Topic: WorldNetDaily
Bradlee Dean does a fine job of playing the victim in his Sept. 18 WorldNetDaily column, parlaying an online petition into a conspiracy against him and his ministry:
This week I received some information that my ministry was being petitioned by, which is funded by none other than the international criminal George Soros, in an attempt to prevent my participation at the Minnesota State Fair. We also became aware of the fact that he who is petitioning the ministry is representing himself under a feigned manner and has no affiliation with the Fair. Outside of the fact that I have nothing to hide, the truth and facts, which bear forth my fruit, will expose their lies and those advocating crimes toward our American republic.
Dean might be taken a little more seriously if he didn't begin his alleged recitation of "the truth and facts" with apparent falsehoods.
First, did not petition Dean -- is an online platform used to circulate petitions. Dean offers no evidence that anyone in the employ of has targeted him.
Second, neither the Soros Files nor Discover the Networks list as a recipient of Soros money. Earlier this year, received a $15 million investment from a trust created by the founder of eBay.
Then, Dean does something peculiar: He responded to the petition's charge that his ministry "crosses the line by advocating violence" not by denying it but, rather, by ticking off random instances of children molested or killed by presumably gay adults and playing guilt-by-association with others. Like this:
What of Kevin Jennings? Obama’s first “safe school czar” is the founder of GLSEN, that is, Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Education Network. Kevin Jennings wrote a forward [sic] to a book called “Queering the elementary education” [sic].
Jennings is a hero and icon of the organization NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association. NAMBLA’s motto: “Sex before eight before it is too late.”
Dean provides no evidence that Jennings is a "hero and icon," and his foreword to "Queering Elementary Education" has nothing to do with sex; Jennings called for valuing "every human being as a precious gift" and looked forward to the day when students could "walk down our streets without fear."
Dean laughably concluded his column by stating, "Friends, this is not about attacking any particular people," pretending he hadn't just spent the entire column attacking particular people.
Once again, Dean's column also includes a request for donations to fund his lawsuit against Rachel Maddow, despite the fact that the lawsuit has been dead for months.
So where are those "truth and facts" Dean promised? History shows he's not capable of telling the truth.