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Thursday, July 3, 2014
WND's Kinsolving Just Can't Stop Spewing Homophobia
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Raging homophobe Les Kinsolving is at it again in his June 30 WorldNetDaily column, complaining about how Washington's National Cathedral welcomed a transgender minister:

This liturgical and homiletic innovation inevitably begs the question as to when the Episcopal Cathedral would invite as a guest preacher anyone who engages in another (but unmentioned by the LGBT community) sexual orientation: polygamy (as well as its alternative, polyandry: a woman who marries multiple husbands)?

And that is only the beginning for those who justify same-sex marriage. Along with polygamy and polyandry, when can we expect the National Cathedral to speak out in protest of the persecution and prosecution of pedophiles – especially older men who love to satisfy their sexual longings of teenagers or even younger than that?

It only "begs the question" in Kinsolving's fevered homophobic mind. And he's not done:

I’ve seen reports that 30 alternative sexual orientations are federally protected by the so-called Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act, S. 909, and the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, H.R. 1913.

This would include coprophilia, incest, urophilia, exhibitionism and klismaphilia.

Rather than enumerating the additional and very bizarre alternative sexual orientations (of which there are a number), let us wait for the Washington Cathedral’s approval of NAMBLA – and if not, why not?

Where are these "reports" Kinsolving claims to have "seen"? He never tells us. If that's the best sourcing he can come up with, no wonder he sunk into the journalistic cesspool of WND to finish out his so-called reporting career -- and no wonder he's not allowed to do anything beyond impotently raging in a lightly read column.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:38 PM EDT

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