOM chairwoman Maggie Gallagher has also debunked the conspiracy theory, writing in May that "You may recall that a low-level employee also released NOM's private tax-return information to a guy claiming to be a NOM employee, who then posted it on the Internet."

On top of that, the HRC's "NOM Exposed" campaign states that the NOM Form 990 it's referring to was "obtained by the American Independent."

Lucas makes no mention of any of this. Of course, if he had, he wouldn't have a conspiracy story to write.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:49 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:54 PM EDT
WND Wavers on Snowden, Definitely Hates Glenn Greenwald
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily doesn't quite know what to think about Edward Snowden's revelations on NSA surveillance -- its commentary page swings from Molotov Mitchell's "Ed Snowden: true patriot" to Barry Farber's "Ed Snowden: A sleazebag on a good day."

WND does apparently agree, however, that Glenn Greenwald, the reporter who broke Snowden's revelations, is a horrible person. Aaron Klein plays his usual guilt-by-association game in a June 19 article, claiming that Greenwald "founded a progressive activist coalition that encompasses a who’s who of the George Soros-funded radical left." And, of course, it wouldn't be a true Aaron Klein guilt-by-association special if he couldn't link Greenwald to Obama:

Greenwald also served on a conference panel titled “Revolution and imperialism in the Middle East” with Chicago based pro-Palestine activist Ali Abunimah.

Greenwald and Abinimah teamed up to defend the 2010 flotilla attempting to end Israel’s naval blockade of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Abunimah was part of the Free Gaza Movement that helped to organize the flotilla.

Abunimah’s website, Electronic Intifada, routinely praises Greenwald’s activism.

WND broke the story that Obama spoke at fundraisers in the 1990s for Palestinians living in what the United Nations terms refugee camps.

Abunimah recalled introducing Obama at one such event, a 1999 fundraiser for the Deheisha Palestinian camp in the West Bank.

Abunimah previously described meeting with Obama at a fundraiser at the home of Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi, reportedly a former PLO activist.

It was WND that first exposed Obama’s long relationship with Khalidi.

Ah, that's the Aaron Klein we know and love!

Posted by Terry K. at 10:48 PM EDT
NewsBusters' Sheffield Plays the Bureaucrat-Whisperer Card
Topic: NewsBusters

In a June 18 article at the far-right American Spectator (excerpted in part at NewsBusters), NewsBusters managing editor Matthew Sheffield blames President Obama for creating the climate in which the IRS felt it was just peachy to subject conservative activist nonprofit groups to extra scrutiny:

The persistent lies that have been told about right-leaning political groups by leading Democrats, including President Obama himself, may have led to the IRS abuses of power that we’ve heard so much about in recent weeks.

Even assuming that the Internal Revenue Service decided to target conservative groups without explicit orders, the fact is that Obama and other Democrats have been smearing conservatives for so long with vague but outrageous charges of criminality, it’s no wonder that some bureaucratic goons decided to harass “tea party” and “patriot” groups.


At this stage of the investigation of the IRS scandal, it is unclear whether the Obama White House or other top Democratic politicians directed the tax enforcement agency to deliberately audit Tea Party groups and to delay their applications for tax-exempt status. What is clear is that President Obama and fellow Democrats, with the willing assistance from the supposedly “objective” media, created a climate of intimidation and slander that quite easily could have spurred the IRS to abuse its power.

Ah, the ol' "bureaucrat whisperer" ploy. As Media Matters' Simon Maloy details, "This is a popular argument because it allows for literally anything to be brought forward as evidence of Obama's culpability. Any conservative hobbyhorse or perceived slight by Obama or anyone remotely connected to Obama ... can be easily recast as part of the president's alleged campaign to undermine the tea party via innuendo and pseudo-telepathy."

Sheffield goes on to whine: "If Republicans decided to go around making such outrageous accusations without providing a shred of proof for them, you can bet that the media would have attacked them mercilessly just as they did radio host Rush Limbaugh after he insulted left-wing activist Sandra Fluke." This is the same guy who uncritically bought Limbaugh's self-serving apology to Fluke that was more of a CYA operation in the face of mounting criticism and advertiser boycotts than anything genuinely "heartfelt" and "sincere," as Limbaugh insisted it was.

And this is the same Matthew Sheffield who expressed glee that one advertiser who withdrew from Limbaugh's show due to his three-day tirade of misogyny against Fluke saw its profits go down.

This is just another example of Sheffield's attempt to be some kind of right-wing new-media guru descending into mere repetition of tired conservative talking points.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:19 PM EDT
Does WND Like Running Racist Ads On Its Website?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Remember when WorldNetDaily had standards for the advertising it runs?

In 2001, WND "at least temporarily" discontinued national advertising on its website "because too many are offensive to management and readers." Those allegedly offensive ads WND editor Joseph Farah disliked ranged "from the promotion of online gambling to the marketing of national television programs that, he says, he would never allow his own children to watch."

In 2009, WND railed against "Sexually provocative ads, sexually suggestive ads, sexually oriented ads and those that are in bad taste," and Farah asked readers to flag ads "of questionable merit or taste" appearing on the website.

What WND apparently doesn't find offensive, though, are racially inflammatory ads that smear the wife of the president of the United States. Wonkette has caught WND publishing the following ad on its website:

Did anybody not flag this for Farah until now? Or does Farah not find this offensive? Perhaps he should explain to his readers why this ad appears on his website.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:13 AM EDT
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Newsmax Promotes Ron Paul's Infinity-Gold Claim
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax thinks this is news:

How high can the price of gold go? Former Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul thinks it could go to infinity.

Appearing on CNBC's "Futures Now," Paul explained that "excessive spending and excessive computerized money" is driving down the dollar, and in turn raising the price of gold.

"Eventually, if we're not careful, it will go to infinity, because the dollar will collapse totally," Paul said.

Uh, yeah.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:43 PM EDT
WND Dishonestly Portrays CDC As Clueless On HIV
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Steve Peacock writes in a June 16 WorldNetDaily article:

If one believes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the reason certain populations in the U.S. report more cases of HIV isn’t a mystery.

Except to the Obama administration.

The administration seems perplexed about why homosexuals – whom it defines as “men who have sex with men”– along with racial and ethnic minorities, transgender persons and youths 13-29 continue to represent the “overwhelming majority” of the 50,000 new HIV cases reported annually in the U.S.

So now the Obama administration, through the CDC, is working to amass a list of researchers who could investigate and publish, independently of the government, conclusions about “this health disparity in the HIV epidemic,” according to a sources-sought notice that WND discovered via routine database research.

That's an apparently deliberate misinterpretation of what the CDC is looking for. It's not questioning that "men who have sex with men" make up the “overwhelming majority” of new HIV cases -- it wants to know why new cases of HIV has remained relatively constant and arguably high in recent years. From the CDC solicitation Peacock cites:

Thirty years into the HIV/AIDS epidemic, many advances have been made in HIV prevention, care, and treatment. Great strides have been made in the development of faster and more efficient HIV testing and screening technologies, and in medical treatments that allow HIV-positive persons to live long and productive lives. Yet despite these efforts, approximately 50,000 Americans are infected with HIV each year, and the overwhelming majority of these new infections remain among minority and vulnerable communities, such as racial and ethnic minorities, men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender persons, and youth (aged 13-29). This health disparity in the HIV epidemic is anchored in long-standing social issues, such as racism, discrimination, stigma, poverty, incarceration, and healthcare inequity.

In July, 2010, President Barack Obama unveiled the first National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) for the United States, a coordinated national response to reduce the burden of HIV in the U.S. by 2015. The strategy outlined 3 major goals: (1) reduce the number of people who become infected with HIV; (2) increase access to care and improve health outcomes for people living with HIV; and (3) reduce HIV-related health disparities. The strategy emphasizes focusing efforts in communities where HIV is highly concentrated, and by addressing HIV in these communities, lowering the collective HIV risk of all Americans.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP) provides leadership in helping to control the HIV epidemic. To continue these efforts and in alignment with NHAS, DHAP requires the support of an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract to (1) conduct qualitative inquiry methods to help answer timely questions related to HIV prevention, and (2) to use the findings to strengthen existing and future HIV prevention efforts. It is increasingly important to understand the issues, behaviors, barriers and facilitators experienced by those at greatest risk for HIV to better focus prevention programs and successfully reduce the number of persons infected with HIV, especially in vulnerable communities, and increase access to HIV treatment and care for all HIV-positive persons. 

Peacock's portrayal of the CDC and the Obama administration as being in denial that gays make up most cases of HIV is very dishonest. But do we expect anything else from WND?

Posted by Terry K. at 2:57 PM EDT
NewsBusters' Double Standard on News Orgs Editing Stories After Publication
Topic: NewsBusters

Tim Graham uses a June 16 NewsBusters post to complain that the New York Times "found it advantageous to edit out an America-hating Iranian who wished the Times building would burn down" and other supposedly pertinent information.

Certainly the Media Resarch Center, where Graham is director of media analysis, would not be so gauche as to make substantive changes in articles after publication and not tell their readers, right?

That's a trick question -- of course the MRC has done this.

As we've documented, a June 14 article by Penny Starr falsely claim that Mark Sanford "resigned as governor of South Carolina in 2009 after he revealed that he was having an extra-marital affair."CNS later removed the entire paragraph containing the false claim about Sanford resigning -- which also means the reference to Sanford's affair has also been deleted. CNS also didn't bother to tell readers that Starr's article has been corrected.

Shouldn't Graham hold the organization for which he works to the very same journalistic standards he applies to others?

Posted by Terry K. at 9:03 AM EDT
WND Whitewashes Racism of The Afrikaners It Quotes
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A June 15 WorldNetDaily article by Alex Newman (who normally writes for the New American, the magazine published by the far-right John Birch Society, which tells you the standards WND is hiring writers by these days) worries about "the future of increasingly marginalized European-descent South Africans." But the people Newman quotes in support of that view tend to be right-wing extremists.

Newman writes:

Hundreds of thousands of economically excluded Afrikaners now live in squalid squatter camps throughout South Africa without so much as running water or electricity.

Hundreds of thousands more have fled to Western nations seeking a better life.

“The advent of black rule has been devastating for whole groups of whites, even highly educated ones,” Dan Roodt of the Pro-Afrikaans Action Group, PRAAG, told WND.

To provide a clue as to where Roodt's racial views lie, he wrote a 2012 article for the white nationalist website American Renaissancein which he approvingly quotes AmRen leader Jared Taylor asking that "the Republican Party be loyal to its electorate and become the unabashed champion of white interests" and writes, "We need to form a global network to keep America from falling into the hands of anti-white zealots. ... If the United States goes the way of South Africa, whites everywhere will be in danger."

Roodt was also a fellow traveler of Eugene Terreblanche, a white supremacist (and favorite of WND columnist Ilana Mercer) who headed the militant Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) until he was killed by two black farmhands.

Newman also writes:

For an increasingly significant segment of the population, it is becoming clearer that today’s South Africa is simply not sustainable in the long term.

“South Africa is a colonial construct, currently an incompatible, unsustainable mix,” International Afrikaner Society President Hannes Louw told WND.

Louw is reportedly a speaker at this weekend's national conference of the League of the South, the neo-Confederate fringe group that advocates for a second Southern secession and a society dominated by “European Americans.”

Newman also touts how Genocide Watch "raised its alert level on South Africa to stage 6 out of 8 – the planning and preparation phase of the extermination process" without mentioning that the group lowered the level to stage 5 due to developments within the country.

Finally, Newman seems to want to play down the offensive parts of apartheid, describing its end in 1994 as "when the Western establishment and Soviet powers finally succeeded in forcing the anti-communist, white-dominated government to relinquish power."

Posted by Terry K. at 12:30 AM EDT
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Newsmax Columnist: TSA's Groping Softened Us Up for NSA's Snooping
Topic: Newsmax

Here’s a question I asked myself yesterday: Would I rather have my phone records collected and readied for possible inspection by the National Security Agency, or have my genitalia scrutinized by the Transportation Security Administration?
One answer, of course, is, why choose? In today’s America you can have both.
But my preference is the latter, and not only because the TSA Genitalia-Inspection Service has been doing its business on me (and you, too!) for years now and I’ve grown used to it in the way that Americans too readily accept indignities foisted on them by large institutions, including, but not limited to, the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Homeland Security, and Facebook.
Here’s my reasoning: It is better, I think, to suffer the stick-’em-up humiliation of the TSA’s naked body scan machines, because while they can see through our clothes, at least they can’t see inside our heads. Not yet, anyway.

-- Jeffrey Goldberg, June 12 Newsmax column

Posted by Terry K. at 9:11 AM EDT
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

There is vulgar, there is dishonest, and then there is Obama. There is contemptible, there is empyema, and then there is Obama. Obama is the transmogrification of diseased exuviae into a biped.

-- Mychal Massie, June 10 WorldNetDaily column

Obama’s goal is stomping out all opposition. That’s his end game – and he has been and continues to use every component of the federal government to achieve it.

What Obama most fears is that people will recognize his objectives – and they are beginning to do just that.

When he tells you to “reject those voices,” he’s like the Wizard of Oz telling Dorothy not to pay attention to the man behind the curtain. He doesn’t want his constituency to see reality. He doesn’t want you to recognize that tyranny is indeed lurking around the corner – or even closer than that. He especially doesn’t want to people to recognize that he is the face of that tyranny.

-- Joseph Farah, June 10 WND column

In its impact on both our international and our domestic security and welfare, Obama’s abusive occupation of the White House casts a grim shadow over the prospects for the survival of America’s constitutional liberty. In what has been dubbed the system of checks and balances established by the U.S. Constitution, impeachment is the ultimate check, intended to impede or stop dangerous abuses before they have gathered such force, in terms of inimical foreign and domestic powers, that they can be resisted by no means short of civil war. By failing to carry out their responsibility to deploy this constitutionally strategic resource, the GOP is allowing an ever deepening cloud of distrust, suspicion, anger and fear to spread throughout the body politic. To be sure, every new revelation of abuse rouses the people’s concern and anger. But the other edge of the sword is the chilling effect it may have on people more inclined to fear than to resist what they perceive as a growing and unchallenged reality of power.

-- Alan Keyes, June 11 WND column

So there is no media pressure to bring the matter to court, and no political pressure either. A state of such fear and funk now subsists in the United States that no one will touch the birth certificate issue.

And that is a shame, because the in-your-face forged “birth certificate” is arguably the biggest news story of our generation. In defiance of your Constitution, the current occupant of the White House clings to office even though his endorsement of the bogus document creates serious doubt about whether he is entitled to hold that office, and still more serious doubt about his fitness to hold it even if he were constitutionally entitled.

-- Christopher Monckton, June 11 WND column

Presuming ignorance of Obama’s Marxism, we still have common-sense deductions, such as: If the administration were genuinely concerned about national security, it stands to reason that it would have refrained from enacting innumerable policies which dramatically compromised our national security. The president might not have projected weak foreign policy, facilitated jihadists abroad, tolerated them domestically and insinuated Muslim Brotherhood operatives in high-level government positions. How, with all of their expertise and technology, was the government unable to stop two kids with bombs in their backpacks – of whom the FBI were already aware – from detonating them in Boston on the 15th of April?

-- Erik Rush, June 12 WND column

The Obama faction is now openly engaged in a campaign to use the power of the U.S. government to overthrow the U.S. Constitution. Because they have not or will not let themselves be tutored by America’s founders, the GOP majority in the House of Representatives is showing itself to be incompetent to deal with it. Obama’s disciples of Marx and Saul Alinsky every day parade abuses infuriating to a solid majority of the American people. But instead of a strategic response that rallies this aggrieved majority in defense of America’s liberty, the so-called leaders of the party that claims to stand in opposition to Obama’s push for totalitarian socialism offer a ragged, piecemeal response.

-- Alan Keyes, June 13 WND column

This isn’t a left or right issue. This is about freedom. This is about the rule of law. Barack Obama has exposed himself as an enemy of the Constitution, an enemy of the American people – all of the American people – whether liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican.

Liberals, let’s agree to disagree where we disagree. Likewise, let’s agree to agree where we agree.

Let’s come together and do something about America’s Barack Obama problem.

-- Matt Barber, June 14 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 1:19 AM EDT
Monday, June 17, 2013
CNS Finds Even More 'Wasteful' Spending on LGBT Issues
Topic:'s special gaydar for finding supposedly wasteful federal spending on LGBT issues has kicked in again:

  • A June 14 article by Melanie Hunter states that "The State Department through its Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) is planning to spend $450,000 in taxpayer dollars 'to support programs that increase protection of transgender persons who face acute forms of violence and harassment.'"
  • A June 17 article by Ryan Kierman states: "The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has authorized a three-year study to find out why some HIV-positive homosexual men in Kenya do not seek the free treatment that American taxpayers already are funding."

Of the 27 articles currently on CNS' Waste Watch page, six involve LGBT issues. This doesn't include two early "Waste Watch" entries involving health issues of lesbians. CNS doesn't explain why these programs -- or any of the others on its list -- are considered "waste."

Posted by Terry K. at 11:46 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, June 17, 2013 11:51 PM EDT
Larry Klayman Quotes Himself
Topic: WorldNetDaily

How narcissistic is Larry Klayman? He uses his column as an excuse to quote at length from his own press releases.

From Klayman's June 14 WorldNetDaily column:

Earlier this week, I filed two class actions lawsuits over the NSA’s PRISM scheme. Here is how one of my press releases described the cases and the large stakes involved.

“Having already filed a $3 billion class action with regard to the alleged government privacy abuse by the Obama administration and Verizon, Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and a former Justice Department prosecutor, filed a new $20 billion dollar companion class action suit in D.C. federal court today. Like the prior class action suit concerning Verizon, this new case names President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, the heads of the NSA and the 12 other companies who have collaborated with the government in violating the privacy and other constitutional rights of American citizens. The companies named in the suit which are tied to the government’s PRISM-NSA scheme are: Sprint, T-Mobile, AT&T, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Skype, YouTube, Apple, PalTalk, AOL, and Yahoo. The users and subscribers of these companies comprise, combined with the Verizon class plaintiffs, a majority of the entire U.S. citizenry and thus these complementary class action suits pit the American people against their government and corporate enablers.”

“This and the Verizon class action will serve to unify all political and social persuasions in our great nation to wage a second American revolution, one that is peaceful and legal – but pursued with great resolve and force. Government dishonesty and tyranny against the people have reached historic proportions during the last three administrations in particular, and the time has come for We the People to rise up and reclaim control of our nation. If not, the government will control us, and this will mark the end of individual liberties. The American people can thus use these class actions to ‘man the barricades of freedom’ against the establishment government despots and their corporate enablers who seek to enslave them through coercive abuses their privacy. This Orwellian power grab can only be intended to blackmail the masses into submission in order that these modern day greedy tyrants achieve their corrupt ends.” [See]

Has Klayman turned into the new Andy Martin in terms of deluded self-regard and legal incompetence? It appears so.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:58 PM EDT
NewsBusters' Double Standard on Conflicts of Interest
Topic: NewsBusters

A June 15 NewsBusters post by John Williams complains that "NPR’s rising young celebrity-like star Ari Shapiro, White House Correspondent," has been allowed to stay in that position despite the fact that his spouse, Michael Gottlieb, works in the Obama White House Counsel’s office. "Despite this, NPR has kept Shapiro in the same position as White House Correspondent and has never disclosed on-air or on its website this significant conflict of interest," Williams adds.

Williams' complaint might be taken more seriously if he and his fellow NewsBusters weren't ignoring media conflicts of interest on their own side of the aisle.

In a NewsBusters item posted just a few hours before Williams' item, Randy Hall touts how Fox News host Greta Van Susteren is "delighted" to have Sarah Palin back at Fox as a contributor because "it will drive her critics crazy! They are obsessed with her!”

Unmentioned by Hall or anyone else at NewsBusters: Van Susteren's husband, John Coale, has served as an adviser to Palin, starting both her political action committee, SarahPAC, and her legal defense fund. Coale also rode along with Palin on parts of her 2011 bus tour.

That seems like a conflict of interest that should be disclosed, but NewsBusters is apparently giving Van Susteren a pass because she works for a right-wing-friendly channel.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:46 AM EDT
Aaron Klein's 'Proper Perspective'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A June 13 WorldNetDaily article used the hook of a (Hebrew-only) profile of Aaron Klein in an Israeli newspaper to push the dubious claim that Klein is "quickly becoming somewhat of a media sensation – in Israel." The article features this interesting tidbit:

Klein told the paper why he thinks covering the U.S. while living in Tel Aviv is advantageous.

“I have a major advantage being in Israel,” Klein told the Post. “For example when a child is raised in a dysfunctional household, sometimes he doesn’t realize the reality of the situation until he leaves and takes a look at things from the outside. Being here in Israel I have the advantage of exploring U.S. politics with a proper perspective, where I can see things far more clearly.”

What have WND readers gotten from Klein's "proper persective" of covering the U.S. while living halfway across the world?

Lots of guilt-by-association smears.

Even more hiding behind anonymous sources to make questionable claims.

A pile of distorted or outright false attacks on Elena Kagan.

A coterie of fringe extremists to make even more dubious claims.

His expertise serving as a mouthpiece for a dying dictatorship. (Make that two dying dictatorships.)

And, of course, more than five years of utter hatred of Obama, including books filled with false or dubious claims and conspiracy theories.

That's not "proper perspective" -- that's letting your bias drive your reporting. As any real journalist knows, there's nothing proper about that.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:39 AM EDT
Sunday, June 16, 2013
CNS Repeats Bogus Claim About Obama Administration Salaries

At, a good lie about President Obama is always worth repeating.

In a June 10 CNS blog post, Joe Schoffstall wrote that "The White House is calling for the passage of the Paycheck Fairness Act, citing that women earn just 77 cents on the dollar compared to their male counterparts," but "the Obama Administration doesn't seem to live up to its own words; as men are paid 13 percent more than women in the administration."

As we pointed out when CNS' Fred Lucas made the same exact claim earlier this year that Schoffstall regurgitates, PolitiFact detailed how the simple salary division by gender is that it doesn't take into account the types of jobs being done and the much more important question of whether women are making the same as men for the same job. In most of the White House job categories held by more than one person, most show no difference between pay for men and women, eight categories showed a man slightly outearning a woman, and six categories showed a woman outearning a man.

But apparently, as long as the misleading statistics bash Obama, that's whaty Schoffstall and CNS will run with.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:44 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, June 16, 2013 11:46 PM EDT

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