Topic: WorldNetDaily
An anonymously written Aug. 3 WorldNetdaily article touted:
Information the media are withholding or distorting about the COVID-19 vaccine, masks and other controversial topics is the subject of an online townhall conference that took place Wednesday and can be viewed via Rumble.
Hosted by LifeSiteNews, it featured prominent scientists, religious leaders, attorneys and physicians, including Drs. Peter McCullough and Michael Yeadon.
Others included Attorney Thomas Renz, Sister Deidre Byrne, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet and Dr. Jose Trasancos.
The conference, hosted along with The Truth for Health Foundation, is titled "Stop the Shot … The Rest of the Story."
WND won't tell you, but this is a rogue's gallery of COVID misinformers. The host, LifeSiteNews, was suspended and later removed from Facebook for spreading COVID misinformation. McCullough is a WND favorite, publishing his dangerous misinformation as if it was the truth. The other attendees have a hsitory of COVID misinformaton and denialism as well.
Yeadon is a former scientist and executive at Pfizer, which co-developed one of the COVID vaccines, who helped spread thet never-proven claim that the vaccines cause infertility in women. (You know what else is affecting pregnant women? COVID.)
Byrne is a pro-Trump nun and former surgeon who has promoted the use of dubious medicines such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat COVID and has pushed the idea that people should refuse COVID vaccines because they were developed using fetal tissue descended from an abortion. In fact, the anti-Abortion Charlotte Lozier Institute has stated that most COVID vaccines do not use fetal cell lines in their production, though some were used during testing of some vaccines.
Trasancos heads an anti-abortion group that purports to delve into bioethical issues who, like Byrne, has advocated against COVID vaccines because of their alleged links to fetal cell lines.
Renz is a highly litiigious anti-vaxxer who WND touted last month alleging a "massive government cover-up of vaccination-related U.S. deaths" --which deliberately misuses federal data on vaccine side effects.
And Vliet, of course, is a longtime medical misinformer and WND favorite affiliated with the fringe-right Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. She has been heavily pushing hydroxychloroquine, citing questionable studies to boost its credibility.
Also: it's quite funny that the article is illustrated with a picture of President Biden, even though the vaccines all of these right-wingers are railing against were developed under President Trump.