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Sunday, June 8, 2008
WND's Baseless Conspiratorial Speculation
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A June 7 WorldNetDaily article by Alyssa Farah engages in baseless speculation about whether a "secretive meeting" between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama took place at "the secretive Bilderberg conference in Chantilly, Va." Farah attributes this speculation to no one, as one would expect a "news" article to do; instead, she lamely plays a game of guilt by association in claiming that "Hillary Clinton is no stranger to Bilderberg" because her husband has attended previous meetings and she "may have attended the 2006 meeting." Indeed, it seems Alyssa Farah is just channeling the conspiratorial leanings of her father, WND editor Joseph Farah.

WND's obsession with organizations like the Bilderberg Group -- it even sells a book claiming that it, along with other groups like the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, have a goal "to erase the sovereignty of all nation-states and supplant them with global corporate control of their economies under the surveillance of 'an electronic global police state'" -- is particularly ironic since, as we've detailed, Joseph Farah belongs to his own secret organization, the right-wing Council for National Policy.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:07 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 9:31 AM EDT

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