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Monday, July 18, 2016
Newsmax Still Won't Acknowledge Kessler Used to Work There
Topic: Newsmax

Poor Ronald Kessler. Even as Newsmax keeps featuring his latest work on its website, it still won't acknowledge he worked there for six years.

It happened again in a July 12 Newsmax article by Joe Crowe featuring Kessler's claim that "The FBI rarely prosecute officials for mishandling classified information,"effectively a rewrite of Kessler's column at the Washington Times.

Crowe describes Kessler only as "former Washington Post and Wall Street Journal investigative reporter." Presumably that gives Kessler more mainstream-ish cred at Newsmax than describing as a "former Newsmax chief Washington correspondent."

Of course, the bio at the end of his Washington Times column also omits his time at Newsmax, even though it's his most recent full-time position at a news organization.

Poor guy.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:55 PM EDT

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