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Sunday, April 28, 2019
CNS Lets Loopy Rabbi Suck Up To Trump Again
Topic: knows it can count on loopy rabbi Aryeh Spero to offer a sycophantic pro-Trump take on a given issue. Thus, CNS gave Spero an April 16 column to over-effusively praise Trump for bashing Rep. Ihlan Omar's "some people did something" remark (which was plucked out of context to maliciously portray her as anti-American):

Omar trivialized 9/11, referring to it in a cavalier fashion.  The President correctly demonstrated via his video the enormity and the devastating catastrophe of 9/11.  It has nothing to do with racism, rather the correct response to a disrespectful statement made by Omar against this country, demonstrating her gross indifference to the suffering of Americans.

Those that impute racism to the President’s tweet are living in a make-believe world or, worse, themselves are trying to incite an issue of racism where such is not the case.  People of truth and historical awareness cannot remain silent out of fear that their opposition will fabricate claims of racism.  


Thankfully we have a man of President Trump’s candor, who is willing to fight against the rewriting of history and who is willing to protect the free speech of Americans defending their country. He has made an Executive Order protecting free speech from the politically correct censorship prevalent on campuses and is, similarly, by example, giving support to all those who wish to exercise their right to tell the truth.

Note that Spero didn't mention the actual content of Trump's anti-Omar tweet -- a video that edited Omar's out-of-context remarks into footage of the 9/11 attacks.

Spero didn't mention that death threats against Omar increased after Trump's tweet. Perhaps Spero is OK with that.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:27 AM EDT

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