Terry Jeffrey rants in his Sept. 26 column:
Under Obamacare, the administration will force Catholics and other Christians to buy and/or provide coverage for services — including sterilizations, artificial contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs — that violate the teachings of their faith.
Well, no. The "abortion pill," RU-486, is not covered. The morning-pills that are covered, like Plan B and Ella, do not induce abortions. These drugs primarily work by preventing ovulation.
We realize it's an article of faith among right-wingers that Obamacare pays for "abortion-inducing drugs." But that's simply not the case. Jeffrey -- who purports to be a journalist in the business of reporting facts -- ought to know better than to put his ideology before the truth.
But apparently he doesn't -- and that's presumably one reason why he is the CNS editor in chief.