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Thursday, July 6, 2017
WND Scraping Bottom of Barrel To Keep Seth Rich Conspiracies Alive
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has been flailing for some time to keep its malicious and cynical Seth Rich conspiracy theories alive. Not only has its GoFundMe campaign been a failure -- as of this writing, just over $4,000 has been raised in more than a month of soliciting -- it's running out of stories to pump it up.

On June 22, Alicia Powe was content to serve as stenographer for similarly malicious conspiracy-monger Jack Burkman -- a Republican lobbyist whose politically motivated conspiracy promotion Powe laughably called "independent" and "nonpartisan" -- who was ranting that "Several online accounts belonging to murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich have been deleted in recent weeks."

By June 28, Powe was down to promoting a fringe candidate for Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's congressional seat, Tim Canova, who was asserting that "Any American who cares about the rule of law should be demanding the truth about the mysterious murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich." Powe lamented that "After weighing in on social media about the Seth Rich murder mystery, Canova quickly became the target of widespread criticism."

Surprisingly, Powe did report on Canova's even more conspiratorial rants, like how he believes Wasserman Schultz apparently sent a power surge to his house that fried his computer surge protector.

Powe also used a June 25 article to promote a class-action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee for, in Powe's words, "rigging the 2016 presidential election" (shouldn't Powe be talking to Russia about that?) -- a lawsuit so badly constructed, according to one observer, that its issues "would be apparent to any second semester law student." Powe did PR work for the plaintiffs, uncritically repeating their assertion that "they’re being harassed with threatening messages and “freaky” encounters and they fear for their safety – particularly in the wake of the mysterious and unsolved murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich – but a federal court has denied their request for protection." Powe also regurgitated their purported concer nover Rich's death because, according to a statement by one fo the lawyers, "Mr. Rich might have been a potential witness in this case."

That's what might be charitiably called scraping the bottom of the barrel. Then again, complete lack of credibility hasn't stopped WND before.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:32 PM EDT

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