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Saturday, August 28, 2021
Jack Cashill's Obama Obsession Continues
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It's been more than four years since Barack Obama left the White House, and WorldNetDaily columnist Jack Cashill is still -- still! -- obsessed with him. Let's look at how that obsession has played out lately. He complained in his June 9 column:

For the people who wonder whether the Biden White House represents the third term of the Obama presidency, Barack Obama provided the answer last week in a wide-ranging interview with New York Times columnist Ezra Klein.

In Obama's esteemed opinion, the answer is definitely yes. In making this assertion, Obama reminded the nation just what small ball politics he and his minions play – at least when everyone is looking.

"I think that what we're seeing now, is Joe and the administration are essentially finishing the job," Obama told Klein. "And I think it'll be an interesting test."

Cashill declared that Obama was "the most divisive spin master in recent American history" -- apparently, he's never heard of Donald Trump -- than unironically huffed, "Division is his real legacy, and it is a legacy President Joe Biden seems hell bent on continuing."

In his June 30 column, Cashill lashed out at Michelle Obama:

From her days at Princeton forward, Michelle has projected a racial paranoia that her white-raised husband never did. Along with Jesse "I want to cut his nuts out" Jackson and Al "72 official White House visits" Sharpton, Michelle kept Obama locked in a past that left him feeling guilty for never having lived it.

Truth be told, Michelle never lived it either. She grew up in a comfortable two-parent family and wafted through life on a magic carpet of unearned benefits.


In truth, America was never afraid of Michelle, but Obama was. If Michelle ever becomes president, we might begin to understand why.

Cashill spent his July 7 column speculating about Obama's sex life, rehashing the utterly discredited claims made by Larry Sinclair:

For all his eccentricities and his petty rap sheet, Sinclair comes across as oddly believable.

As a white man, he understood better than most how his accusation would be perceived. "All of a sudden," he said, "you're called a racist, a bigot."

ew people actually called Sinclair a racist because the media made sure no one saw or heard of the press conference. Politico, for instance, refused to publish Sinclair's "outlandish" allegations because they were "unsubstantiated."

No, Jack, Sinclair was never believable, oddly or otherwise.

In his July 21 column, Cashill melted down because in his memoir, "Barack Obama had the nerve to quote the great Soviet dissident writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn," becuase "he and his woke cronies had canceled Solzhenitsyn many moons ago." He concluded by whinning further: "There is little joy and less surprise in watching Obama and Biden lie America's way to socialism. As Solzhenitsyn understood, there was no other way to get there."

On July 28, Cashill reminded us that he's still a birther:

Parents who moved abruptly to Hawaii to protect their daughter's reputation would have had little compunction about recruiting a friendly African eager to extend his visa courtesy of a pregnant American "wife."

Registering a home birth six months after it actually happened would be the final step in a well-executed plan to save face and give their grandson an identity.

If my suspicions are right, the real issue may not be where Obama was born, but when. It's possible that Ann fled Hawaii in late August 1961 with a baby who was just a few weeks old, but her decision to leave would seem much more prudent if the baby had been born several months prior.


As to the birth certificate the Obama camp produced in April 2011 under Donald Trump's prodding, recall that the law firm that produced it, Perkins Coie, was also responsible for the Steele dossier. Draw your own conclusions.

Because Cashill cares more about conspiracy theories than the truth, he's certain to do exacctly that.

Oh, did we mention that Cashill has a new anti-Obama book? He does, and its premise is that "Obama inhabits a smug, elite liberal America in which conservatives are not welcome. Indeed, from Obama’s perspective, their every thought, gesture, and vote is insincere and likely racist." Just what we'd expect from Cashill.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:22 AM EDT

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