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Thursday, June 21, 2012
NEW ARTICLE: CNS' War on John Holdren
Terry Jeffrey and his crew advance its anti-Obama agenda by scouring decades-old textbooks for cherry-picked quotes it can take out of context to smear the Obama administration adviser -- and even bizarrely bashing him for owning a car. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 3:21 PM EDT
NewsBusters Dismisses Right-Wing Group's Offensive Tweet As 'Mistaken'
Topic: NewsBusters

The resignation of Commerce Secretary John Bryson over health issues raised by a seizure that caused car accidents reminds us that we forgot to highlight how NewsBusters tried to cover for an offensive tweet about Bryson made by a right-wing group.

MRC researcher Kyle Drennen headlined his June 12 NewsBusters post "NBC, Arbiter of Civility? 'Today' Correspondent Slams Conservative Group for Mistaken Tweet." But Drennen offers no evidence that the tweet -- published on the Twitter account of Karl Rove-founded right-wing super PAC American Crossroads -- was mistaken. In fact, one can argue that typing out the tweet and hitting the "Publish" button is the exact opposite of "mistaken."

Drennen also avoids discussing the content of the American Crossroads tweet, leaving it only in the transcript at the end of the article, but nevertheless insisted that it was a "joking" tweet. Here's the tweet, which falsely accused Bryson of being drunk: "How does @commerce sec have three car crashes in five minutes and alcohol not be involved? #Skills." Where's the joke? Drennen doesn't explain.

Drennen also baselessly suggested that the offensive tweet wasn't live for very long; in fact, Politico reported that it was up for "a few hours" before it was deleted and followed by an apology from American Crossroads.

Of course, nobody at the MRC was offended when Rush Limbaugh spent three days hurling misogynistic smears at Sandra Fluke -- in fact, Drennen was more offended that Fluke was allowed to appear on TV to talk about Limbaugh's tirade. Drennen's outrage that NBC was portraing itself as an "arbiter of civility" when he couldn't be moved to say a word of criticism over Limbaugh is doubly hypocritical.

Given that, it's no surprise that Drennen would work so hard to spin away the offensive nature of the American Crossroads tweet. Making false accusations is nothing more than a "joke" to him.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:22 PM EDT
Hilmar Von Campe, R.I.P.
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A June 20 WorldNetDaily article reports that Hilmar von Campe, "the former Hitler Youth who came to understand that totalitarian systems are based on lies, and they can be defeated only with the truth," has died.

As we've detailed, von Campe used his WND columns to spew his hatred of President Obama by spreading falsehoods and making repeated allusions to Hitler. His words echoed the odious Nazi-esque Big Lie tactics he claimed to distance himself from.

Here's hoping that von Campe has, in death, been able to achieve the peace he apparently was not able to find while alive.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:06 PM EDT
Tim Graham's Pierce-Rage
Topic: NewsBusters

Tim Graham has been the Media Research Center's chief promulgator of taking writer Charles Pierce's 2003 profile of Ted Kennedy out of context by falsely insisting that he was praising Kennedy with a reference to Mary Jo Kopechne -- in fact, it was intended as "a tough, but fair, shot."

Graham keeps up the falsehood in a June 20 NewsBusters post, in which the mere mention of Pierce by a Washington Post blogger (who was quoting Pierce dismissing as "clown analysis" an attempt to co-opt baseball phenom Bryce Harper as a conservative hero) was enough to send Graham into a paroxysm of rage:

If you want to consult someone in the act of some "fundamentally dehumanizing dragooning," please consult Charles Pierce in the act of lionizing Ted Kennedy. May we recall Pierce's rhetorical atrocity about the woman that drowned at Chappaquiddick as Kennedy swam away? "If she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be 62 years old. Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age...." That, Mr. Steinberg, isn't "clown analysis." It's mouth-breathing political idolatry.

You're lying, Tim, and you know it. Please stop.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:52 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, June 21, 2012 11:01 AM EDT
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Obama-Hater And Birther Conspiracist Erik Rush Joins 'Pink Pagoda' Group
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush recently announced that he was named "Vice President of Administration and Strategic Alliances" for Pink Pagoda Girls USA, a group that claims to be "involved in rescuing baby girls in the People’s Republic of China from infanticide as a result of that nation’s 'one child per family' policy." (As it jiust so happens, WND recently published a book on the subject by Pink Pagoda founder Jim Garrow.)

But is an extremist conspiracist like Rush really a good fit for such a prominent position?

We've detailed how Rush is a virulent, vicious Obama-hater, even likening the president to a prison rapist. Rush is also a birther, promoting the fringe-of-the-fringe conspiracy theory that Obama's real father is Malcolm X.

We wonder if Garrow sufficiently vetted Rush before hiring him. It's hard to imagine someone like Rush -- who has such rage against a sitting president and who embraces such fringe conspiracies -- rising to the leadership of any organization that strives to be something other than fringe.

We're not questioning the cause of Pink Pagoda Girls, only its wisdom in hiring Rush. As the group's founder and only other apparent employee, perhaps Garrow can explain why he made this questionable hire.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:56 PM EDT
Newsmax Slobbers All Over Marco Rubio
Topic: Newsmax

Even for someone with a documented history of fawning over his favorite conservatives (and Donald Trump), Ronald Kessler's obsequiousness toward Marco Rubio is pretty embarassing.

In a June 18 Newsmax interview of Rubio to promote his new autobiography,  Kessler introduces himself to Rubio with this incredible bit of sucking up: "Congratulations on your book. It's really remarkable. It's riveting, it's detailed, it's candid and inspiring. I don't know how you did it. It's really a great achievement."


Kessler keeps up his Rubio-fluffing in his June 19 column:

What people hate most about politicians is how phony many of them can be. Sen. Marco Rubio’s new book “An American Son: My Story” shows he is anything but.


Rarely do we see such candor and detail in any autobiography, let alone one written by a politician. At the same time, Rubio presents an uplifting and inspiring story about an immigrant’s son who has lived the American dream.

Kessler's not the only one at Newsmax who's slobbering over Rubio. Wayne Allyn Root devoted his June 19 column to lobbying Mitt Romney to pick Rubio as his running mate:

Mitt Romney has a shot to lock down the presidency this week. Thursday to be precise. The key is two words: Marco Rubio. Why? Because like it or not, this presidential race comes down to the Latino vote.

Politics is a chess game. Romney can look into Obama's eyes and say "CHECKMATE" on Thursday.


Mitt Romney must walk onto that same stage and upstage Obama. This is the place and time for the announcement of the year. Mitt Romney coolly steps up to the microphone and says, “It’s time for a Latino to join a presidential ticket.

"It’s time for the fastest growing group in America to have a seat at the table of power. To have a voice in the White House. Today — right here — right now.

"I’m going to change the game — forever. Today you get your seat at the table. Today we change American politics — forever. Ladies and gentleman, allow me to introduce my pice presidential running mate: United States Sen. Marco Rubio."

Marco walks out to embrace Mitt Romney while the crowd stands, screams, and cheers! Tears stream down cheeks.


Obama is out of the news. Obama has been upstaged in front of one of his most important groups of supporters. The headlines that night and the next day ignore Obama. Romney and Rubio are the hot news in the media. The game is changed. And no matter what Obama says that day — or any other day to Latinos — Marco Rubio is forever more the elephant in the room (excuse the pun).

Is there a competition at Newsmax to see to can fawn the most over Rubio? It seems so.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:53 AM EDT
WND's Massie Doesn't Know What 'Amnesty' Means
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Unhinged Obama-hater Mychal Massie rants in his June 18 WorldNetDaily column:

Forget for the moment Obama bypassed Congress to arbitrarily grant amnesty to illegal aliens vis-a-vis what amounts to the Dream Act. Forget for the moment that for years he has said that without congressional approval he didn’t have the authority to do precisely what he did today. Forget for the moment that college students and high school seniors have just graduated into an employment market that has lost millions of jobs. Forget for the moment that unemployment amongst legal American citizens is 10.4 percent, and forget that as legal Americans are searching for jobs and students are looking for summer employment, Obama has granted amnesty to 800,000 illegal aliens up to 30 years of age who are now cleared to compete for jobs that millions of citizens desperately need. And forget for the moment that in arbitrarily granting amnesty to these illegal aliens, he micturated on the Constitution of the United States.

Obama did not "grant amnesty" to anyone -- he permitted prosecutorial discretion in delaying legal action against cewrtain undocumented immigrants. "Amnesty" has a specific definition, and this is not it.

Is Massie -- who loves to beat people over the head with his thesaurus -- really so ignorant of the correct definition of the word? Or is he simply so unhinged in his hatred of Obama that facts simply don't matter to him?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:08 AM EDT
NewsBusters Decrees: Rich People on TV Cannot Complain About Romney's Wealth
Topic: NewsBusters

NewsBusters seems to have invented a new rule: It's not permissible for media personalities with large contracts to talk about the wealth of Mitt Romney.

Noel Sheppard whined in a June 19 post that MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell "mocked Ann Romney for having the nerve to combat her multiple sclerosis by riding horses," going on to complain that O'Donnell makes too much money for him to engage in such commentary:

Furthermore, who is O'Donnell to ridicule anyone for his or her wealth? According to Celebrity Net Worth, his estate is valued at $8 million.

That makes him just another rich liberal castigating Romney for his wealth.

Sheppard doesn't explain why it's suddenly forbidden for people over a certain income level to comment on Romney's wealth, nor did he establish the maximum income one can make and still comment on Romney's wealth.

The same day, Randy Hall complained that "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart " called Romney a "multi, multi,multi, multi-millionaire" "while carefully avoiding the fact that he too is considered to be very wealthy." Hall continued to regurgitate his new right-wing marching orders:

But in an article in the Daily Caller, reporter Sandy Nelson indicated that “Stewart's own income level brings him and his wife Tracey to approximately $41,000 a day,” a number derived from the comedian's annual salary of $15 million and an estimation of his net worth at $80 million.

While $80 million doesn’t yet put Stewart into the same wealth bracket as Romney, he is already on pace to be richer than the former Massachusetts governor when he reaches his age.

These figures show that Stewart makes more than 300 times the median American salary, a fact you'll never hear on The Daily Show.


In 2005, Stewart bought a two-story Manhattan penthouse for $5.8 million and then bought two adjacent lakefront mansions in Red Bank, New Jersey, during 2009 and 2010.

Like Sheppard, Hall did not state the maximum income one can make and still be permitted to commment on Romney's wealth.

Further, even the Daily Caller article that Hall was regurgitating concedes that Stewart's wealth is not in "the same wealth bracket as Romney." And in contrast to Stewart's income coming mostly from working for a living by hosting "The Daily Show," most of Romney's income the past two years came from capital gains, not from working at a job.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:30 AM EDT
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Joseph Farah's Sad Little Publicity Stunt
Topic: WorldNetDaily

So it's come to this: Joseph Farah arguing with a fake Barack Obama.

No, really. And he's proud of it. From a June 16 WorldNetDaily article:

Have you ever wished you could corner Barack Obama and ask him the tough questions the mainstream media refuses to ask – from “Fast & Furious” to his hidden records to his real agenda for America?

At BookExpo America in New York City last week, Joseph Farah, editor and CEO of WND, got the opportunity of a lifetime: a one-on-one interview with “Barack Obama.”

OK, it wasn’t really the current occupant of the Oval Office, but Obama impersonator Kevin Michael, also known as “FauxBama.”

Yet the answers Farah received sounded remarkably like words right from the sitting president’s lips.

They weren't, of course. But given that Farah cares nothing about the truth, he may have actually thought he was talking to the real Obama.

This, by the way, was a sad little publicity stunt for yet another Obama-bashing book from factually challenged, guilt-by-association-smearing WND reporter Aaron Klein.

Would someone who cares about facts and the truth stoop to such a sad, lame stunt? Doubt it.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:06 PM EDT
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Newsmax Edition
Topic: Newsmax

To judge this tree by its toxic fruit, since President Obama is ruling like a megalomaniac who puts himself above the law, can any American ever again trust Barack Obama as president?

It was our mistake in 2008. We elected as America's chief executive someone with zero executive experience.

We picked a commander in chief with zero military experience.

And, in a time of terrorism, we elected someone to safeguard America's security an ideological radical who — because of his past associations with terrorists such as Bill Ayers — would probably not qualify for a security clearance to see America's classified information.

Voting for President Obama was a dangerous mistake that no one should make again in 2012.

-- Lowell Ponte, June 18 Newsmax column

Barack Obama was my college classmate at Columbia University, class of '83. For 3 1/2 years I have shouted from highest rooftops that Obama has a purposeful plan.

His plan is to damage and weaken the private sector, dramatically increase the number of government employees, strengthen unions, dramatically increase dependence on entitlements, and dramatically increase taxes on the private sector — thereby bringing down the U.S. economy and forcing Americans to their knees to beg big government (and big unions) to save them.


It took the socialists of Europe 50 years to accomplish what Obama did in 3 1/2 years. Congratulations, Mr. President. You are the biggest loser.

-- Wayne Allyn Root, June 18 Newsmax column

Posted by Terry K. at 1:39 PM EDT
WND's Corsi Still Wallowing in Cesspool of Speculative Anti-Obama Film
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jerome Corsi ramps up the luridness in a June 15 WorldNetdaily article:

Did Barack Obama’s mother pose nude for communist poet and journalist Frank Marshall Davis?

Did Obama build his political career on a fairy tale that his father was a Kenyan who grew up herding goats?

Was Obama’s goal in writing his autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,” to misdirect Americans away from a deeply disturbing family background and a Marxist political foundation?

These are questions filmmaker Joel Gilbert poses in the full-length documentary “Dreams from My Real Father,” which argues Frank Marshall Davis is the president’s biological father, not the Kenyan Barack Obama.

It's clear from Corsi's article, however, that Gilbert never actually answers any of those questions. Gilbert is simply engaging in conjecture and speculation -- he can't even prove that the woman he claims posed nude for Davis is actually Stanley Dunham.

Gilbert's film is nothing more than a sleazy smear piece designed to make money off Obama-haters. Of course, WND wants a piece of that action -- you can buy it from WND's online store.

For his part, Corsi loves his virulent Obama hatred as sleazy as possible, even (or perhaps especially) when there are no actual facts to back it up. Corsi has previously promoted Gilbert's smear piece, and he revels in the muck of rumors that Obama is secretly gay.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:59 AM EDT
CNS' Jeffrey on Stonewall Anniversary: 'Obama Celebrates Anti-Police Riot Started at Mafia-Owned Bar for Transvestites'

CNS editor in chief Terry Jeffrey has decided to really get into pushing his employer's anti-gay agenda.

Apparently seeking a way to denigrate gays as much as possible, Jeffrey headlined his June 16 CNS article on President Obama's marking the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, which launched the modern gay-rights movement, this way: "Obama Celebrates Anti-Police Riot Started at Mafia-Owned Bar for Transvestites." The first paragraph of Jeffrey's article elaborated slightly by calling the Stonewall Inn -- the name of which does not appear until the third paragraph of the article -- "an illegal Mafia-owned bar for transvestites."

Jeffrey linked to, and selectively quoted from, a 2010 New York Times obituary for Seymour Pine, the police inspector who led the raid, highlighting the "anti-police" aspects of the riots while failing to quote from the article why the LGBT community was driven to do so. From the Times article, which did not make into Jeffrey's article:

Altehough the ostensible reason for the raid was to crack down on prostitution and other organized-crime activities, it was common at the time for the police to raid gay bars and arrest cross-dressers and harass customers.

The club, on Christopher Street near Seventh Avenue South, was owned by members of the Mafia. Inspector Pine later said he conducted the raid on orders from superiors.


In 2004, Inspector Pine spoke during a discussion of the Stonewall uprising at the New-York Historical Society. At the time of the raid, he said, the police “certainly were prejudiced” against gays, “but had no idea about what gay people were about.”

Why didn't Jeffrey include that important context in his article? The only possible reason was that he was determined to present gays in the most negative light possible -- as if his headline wasn't already a clue to that.

It seems that Jeffrey supports the kind of bigotry and prejudice with which the police treated gays back then. Is that really an acceptable attitude for someone who heads a so-called "news" organization to have?

Posted by Terry K. at 1:46 AM EDT
Monday, June 18, 2012
WND's Kupelian Falsely Tosses Around 'Marxist' Smear
Topic: WorldNetDaily

David Kupelian writes in a June 17 WorldNetDaily column:

Obama admits in “Dreams From My Father” that, during college, he was attracted to the “Marxist professors.” Indeed, the Marxist student leader at Occidental College at the time, John Drew, says Obama was far more radical than even Drew was, actually believing that Marx’s prophesied proletariat revolution to overthrow capitalism was imminent in the United States. Today Drew, who has long since repudiated his former radicalism, says that even in his Marxist days he attempted to rein in Obama by trying to persuade him to work within America’s political system to bring about the Marxist transformation they all desired.

After college, Obama followed in the footsteps of Chicago Marxist Saul Alinsky and went on to practice and teach Alinsky’s revolutionary street-organizing methods.

As we've previously documented, Drew had precious little personal interaction with Obama -- he had graduated from Occidental before Obama enrolled there, and the two met only twice on social occasions. That makes him a dubious judge of how "radical" Obama purportedly was at the time.

Further, Saul Alinsky was not a Marxist. He said in a 1972 Playboy interview: "I've never joined any organization -- not even the ones I've organized myself. I prize my own independence too much. And philosophically, I could never accept any rigid dogma or ideology, whether it's Christianity or Marxism."

And in his book "Rules for Radicals," Alinsky disparaged Lenin as having "said that the Bolsheviks stood for getting power through the ballot but would reconsider after they got the guns!" He also mocked those who like to quote "Mao, Castro, and Che Guevara," who he said were "as germane to our highly technological, computerized, cybernetic, nuclear-powered, mass media society as a stagecoach on a jet runway at Kennedy airport."

Kupelian, by the way, is WND's managing editor. We'd complain about his egregious inattention to the facts, but he's just following the falsehood-strewn example of his boss, Joseph Farah.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:41 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, June 18, 2012 10:47 PM EDT
AIM's Kincaid Still Repeating False Smear of Panetta
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Cliff Kincaid just can't stop peddling a lie. He writes in his June 14 Accuracy in Media column:

Congress gave Panetta a pass when he became CIA director and then Secretary of Defense, despite his long record of associations with identified communist Hugh DeLacy, who had connections to the Chinese government. Not surprisingly, the Soros-funded Media Matters came to Panetta’s defense, accusing conservatives of a “smear” for raising the inconvenient facts about his record, including opposition to President Reagan’s anti-communist defense policies. Media Matters has White House connections and specializes in intimidating the media when they dare to question the White House line.

Fortunately, the facts, including some of a personal nature, were included in a column by the courageous Diana West, who commented that the evidence showed that Panetta had “a cordial, long-term relationship in the 1970s and 1980s” with Hugh DeLacy, a Communist Party USA member elected to one term in Congress while pretending to be a Democrat in 1944. Incriminating “Dear Hugh” and “Dear Leon” documents were obtained by researcher Trevor Loudon at the University of Washington.

Unfortunately for Kincaid, as we've previously pointed out when he pushed this smear, that Media Matters piece tells the truth about the "long-term relationship" between Panetta and DeLacy: The correspondence between them is nothing more than that of a congressman and a constituent.

At no point does Kincaid make any effort to refute any of the specific claims made in the Media Matters piece, nor does he challenges its accuracy vis-a-vis the "facts" offered by West. Instead, he goes for a lazy ad hominem attack on the organization (disclosure: I'm a Media Matters employee).

Kincaid, by the way, is bringing up this false smear as part of suggesting that Panettamight be responsible for releasing information about President Obama's counterterrorism efforts, or in Kincaid's words, "betrayal of state secrets." Kincaid goes on to claim that Panetta is among individuals in the Obama administration "who could not pass a basic FBI background check," presumably because of his purported relationship with DeLacy.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:09 PM EDT
Joseph Farah's Obama-Bashing Pack of Lies
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah's June 14 WorldNetDaily column claims to offer "38 reasons why Obama should not be re-elected," which he claims is "a work of collaboration by me and some friends of mine – some of whom feared retribution for speaking so plainly." But as could be expected from the editor of a website so willing and eager to peddle falsehoods about President Obama, Farah's column is filled with lies and misleading claims. Let's go through some of them.

WHEN he refused to disclose who donated money to his election campaign, as other candidates had done, people said it didn’t matter.

In fact, while the Federal Election Commission found that the 2008 Obama campaign failed to disclose a small fraction of its contributions, Farah offers no evidence the Obama "refused to disclose" contributions in a manner that violated federal law.

WHEN he said he favors sex education in kindergarten, including homosexual indoctrination, people said it didn’t matter.

In fact, Obama said he favors age-appropriate sex education, which for kindergarteners means teaching them about "inappropriate touching." Farah's reference to "homosexual indoctrination" presumably means teaching something other than that gays are evil and deserve eternal damnation -- in other words, that they're human.

WHEN his personal background was either scrubbed or hidden and nothing could be found about him, people said it didn’t matter.

Farah offers no evidence to back up this claim, which is contradicted by the fact that his own reporter, Jerome Corsi, wrote a factually challenged book on Obama's personal background during the 2008 campaign.

WHEN the place of his birth was called into question, and he refused to produce a birth certificate, people said it didn’t matter.

In fact, Obama has produced a birth certificate. Two, in fact.

WHEN he appointed a science czar, John Holdren, who believes in forced abortions, mass sterilizations and seizing babies from teen mothers, people said it didn’t matter.

In fact, Holdren doesn't support "forced abortions" and doesn't support "mass sterilizations." The part about "seizing babies from teen mothers" is taken from an alarmist WND article; the section in question discusses possible ways to encourate "responsible parenting" and discourage "illegitimate childbearing" -- which is something we thought WND wants to encourage as well. Regardless, there's no evidence Holdren "believes" in that either beyond throwing it out as a suggestion.

WHEN he appointed Cass Sunstein as regulatory czar, who believes in “explicit consent,” harvesting human organs without family consent and allowing animals to be represented in court, while banning all hunting, people said it didn’t matter.

The claim about "harvesting human organs without family consent" refers to Sunstein's idea that one should opt out, rather than opt in, of organ donation, which he argues would "save many lives while also preserving freedom." And far from "banning all hunting," Sunstein has said that "I strongly believe that the Second Amendment creates an individual right to possess and use guns for purposes of both hunting and self-defense."

WHEN Anita Dunn, White House communications director, said Mao Zedong was her favorite philosopher and the person she turned to most for inspiration, people said it didn’t matter.

Farah is deliberately taking Dunn out of context, Dunn actually said that Mao, along with Mother Teresa, were "two of my favorite political philosophers ... that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point, which is, you're going to make choices."

WHEN he traveled around the world criticizing America and never once talking of her greatness, people said it didn’t matter.

In fact, Obama has never gone on an apology tour. Further, Farah's claim that Obama "never once talk[ed] of [America's] greatness" is destroyed by what Obama said in one of his supposed "apology" speeches, in Cairo: "The United States has been one of the greatest sources of progress that the world has ever known. We were born out of revolution against an empire. We were founded upon the ideal that all are created equal, and we have shed blood and struggled for centuries to give meaning to those words -- within our borders, and around the world. We are shaped by every culture, drawn from every end of the Earth, and dedicated to a simple concept: E pluribus unum -- 'Out of many, one.'"

WHEN he took away student loans from the banks and required they go through the government, people said it didn’t matter.

In fact, banks can still make private student loans. Obama's policy -- which was approved by Congress and not mandated by fiat, as Farah suggests -- removes banks from the federal student loan program, from which banks made significant profits.

That's the level of factual accuracy we've come to expect from Farah and WND. Anyone surprised?

Posted by Terry K. at 1:24 PM EDT

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