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Tuesday, July 10, 2018
WND Columnist Who Called Trump Accuser A 'Super Whore' Laments Decline of Civil Discourse
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jane Chastain spent her June 27 WorldNetDaily column lamenting that "legitimate discourse" has become an "endangered species," using lots of examples of the decline such as "baseless or outright false political Facebook posts" and attacking public officials -- all of which, of course, come from what she portrays as Democrats and liberals.

Just as with Joseph Farah, Chastain has apparently forgotten about the website that publishes her column, which is filled with bogus and misleading claims. She has also forgotten her own history of less-than-civil discourse.

We've noted that Chastain dismissed Stormy Daniels, who has made credible accusations of having an affair, as a "super whore" because she has worked as a porn actress.Chastain also went on a slut-shaming tirade of the woman of accused Roy Moore of perving on them as teenagers, calling the accusations against Moore "obviously politically motivated and attacking one woman as having teen a "trouble teen" with "problems" who may have "made up the story to impress" people, huffing, "Moore has led a moral life. [The accuser] not so much."

On the plus side, Chastain does concede that Fox News does have a "conservative slant." So there's that.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:24 AM EDT

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