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Wednesday, September 15, 2021
WND's Kupelian Spreads Election-Fraud Lies On Ex-WND Columnist's Show
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The claims that the presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump presented in the most recent issue of WorldNetDaily's sparsely read Whistleblower magazine were easily disproven -- but that's not stopping WND managing editor David Kupelian from trying to promote it, something he rarely goes out to do. So we were graced with an Aug. 15 article pushing his dishonest PR:

At a time when even suggesting the November 2020 presidential election was unfair or rigged will get journalists censored, “fact-checked” and condemned – and perhaps fired – WND’s popular Whistleblower magazine apparently didn’t get the memo.

“Over at Whistleblower magazine,” announced TV host Dr. Gina Loudon on her popular “Dr. Gina Prime Time” show on America’s Real Voice network, “they devoted the entire issue this month to election fraud. The front cover says, ‘YES, THE 2020 ELECTION WAS STOLEN.’ That is putting it in no uncertain terms!”

Stop right there. WND offers no evidence that Loudon's show is "popular," and the article gets the name of the  channel wrong -- it's Real America's  Voice, not America’s Real Voice. Also, you might remember that Loudon is a former WND columnist who tried to armchair-diagnose President Obama as a psychopath and demonstrated some serious pathology of her own by spreading lies. YOu might also remember her for trying to make hay off her teenage daughter being in a relationship with a 57-year-old actor-- then later making sure WND deleted the column she wrote on it.

So Loudon was the perfect "popular" host to regurgitate Kupelian's lies. The article continued:

“David,” she said to her guest, Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, “We’re not crazy! The election really was stolen. And that’s a big statement. We’ve heard it from some, but most people have been very, very reserved on this. If you say this, you’re branded crazy or a conspiracy theorist, David, though it’s looking more like those are compliments than insults these days.”

Asking Kupelian to highlight some of the many ways the 2020 election was rigged, Loudon first prompted Kupelian to explain how Google, with or without voter fraud, can and does swing American elections.

“For this issue of Whistleblower, Gina, we interviewed Robert Epstein, who’s the preeminent Google researcher,” said Kupelian. “He used to be editor-in-chief of Psychology Today, a very sharp guy – and by the way, a Democrat … so there’s no political motivation here. But he’s an honest man and he wants us to have free and fair elections.” Epstein, who has developed very sophisticated and accurate methodologies for measuring how Google sways public opinion and therefore elections, determined that Google, “because of its tainted search algorithm, swung at least 6 million voters to Joe Biden!” said Kupelian.

“We’re told that the election hinged on 44,000 votes total in three states,” added Kupelian, out of “161,000,000 votes, a record number of votes cast. Forty-four thousand votes – that’s a close election! Well guess what? Six million is a lot more than 44,000 votes, it’s like 130 times 44,000 votes!”

We've documented how Epstein's anti-Google reserarch is dubious at best. As for his star claim, as repeated by Kupelian, that  Google "turn[ed] an estimated 6 million 'undecided' voters to Biden," the Washington Post's Philip Bump noted: "Of course, the idea that people primarily base their decisions on what they learn from Googling candidates — particularly at the presidential level — is dismissible on its face. President Biden got a record level of support from Democrats even as Trump earned near-universal support from Republicans. Which of them was influenced by his or her search results?"

More from the article:

Citing another example from “YES, THE 2020 ELECTION WAS STOLEN,” Kupelian told how, after Twitter scandalously banned the New York Post’s devastating reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop just weeks prior to the election, “the Media Research Center polled Biden voters.” It turns out, Kupelian revealed, that “36% had never even heard about the Hunter Biden laptop story in the New York Post, thanks to Twitter, and listen to this: 4.6% of Biden voters said that they would not have voted for Biden had they known what was in this story – the dirt, the total corruption not just of Hunter Biden, but of Joe Biden. So that right there would have been enough to have given Trump 289 electoral votes and he would have been elected to his second term.”

As we've documented, the MRC poll was conducted by McLaughlin & Associates -- the same pollster employed by Trump's campaign -- so the trust factor is quite low. Kupelian added:

“Back in 2016, Gina, I did an article on five different Washington Post writers who explicitly compared Donald Trump to Hitler in the run-up to the election. And you ask yourself, why would they do that? It’s because, if you and I, Gina, were alive in Hitler’s Germany, would we cheat on an election in order to save six million Jews, to slay this dragon and stop a terrible war? Of course we would’ve cheated on the election! This was the left’s subliminal but undeniable message to America: It’s not only that it’s OK to cheat – it’s immoral NOT to cheat, if you’re getting rid of Hitler, the worst person to ever live, which is what they were saying about Trump.”

We've pointed out how WND -- which, again, Kupelian is an executive at -- repeatedly likened President Obama to Hitler and other Nazis and had no moral qualms about that. (Also, the Antichrist.) Is Kupelian saying that by doing so, it was immoral for WND NOT to lie about Obama's birth certificate and various other things during his presidency? It appears so, making him a raging hypocrite as well as a liar.

The article concluded:

Added Kupelian, who has been WND’s vice president and managing editor since 1999 and editor of Whistleblower the entire time, “I just want the gaslighting to stop. This was the most corrupt, dirty election, certainly in our lifetimes, and I believe anybody who reads this issue of Whistleblower – and I don’t care if they’re a Democrat or Republican – if they’re just decent, half-way fair-minded people, they will come away believing that this was a stinking, dirty election.”

Actually, the only person gaslighting here is Kupelian, and he has no intention whatsoever of stopping -- the grift is just too alluring, even as all those conspiracy theories have pushed WND to the edge of insolvency.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:04 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 12:09 AM EDT

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