Topic: NewsBusters
It appears that NewsBusters likes its liberals the way Fox News likes them: in name only.
Under the headline "Normally Level-headed Lib Kirsten Powers Goes Berserk at Daily Beast," Ken Shepherd writes in a Sept. 19 NewsBusters post about his disappointment that the Powers wrote something liberal:
"The Republican Party is destroying America" with a "murder-suicide" pact in the U.S. Congress to "shut down" the government.
You might expect such over-the-top language from anyone at MSNBC and quite a few at CNN, but, alas, that's from the pen of one Kirsten Powers, a liberal Fox News contributor who has struck us in the past as a rather rational lefty who doesn't resort to the same tired talking points. After all, she is a pro-life Christian who was great on the Kermit Gosnell issue. And let's not forget she's been good on the Benghazi matter. But today, however, she was railing that Tea Party-friendly congressmen in Washington "seem determined to take us all down with them."
At no point in her September 19 piece did it occur to Powers that President Obama is being equally if not more intransigent by issuing inflexible veto threats rather than entertaining some concessions like, I don't know, a bill to suspend implementation of ObamaCare -- including the individual mandate -- to AFTER the 2014 midterms, which could then serve as a national referendum on ObamaCare: If you love ObamaCare, vote for Democrats. Hate it and want it scrapped or significantly gutted, vote for the GOP.[...]
On most other issues, Powers has been a staunch but intellectually honest liberal pundit. It's a shame she's sticking with the liberal media's herd mentality on this issue.
Of course, NewsBusters does what it can to enforce a herd mentality on the right by going all Heather on anyone who dare deviates from conservative dogma. Why won't Shepherd let conservatives do what he's encouraging Powers to do?