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Monday, June 10, 2013
Newsmax Still Misleading About Its Popularity
Topic: Newsmax

Last month, we caught Newsmax deceptively promoting the popularity of its website. It's still doing so in a June 3 article:

Newsmax Media, Inc., a leading independent publisher, has announced that its sites have held the No. 1 position in comScore’s News/Politics category for the second month in a row.

In data released last week week, comScore reports that during April, 65 million Americans viewed online content in its News/Politics category. In this period, Newsmax sites led all other sites in web traffic with more than 14 million monthly unique visitors. ComScore notes that Newsmax exceeded such competitors as HuffPost Politics and Fox News Politics with these recent April numbers. Newsmax also was No. 1 in the same category for personal computer users who read News/Politics online.

But if you look at the list provided in the article, Newsmax is once again pitting its entire website -- which, judging by the "Newsmax Sites" description, include its dedicated financial news, world news and health  sites -- against sub-sections of other websites: Huffington Post Politics, CNN Politics and Politics.

That's not an apples-to-apples comparison, no matter how much WND would like to portray it.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:22 PM EDT

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