Topic: Media Research Center
Right Wing Watch wonders why conservatives had a fit over an atheist group at CPAC but appear to be perfectly fine with the white nationalist-linked group ProEnglish having a presence there.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Meanwhile ...
Topic: Media Research Center Right Wing Watch wonders why conservatives had a fit over an atheist group at CPAC but appear to be perfectly fine with the white nationalist-linked group ProEnglish having a presence there.
Posted by Terry K.
at 8:40 PM EST
WND's Erik Rush Goes Anti-Obama, Pro-Putin
Topic: WorldNetDaily It's a given that Erik Rush is going to say ridiculously anti-Obama things. And he does just that in his March 5 WorldNetDaily column, complete with italics:
But Rush is also jumping on the pro-Putin bandwagon being steered by his fellow WND columnists:
While the nationalist and borderline neo-Nazi Svoboda Party is a faction in the coalition that overthrew the Russian-backed government in Ukraine, as Slate notes, it's inaccurate to paint all Putin opponents in Ukraine as neo-Nazis, as Rush is trying to do. As with his fellow WNDers, Rush is relying on pro-Putin propaganda. Timothy Snyder in the New York Review of Books points out that before the overthrow, then-President Viktor Yanukovych's regime was denouncing the opposition as not only Nazis but Jews as well. There seems to be some cognitive dissonance there. But Rush will ignore that since he got in his minimum daily requirement of Obama derangement.
Posted by Terry K.
at 7:37 PM EST
Updated: Friday, March 7, 2014 7:39 PM EST
MRC Still Having Trouble Giving Graham Proper Credit for Writing Bozell's Columns
Topic: Media Research Center So, you know that problem the Media Research Center has with half-assedly giving Tim Graham proper credit for ghostwriting Brent Bozell's columns? It's still happening. The March 5 column by the two is posted at NewsBusters with both Bozell and Graham credited. But the same column posted at the MRC's "news" operation once again lists only Bozell as author. Bozell and Graham's March 7 column similarly carries only Bozell's byline at CNS. It's coming up on a month ago now that Graham was revealed to have served as Bozell's ghostwriter for years. Not only have Bozell, Graham and the MRC refused to speak about it publicly (despite Bozell making several appearances on Fox News in the following days), the MRC still can't properly credit Graham on all its platforms. How hard can that possibly be? Very hard, apparently.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:09 PM EST
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Mychal Massie Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily
-- Mychal Massie, March 3 WorldNetDaily column
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:43 AM EST
Thursday, March 6, 2014
MRC Writer Wonders Why An Author Didn't Get Honored At Oscars
Topic: Media Research Center Kristine Marsh devotes a March 3 Media Research Center Culture & Media Institute item to pondering why the late Tom Clancy didn't get honored at the Oscars. This being the MRC, she can only come up with one possible reason:
It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that Clancy was an author and not directly involved in the movie business. According to IMDb, Clancy had no direct involvement in the movies made from his books beyond providing the original source material, except for serving as an executive producer on "The Sum of All Fears." Marsh offers no evidence of an author with similar contributions was honored by the Academy. Perhaps that's because she started with an answer and worked back toward the question.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:47 PM EST
Shorter Colin Flaherty: I Wanted To Hornswoggle O'Reilly!
Topic: WorldNetDaily Colin Flaherty begins his March 3 WorldNetDaily column by declaring, "Never in the history of hornswoggling has anyone been hornswoggled quite as badly as Bill O’Reilly last week." As the rest of his column demonstrates, that's only because Flaherty didn't get a chance to hornswoggle O'Reilly first. Flaherty's rant focuses on O'Reilly's participation in an Obama administration initiative aimed at boosting young black men:
Because Flaherty can't do anything without race-baiting, his column quickly degenerates into a tirade against "Critical Race Theory" (and Obama, of course):
Flaherty also said of Department of Justice Civil Rights Division nominee Dego Adegbile: "Adegbile’s major claim to fame is pleading for the innocence due to racism of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal. The president chose him not in spite of his work, but because of it." Actually, Abu-Jamal's guilt or innocence was not an issue in the appeal Adegbile worked on; it involved Abu-Jamal's sentence, and the appeal successfully turned a death sentence into life imprisonment. Flaherty concluded: "Bill O’Reilly is usually pretty good at keeping this out of his No Spin Zone. But not this time." Well, O'Reilly has kept the all-spin Flaherty away from him, so that must count for something.
Posted by Terry K.
at 7:43 PM EST
CNS Not Big On Correctly Spelling Names of Non-Christian Deities
Topic: is so Christian-centric, it seems, it has trouble correctly spelling the names of other deities. A March 6 CNS article by Susan Jones on the Dalai Lama delivering the opening prayer to the U.S. Senate manages to misspell Buddha's name in both the headline and the opening paragraph: As of this writing, CNS has yet to fix the spelling.
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:05 PM EST
WND Climbs In Bed With Another Dictator
Topic: WorldNetDaily Is there an authoritarian dictator WorldNetDaily won't rush to defend? First it was Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, then it was Syria's Assad, now it's Russia's Vladimir Putin. Michael Savage set the tone in a March 3 WND column, declaring that the "rebel forces" in the Ukraine are "fascists" and "spearheaded by Ukrainian neo-Nazis and Chechen Islamist radicals. Putin, by contrast, "is not the villain in this" because he's not killing Jews, and he was "forced to deploy military assets to Crimea" because "Russia cannot afford to let the Crimean region fall into the hands of the insurgents who are trying to take over Ukraine." In a March 4 article, Michael Maloof uncritically repeats a claim by a Russian official that "ultra-nationalist Ukrainians could attack ethnic Russians" and that "the West has sided with the ultra-nationalist groups, which he calls neo-Nazis, resulting in the violent government takeover." Maloof also cited "A knowledgeable Ukrainian source in Stanford, Calif," who claimed without evidence that the "real power in Kiev and much of Western Ukraine today belongs to several rival neo-Nazi factions whose masked, well-armed adherents are busy looting abandoned properties and shaking down businesses for money to support their ‘revolution.'" Neither Maloof nor Savage report any countervailing views on the Ukraine opposition. But Accuracy in Media's Cliff Kincaid notes that Putin himself has made similar claims, and identifies it has part of a pro-Russian propaganda campaign. Kincaid also notes that an Israeli news agency has reported that a Jewish-led militia force that actually participated in the revolution in Ukraine. The next day, Maloof claimed that "Russian troop movements on the Crimean Peninsula are permitted under a 1997 Partition Treaty signed between Russia and Ukraine, as long as there are not more than 25,000 Russian troops." Maloof doesn't say where he got his information from, but elsewhere in the article he cites Russia Today -- presumably this article. Maloof doesn't mention that Russia Today is operated by the Russian government -- which is to say, Putin -- and its objectivity, particularly on Russian actions in Ukraine, has been called into question. Indeed, a Russia Today TV reporter resigned on air, criticizing the invasion and her network for whitewashing Putin's actions. WND must have a huge bed for all the dictators it crawls in there with.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:41 AM EST
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Topic: Media Research Center The Media Research Center chief has been spending much of the past several years at war with the annual conservative gathering, with his MRC employees caught in the middle. Read more >>
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:25 PM EST
WND's Garth Kant Remains A Loyal Steve Stockman Fanboy
Topic: WorldNetDaily Garth Kant was a Steve Stockman fanboy to the last. Kant's March 4 WorldNetDaily article on Stockman's ill-fated challenge of John Cornyn for his Senate seat is a train wreck starting with the supremely uninformative headline: "Texas Republican primary: Who survives? Season begins with a bang as firebrands take on GOP incumbents." It's sad that WND couldn't be bothered to follow the standard journalistic practice of putting the election results in the headline. Kant's opening was even more of a joke:
That's right -- Kant stopped counting before even one-fifth of the results were in. Kant was also too lazy to report just how badly Stockman did: He received only 19 percent of the vote. Talk about lazy journalism.Apparently, Kant simply lost interest in the race after his boy was completely stomped and the results were called early. Then again, he may as well been on Stockman's payroll. Kant rehashed all his pro-Stockman talking points (since he won't be able to use them again for some time), including the "startling poll results showed Cornyn had fallen from 50 percent to 43 percent." Kant doesn't mention that the poll was so flawed that it didn't include the six other Republicans, and that the undecided vote was outpolling Stockman. Kant also touted how stockman filed a lawsuit against a Cornyn aligned super PAC for “numerous false statements” without mentioning the fact that the statements in question are, in fact, true. And Kant is still sucking up to Stockman:
In fact, Stockman could have done numerous things differently -- like actually campaigning. Even Fox News noticed: Famous for outlandish comments in support of gun rights and calls to impeach President Barack Obama, Stockman began his campaign with more debt than cash-on-hand. He also was dogged by accusations of ethics violations -- only to see things get worse. He attended almost no major campaign events. And he even dropped out of sight for weeks in January, ignoring reporters and missing almost 20 votes in the House before explaining he had been part of an official overseas delegation at least part of that time. Kant won't mention that, of course. Nor will he mention that Stockman has threatened with imprisonment anyone who publishes a 1977 police mugshot of him after his arrest on drug possession charges. Because that's not what a public relations agent does. The fact that Kant turned WND into Stockman's PR shop is just the latest reason why nobody believes WND.
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:23 PM EST
CNS' Jeffrey: CPAC Must Censor Atheists
Topic: editor in chief Terry Jeffrey continues to do his boss' bidding -- specifically, his war on CPAC for inviting an atheist group to take part -- by turning an earlier blog post into a full-fledged column explaining how good an idea is that CPAC (and its operator, the American Conservative Union) censor views it doesn't agree with because Reagan:
Strange to see the head of a so-called "news" organization advocate censorship of viewpoints.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:48 PM EST
WND Embraces Anti-Semitic Egyptian Tabloids That Bash Obama
Topic: WorldNetDaily Right Wing Watch highlights a new report by the Middle Eastern Media Research Institute about how Muslim Brotherhood supporters and critics alike have embraced an anti-Semitic narrative, driven in part by Egyptian tabloids that are frequently cited by American right-wing news outlets. Egyptian newspapers including Al-Wafd and Roz Al-Youssef have promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, Right Wing Watch noted: Al-Wafd claimed that the Muslim Brotherhood and Mohamed Morsi were tools of Israel and were implementing the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," while Roz Al-Youssef claimed the Muslim Brotherhood is a "Masonic, Jewish, Zionist organization." WorldNetDaily is listed among the outlets that have pushed Roz Al-Youssef's conspiracy-laden "report" about Muslim Brotherhood agents in the Obama administration.Art Moore declared in a January 2013 WND article that the report "effectively affirm[ed]the concerns of five much-maligned Republican House members" by claiming that "six American Muslim leaders who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who have significant influence on U.S. policy." WND has also approvingly highlighted how Al-Wafd published a picture depicting President Obama as Satan. WND has previously portraying Obama as the Antichrist, so this isn't much of a leap. Right Wing Watch concludes: "Desperate to smear the Obama administration as ridden with Muslim Brotherhood agents, it seems that several US conservative outlets don't mind relying on publications that embrace anti-Semitism and hoaxes such as the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion.'"
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:27 AM EST
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Newsmax Still Shilling For 'Son of God' Film
Topic: Newsmax Newsmax's lovefest for the film "Son of God" hasn't quite ended, though the film's advertising at the website has. A March 2 article declared, "'Son of God' Blows Away Expectations With $26M Box Office Weekend." It touted how the film had "a staggering $26.5 million box office take" (though not so staggering that it wasn't surpassed by another movie that weekend). A March 3 article by Matt Bendell tried to take a shot at the religious-film competition:
The article goes on to promote some evangelicals' attacks on the film's supposedly "revisionist message," with one lamenting that "young people have a hard time deciphering reality from fiction and don't often take the time to form their own educated opinions."
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:58 PM EST
WND's Marisa Martin Undermines Her Own Attempt To Portray Obama As Self-Obsessed Dictator
Topic: WorldNetDaily Marisa Martin (a pseudonym) begins her Feb. 28 WorldNetDaily column by asking, "Why do dictators always love enormous, ostentatious and self-aggrandizing art?" You know it's not going to go well, because she quickly moves from Lenin, Stalin and Mao to, yes, President Obama:
Martin then undermines her own argument by conceding that such large-format portraits are Close's stock in trade, and that Obama "apparently appreciates Close’s work and collects contemporary art." But she quickly got back on her paranoia track by declaring that "There’s an Orwellian element here that can’t be missed":
Martin has previously gone on weird Obama-hating tangents.
Posted by Terry K.
at 8:16 PM EST
MRC Defends Bill Donohue, Hides His Link to MRC
Topic: Media Research Center Matthew Balan spent a Feb. 27 Media Research Center item being indignant that Catholic League president Bill Donohue was questioned about his stance against same-sex marriage:
Balan failed to mention -- as the MRC so often does -- that his boss, Brent Bozell, is on the Catholic League's board of advisers. The video accompanying Balan's post is heavily edited to take Cuomo's comments out of context. Thus, Balan's readers don't get to hear about Donohue denying that love has any role in marriage.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:42 AM EST
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