Topic: WorldNetDaily
It's not often that WorldNetDaily deletes a column after publication apparently because it's too crazy, but it has happened in the past. WND deleted Anthony LoBaido's post-9/11 god-damn-America column after its unhinged rhetoric -- he blamed the attacks on America's immorality since "all that is evil in the world can be found in New York" and, for good measure, called Hillary Clinton "openly Marxist, treasonous and abortion-mongering, occultic" -- caused so much negative attention that WND felt it had to make the column quietly disappear (though it lives on in the Wayback Machine).
It appears that WND has pulled another disappearing act on another whacked-out column.
On June 5, WND published a column by David Lane, who runs evangelical outreach for Sen. Rand Paul. Under the headline "Wage war to restore a Christian America," Lane went on a massive anti-gay tirade, declaring that "Those who embrace homosexual marriage and homosexual Scouting – or homosexuality in general – know little and practice nothing of Christianity."
The last paragraph of Peter J. Leithart’s “Between Babel and the Beast” frames properly the battle facing America:
“Throughout Scripture, the only power that can overcome the seemingly invincible omnipotence of a Babel or a Beast is the power of martyrdom, the power of the witness to King Jesus to the point of loss and death. American Christianity has not done a good job of producing martyrs, and that is because we have done such an outstanding job of nurturing Americanists who regret that they have only one life to give for their country. Americanists cannot break Babelic or bestial power because they cannot distinguish heretical Americanism from Christian orthodoxy. Until we do, America will lurch along the path that leads from Babel to Beast. If America is to be put in its place – put right – Christians must risk martyrdom and force Babel to the crux where it has to decide either to acknowledge Jesus an imperator and the church as God’s imperium or to begin drinking holy blood.”Where are the champions of Christ to save the nation from the pagan onslaught imposing homosexual marriage, homosexual scouts, 60 million babies done to death by abortion and red ink as far as the eye can see on America? Who will wage war for the Soul of America and trust the living God to deliver the pagan gods into our hands and restore America to her Judeo-Christian heritage and re-establish a Christian culture?
As demonstrated by the give-and-take with the pagan media elite and pagan National Education Association, it is impossible to hold a conversation with someone bent on delivering a monologue. Christian America must war to make our nation a better place for our kids and grandkids.
If the American experiment with freedom is to end after 237 years, let each of us commit to brawl all the way to the end because, “Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization.” [Winston Churchill]
You ask, “What is our goal?” To wage war to restore America to our Judeo-Christian heritage with all of our might and strength that God will give us. You ask, “What is our aim?” One word only: victory, in spite of all intimidation and terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, America will ultimately collapse.
“But I take up my task with buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. At this time I feel entitled to claim the aid of all, and I say, come then let us go forward together with our united strength.” [Winston Churchill]
Will a Gideon or Rahab the Harlot please stand.
But sometime in the past few days, WND has made this column disappear -- the link to it now states, "This story or column has been removed." WND has offered no public explanation for why it removed the column; we've contacted WND for an explanation, but had not heard back at this posting.
WND has few journalistic standards, so it's unclear why it would suddenly and quietly pull Lane's column when it doesn't seem any crazier than other things it has posted on its website. Telling lies is hunky-dory with the WND powers that be, as is calling President Obama "our American 'führer,'" and claiming that dogs can form "black mobs."
(h/t Wonkette, Good As You)
UPDATE: Right Wing Watch reminds us that Lane was on the tour of Israel Rand Paul took earlier this year with WND editor Joseph Farah.