Topic: WorldNetDaily
Not only is WND begging its reader for cash to fuel its birther agenda, Jerome Corsi has created a company that will launder anonymous donations to Joe Arpaio's birther posse. Read more >>
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
NEW ARTICLE: The WorldNetDaily Super PAC
Topic: WorldNetDaily Not only is WND begging its reader for cash to fuel its birther agenda, Jerome Corsi has created a company that will launder anonymous donations to Joe Arpaio's birther posse. Read more >>
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:24 AM EDT
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
NewsBusters: Paying Off Abusive Priests 'Fast and Economical'
Topic: NewsBusters We've detailed how NewsBusters' Dave Pierre threw Jews under the bus to divert attention from Catholic Church sex abuse scandal. Now, Pierre is coming to defense of a bishop who paid off abusive priests rather than punish them for their misdeeds. In a June 3 NewsBusters post, Pierre complains that the New York Times reported on then-Milwaukee archbishop Timothy Dolan's practice of paying abusive priests to leave the priesthood:
But shouldn't these abusive priests have faced the criminal justice system for committing illegal acts? Shouldn't justice have been placed before expediency? Pierre makes no mention of what, if anything, the Milwaukee diocese under Dolan did for the victims of those priests. Pierre doesn't answer those thorny ethical questions. He's too busy trying to district from those thorny ethical questions by attacking others. First up is the group SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) gets bashed for highlighting the issue; Pierre calls SNAP "anti-Catholic" -- as if being sexually abused by a priest doesn't cause a person to question their faith -- and attacks its leader, David Clohessy, for purportedly having "unseemly contacts with contingency lawyers in Missouri." (Pierre and NewsBusters have previously attacked Clohessy for bringing attention to the church's sexual abuse scandal.) Then, Pierre distracts with sexual abuse scandals in schools:
Just because others do it doesn't make it right. If those school districts jumped off a bridge, does that mean the Catholic Church should too? That's the juvenile argument Pierre is making here. Defending the Catholic Church is one thing. Defending it against all reason is another. Pierre has chosen the latter path.
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:26 PM EDT
WND's Vox Day Joins Anti-Vaccine Bandwagon
Topic: WorldNetDaily WorldNetDaily is continuing to have trouble letting go of the discredited mytn that vaccines cause autism.The latest contributor to the myth is Vox Day, in his June 3 WND column:
Day goes on to argue that "It is estimated that between 90 percent and 99 percent of all vaccine-related events go unreported" because infant deaths reported as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) are actually because of vaccines.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:47 PM EDT
Send In The Clowns: LeBoutillier Interviews Ed Klein for Newsmax
Topic: Newsmax Apparently, Donald Trump isn't the only person Newsmax will inflict John LeBoutillier on. Newsmax has posted three clips so far of an interview clownish conspiracy theorist LeBoutillier has conducted with discredited Obama-bashing author Edward Klein:
At no point, however, do any of these articles disclose the fact the Klein and LeBoutillier collaborated on a book last year, the self-published Obama-bashing novel "The Obama Identity," in which the pair feature "the foreskin of President Obama as a major plot point, along with birtherism, an incomprehensible plot, and the inclusion of every ludicrous conservative conspiracy about Obama." Should an author who wrote such ludicrous things about Obama even be trusted to write a nonfictin book about him? Newsmax wants you to think so.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:08 AM EDT
Another WND-Klayman Lawsuit Goes Up In Flames
Topic: WorldNetDaily Larry Klayman and WorldNetDaily are batting zero on the lawsuit front. A June 4 WND article reports:
For all of Klayman's ranting about the anti-SLAPP law, nowhere is he quoted commenting on the judge's key ruling in her dismissal -- namely, that Farah admitted the Esquire blog post was satire before it became "inconvenient" for him to do so:
This marks the second lawsuit by sue-happy defamer Klayman on WND's behalf that blew up in his face. In 2010, WND's Klayman-led $10 million lawsuit against the White House Correspondents Association because the WHCA wouldn't sell WND the number of tickets it demanded for the annual correspondents dinner was swiftly tossed out of court on a WHCA request for dismissal. Adding insult to injury, the copy of the order sent to Klayman's office was returned was returned to the court because it was "Not Deliverable as Addressed, Unable to Forward." WND, Klayman and birthers extraordinare Jerome Corsi and Mara Zebest announced the lawsuit against esquire last year at a sparsely attended dog-and-pony show. When we asked about the WHCA lawsuit at that time, Klayman brusquely dismissed us, saying that "we decided not to pursue that." If the lawsuit was so unimportant to pursue, why bother filing it in the first place? (Besides publicity, that is.) The fact that Klayman pursues dubious and time-consuming lawsuits for the purpose of [publicity shows you what kind of lawyer he is. Which is to say, the kind of lawyer who has trouble making a living as a sue-happy defamer. Yet WND apparently has Klayman on retainer. Go figure.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:12 AM EDT
Monday, June 4, 2012
CNS Keeps Up Its Obsession Over Afghan Troop Deaths Under Obama
Topic: It's a new month, and you know what that means: a new Afghanistan body-count article from's Edwin Mora.
As Mora has consistently done in using his body-count articles to politicize the Afghan war to bash President Obama, he disappears the fact that casualty rates were much higher at the peak of the Iraq War under President Bush. In fact, the words "BusH" and "Iraq" appear nowhere in Mora's article. We've detailed how CNS' body-count reporting on Iraq prior to Obama's election was focused on the reduction in casualties.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:51 PM EDT
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Wayne Allyn Root Edition
Topic: Newsmax
-- Wayne Allyn Root, May 31 Newsmax column (Root has a chronic case of Obama derangement.)
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:38 AM EDT
NewsBusters: Anyone Who Criticizes Catholic Film Is 'Elitist'
Topic: NewsBusters As part of the Media Research Center's public relations campaign to promote the new film "For Greater Glory," about a Catholic martyr in Mexico, Scott Whitlock sneered in a June 1 NewsBusters post that any film critic who didn't like the film was nothing but an "elitist":
Whitlock takes particular aim at Detroit News reviewer Tom Long, who in Whitlock's words "could barely hide his disinterest in the movie's subject matter." In fact, it's clear from Long's review that his complaint was that the movie gave him no reason to care:
Whitlock apparently doesn't understand what film critics do, one of which is judging how effectively a film conveys its message to those outside its intended audience. If a film is simply pushing emotional buttons and building set pieces and not making an effort to make viewers not already invested in the film's agenda care about what's going on, it is a failure at a certain level. But Whitlock any everyone else at the MRC involved in its propagandistic promotion of the film don't care such things. They care only that a message that conforms to its right-wing was delivered.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:40 AM EDT
WND Teams Up With Alex Jones to Go On Bilderberg Patrol
Topic: WorldNetDaily A June 2 WorldNetDaily article by Michael Thompson touts a gathering of "more than 1,000 protestors" outside the Washington-area convention center where the Bilderberg Group was meeting, "the secret conclave that gathers global leaders of finance and government." Getting big play in Thompson's article his interview at the protest -- embedded in his article -- with Alex Jones, described only as a "radio personality" who "hosts the radio program 'The Alex Jones Show' and runs the popular news site" Such a benign description obscures the fact that Jones is best known for peddling wild conspiracy theories. Jones got more WND play in a June 1 article by Timothy P. Dionisopoulos, who, like Thompson, benignly described Jones only as "the founder of the news website" Dionisopoulos ignored Jones' history of conspiracy theories, despite the headline of his article being "Who are these people protesting Bilderberg?" WND's public embrace of Jones is mainly the result of conspiracy theory convergence -- WND has long obsessed about the Bilderbergers as well, and it sells a book titled "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group," which calls the group " a shadow government whose top priority is to erase the sovereignty of all nation-states and supplant them with global corporate control of their economies under the surveillance of 'an electronic global police state.'"
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:48 AM EDT
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Meanwhile ...
Topic: Media Research Center The Media Research Center's Tim Graham has been saying more, um, interesting things in non-MRC venues. OneNewsNow reports (h/t Right Wing Watch) that Graham said of MSNBC: "They're not just anti-war; they're anti-military. ... In particular, they're anti-American military." And Media Matters notes that Graham is upset that the "news media" won't report on the "interesting development" that Barack Obama "had these white girlfriends. And how exactly would the black women feel about Obama having white girlfriends?"Media Matters responds: "The real question is who exactly -- in the year 2012 -- would consider the fact that Obama dated white women to be 'an interesting development'?" We've previously noted Graham making making similarly bizarre statements in non-MRC media last month.
Posted by Terry K.
at 5:45 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, June 3, 2012 5:48 PM EDT
CNS Publishes, Then Deletes, Anti-Obama Propaganda Piece
Topic: On June 1, published the following "news" article by Patrick Burke that read more like a Romney campaign oppo-research hit piece:
But if you go to the page now, you'll find that the article has been deleted. The CNS tweet promoting the story is still live, though. It's also still in Google cache, however, and it has been highlighted on other websites. Here's a screenshot of the story -- note the "news" designator at the top: Why did CNS delete this story? Perhaps because even CNS -- as rabidly anti-Obama as it is becoming, serving as the propaganda wing of the Media Research Center -- realized it couldn't ignore the blatantly partisan nature of Burke's "news" article.There is no news value to Burke's piece; it exists only to attack the president and, by extension, promote Mitt Romney's Republican presidential campaign. As such, there's a potential conflict with federal laws governing 501(c)3 non-profit organizations, which forbids open advocacy for a political candidate. CNS is a division of the Media Research Center, which is a 501(c)3 group. Does this mean that Terry Jeffrey and Co. will start to rein in its work as an anti-Obama propaganda mill? Unlikely, but we shall see.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:38 AM EDT
Saturday, June 2, 2012
MRC Unhappy That Discredited Anti-Abortion Activist Being Ignored
Topic: Media Research Center "There is nothing more predictable than networks burying negative news about Planned Parenthood," Paul Wilson writes in a May 30 Media Research Center Culture & Media Institute article. And there's nothing more predictable than the MRC complaining that its pet right-wing causes aren't covered, no matter how specious or trivial. Here's what Wilson is complaining about this time:
But that's the truth -- this truly is a manufactured controversy, peddled by a discredited activist. Live Action's Lila Rose -- an associate of even more discredited right-wing activist James O'Keefe -- has been caught making a series of entrapment videos featuring fake "patients" with the explicit purpose of smearing Planned Parenthood to the extent of running it out of business. Rose is not interested in facts, she's only interested in destroying Planned Parenthood by whatever means necessary. That sordid history, of course, is not mention by Wilson. Nor does Wilson mention the fact that Rose's current crusade is a hoax as well -- there simply is no evidence of any widespread effort to abort fetuses due to gender. Wilson complained again in a May 31 CMI post that the broadcast TV networks (thus conveniently factoring out Fox News) are continuing to ignore the bogus Live Action-manufactured scandal, while they "went ballistic"when it was announced that the Susan G. Komen Foundation "was going to cease allocating funds to Planned Parenthood," but then later "caved to intense media pressure and reinstated funding for Planned Parenthood." The MRC complained about coverage of the Komen at the time. It baselessly accused Planned Parenthood of making "vicious attacks" against the Komen foundation, while also grousing about the indisputable fact that Komen's cutting of funding to Planned Parenthood was the result of "bullying by the right" -- hiding the fact that the MRC was one of those bullies. Wilson also disingenuously ranted that "a taxpayer-funded organization" was "assisting the practice of sex-selection abortion." In fact, there was no "sex-selection abortion" because the patient was fake, and no tax money to Planned Parenthood pays for abortion.
Posted by Terry K.
at 6:15 PM EDT
WND's Mercer: Black TSA Screeners Taking Revenge on White Passengers For Trayvon Martin, Or Something
Topic: WorldNetDaily Ilana Mercer writes in her May 31 WorldNetDaily column, headlined "The TSA's Trayvon Martin revenge":
Remember, Mercer still kinda misses apartheid.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:14 AM EDT
Friday, June 1, 2012
CNS Quotes Gay-Bashers To Crirticize Bill Opposing Gay Therapy
Topic: A May 31 article by Melanie Hunter highlights a California Senate vote on a bill "to prohibit parents from seeking professional counseling for their children with the goal of preventing them from becoming homosexuals." Hunter's two main sources in criticizing the bill head anti-gay hate groups. Hunter quotes Randy Thomasson, "president of, a pro-family group based in California," as claiming that the bill would "withhold emotional, mental, and physical help from a child who has been raped or molested, who, as a result of this physical and emotional exploitation, is confused about his or her sexual identity." The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated Save California as a hate groupfor lying, defaming and spreading false propangada about the LGBT community. Thomasson even blamed a bullied and murdered gay teen for his own death by being open about his sexuality. Hunter also quoted Paul Cameron, described as "a leading researcher and clinician and chairman of the Family Research Institute." CAmeron asserts that "“Sexual activities and sexual preferences, especially in the case of children, can be modified and changed. ... It is ethically wrong to prohibit parents from seeking and receiving professional assistance to help their own children with serious problems like this.” As the SPLC details, Cameron's work as a "leading researcher" has been rejected by both the American Psychological Association and the American Sociological Association. We've noted how WorldNetDaily's Molotov Mitchell cited a discredited study to support his claim of a "20-year life expectancy gap between homosexual men and straight men." When your main sources are haters and/or discredited, it's hard to make an actual news article, yet that's what Hunter tries to pass this off as.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:34 PM EDT
Ouch: Press Release Issuer Doesn't Think WND Is 'Credible'
Topic: WorldNetDaily When a press-release mill decides you're not credible, you've got problems. A May 30 WorldNetDaily article states that PRWeb, "the biggest press release factory in the world" has decided that WND is not “credible” and is a “biased source of news,” after an Obama-bashing group called BOPAC had a press release rejected purportedly for citing a WND article. Of course, any sentient being could tell you that. Needless to say, WND took great umbrage at this. It declared that PRWeb had "set itself up as a new gatekeeper of political correctness and journalistic propriety," with added outrage and manhood-measuring from WND editor Joseph Farah:
Farah loves to beat his critics with his "journalistic credentials," as we found out (except that he learned we have journalistic credentials too). WND followed up by trying to further spin things in a May 31 article making a vague claim that "WND has been officially accredited by the United Nations for all its departments and affiliates worldwide." WND offers no proof of this, despite claiming that "Confirmation has been delivered to the independent news site that the U.N. media accreditation department officially has approved WND’s letter and accompanying application." The rest of the article rehashes the PRWeb stuff. The headline on the article states "U.N. recognizes WND as 'bona fide media,'" but that term appears nowhere in the article, quoted or otherwise.
Posted by Terry K.
at 5:27 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, June 1, 2012 5:29 PM EDT
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