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Friday, March 7, 2014
MRC Still Having Trouble Giving Graham Proper Credit for Writing Bozell's Columns
Topic: Media Research Center

So, you know that problem the Media Research Center has with half-assedly giving Tim Graham proper credit for ghostwriting Brent Bozell's columns? It's still happening.

The March 5 column by the two is posted at NewsBusters with both Bozell and Graham credited. But the same column posted at the MRC's "news" operation once again lists only Bozell as author.

Bozell and Graham's March 7 column similarly carries only Bozell's byline at CNS.

It's coming up on a month ago now that Graham was revealed to have served as Bozell's ghostwriter for years. Not only have Bozell, Graham and the MRC refused to speak about it publicly (despite Bozell making several appearances on Fox News in the following days), the MRC still can't properly credit Graham on all its platforms.

How hard can that possibly be? Very hard, apparently.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:09 PM EST

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