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Monday, May 3, 2021
CNS Presents Reporter's Anti-Trans Rant As 'News'
Topic: hates transgender people so much that it doesn't even bother to keep up the pretense of being an objective "news" organization to push that hate. That was demonstrated in a March 31 "news" article by reporter Susan Jones:

Happy "Transgender Day of Visibility."

That is today's message from your government -- the Biden State Department, to be precise:

“On the occasion of Transgender Day of Visibility, the United States proudly recognizes transgender and gender non-conforming persons and their continued struggle for a life of equality, security, and dignity.”

So begins the declaration attributed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.


The problem many Americans have with visibility -- is visibility; namely, the idea of opening female bathrooms and locker rooms to people born male who say they identify as female.

A related concern involves transgender females playing on girls' athletic teams, where the immutable physiology of males may give them a competitive advantage, including for athletic scholarships.

Jones offered no proof she speaks for "many Americans" in her hatred of transgender people. And people who "say they identify" as the opposite sex is not the defintion of a transgender person. And, again, this rant was presented as "news," not commentary.

This is not Jones' first anti-trans editorializing. In February, she was mad that Republican Sen. Rand Paul's hostile questioning of transgender Biden admin istration nominee Rachel Levine was called out, huffing that "It is now offensive and inappropriate in the U.S. Congress for a lawmaker to question a transgender physician about her views on minor children making the decision to change their sex through hormone use and surgery."

Posted by Terry K. at 6:00 PM EDT

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