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Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Send In The Clowns: LeBoutillier Interviews Ed Klein for Newsmax
Topic: Newsmax

Apparently, Donald Trump isn't the only person Newsmax will inflict John LeBoutillier on.

Newsmax has posted three clips so far of an interview clownish conspiracy theorist LeBoutillier has conducted with discredited Obama-bashing author Edward Klein:

  • A May 30 article builds up Klein's purported mainstream-m edia credentials by noting that he is "the former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine, former foreign editor of Newsweek, and a contributing editor to Vanity Fair." Of course, Klein made clear his partisan intent in writing the book: "I think that the incompetence, the bungling incompetence married with the radical left-wing program is a toxic mix that Mitt Romney should use in this campaign. ... Because do we really want some incompetent to be back in the White House for another four years?"
  • A May 31 article, featuring another clip from the LeBoutillier interview, insisted that Klein's book "is buttressed by nearly 200 interviews, many of them with insiders who know Obama best." In fact, Media Matters points out that Klein's book "is filled with lazy research, bad writing, bizarre generalizations ("Political wives have always found something to complain about") and gossip forwarded by anonymous sources."
  • In a June 1 interview clip, Klein credits right-wing media outlets like Newsmax for promoting his book.

At no point, however, do any of these articles disclose the fact the Klein and LeBoutillier collaborated on a book last year, the self-published Obama-bashing novel "The Obama Identity," in which the pair feature "the foreskin of President Obama as a major plot point, along with birtherism, an incomprehensible plot, and the inclusion of every ludicrous conservative conspiracy about Obama."

Should an author who wrote such ludicrous things about Obama even be trusted to write a nonfictin book about him? Newsmax wants you to think so.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:08 AM EDT

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