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Wednesday, August 25, 2021
CNS Lets Texas AG's Dubious Claims About Voter Fraud Stand Uncorrected

Craig Bannister wrote in a July 12 article:

Despite Democrats’ claims that voter fraud isn’t a concern, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton says that the over 500 voter fraud cases pending in his state is evidence that voter fraud is, indeed, a serious problem.

In order to counter the false narrative promoted by Democrats through the media, Republicans need to “keep talking about the truth, which is there is real voter fraud,” AG Paxton said Monday in an interview with Fox & Friends First Host Todd Piro.

“We have more voter fraud cases that we have ever had. That’s just a fact,” Paxton said, noting that his office has more than 500 voter fraud cases waiting to go to trial and over 300 investigations currently underway. The election-reform legislation that Democrats are blocking is crucial to ensuring that citizens have confidence that election results are accurate and true, Paxton said.

As it turns out -- but Bannister won't tell you -- Paxton's numbers on voter fraud aren't quite true. As an actual news outlet reported a month before Paxton told his spiel, the Texas Attorney General's office did report 534 cases of voter fraud kn which people were charged -- but they date back to 2004. By contrast, nearly 94 million votes were cast in Texas elections since 2004, making the 534 cases of voter fraud an infintesimal issue. While there were also 510 cases being investigated at the time of the report, only one involved the 2020 election.

Because Paxton's narrative meshes tightly with CNS' right-wing mission, Bannister has no incentive to fact-check Paxton to see if he's telling the truth. After all, he's being paid to be a stenographer, not a reporter.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:34 PM EDT

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