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Wednesday, July 6, 2016
CNS Bias: 8 Articles on Clinton Email, Zero on Trump's Anti-Semitic Tweet
Topic: claims in its mission statement that it's "a news source for individuals, news organizations and broadcasters who put a higher premium on balance than spin."

That's a total lie. CNS is interested only in spin.

The latest example: CNS marshaled its team of so-called reporters to crank out a whopping eight articles in the past day or so related to the FBI not recommending charges against Hillary Clinton over her private email server:

All eight of these articles got front-page play at CNS.

By contrast, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tweeting out an image of Hillary Clinton considered anti-Semitic got no special coverage from CNS reporters. The only attention CNS bothered to give to this issue involving its preferred presidential candidate was an lone Associated Press article that appeared on the front page.

That story, by the way, was the only mention of Trump on CNS' front page this week despite the fact that he would seem to warrant coverage equivalent to Clinton. No CNS reporter has written about Trump for nearly a week; the most recent story was a June 29 article by Susan Jones serving as dutiful stenographer on a Trump speech.

If CNS really did put "a higher premium on balance than spin," Trump's peccadilloes would get the same attention as Hillary's. But they don't making CNS' mission statement a lie.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:59 PM EDT

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