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Sunday, September 22, 2013
The Birther Blackout Continues At WND
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah writes in his Sept. 18 WorldNetDaily column:

But there’s a lesson to be learned here for those who prefer the truth to actions based on lies: Some unscrupulous people will twist and distort reality to achieve their objectives. In fact, some will do anything to get their way politically. They will use any means necessary – including, but not limited to, total fabrication.

Farah is writing about coverage of Matthew Shepard -- which he's wrong about, and which we'll cover in another post -- but he might has well be talking about himself and the website he runs regarding President Obama's "eligibility."

We've documented how WND has utterly refused to report facts that debunk its birther conspiracy theories -- the very definition of unscrupulous behavior. And WND has kept quiet about the most recent piece of evidence that utterly destroys its work over the past several years.

In June, the blog Native and Natural Born Citizenship Explored demonstrated how the layers birthers found in the PDF image of Obama's long-form birth certificate-- which they claim are evidence that the document is a fake -- were replicated by scanning the document normally into a Xerox Workcentre 7655 multifunction printer.

Not only has WND failed to report this development, the Obama Conspiracy Theories blog notes that Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse has been silent about it as well.

Farah goes on to write:

Once truth is no longer important, people are incapable of governing themselves effectively. They become irrational. They make decisions based purely on emotional reactions unconnected with reality.

Is there any more persuasive evidence of irrational behavior unconnected with reality than WND's birther obsession, where the truth is no longer important, if it ever was?

Posted by Terry K. at 5:04 PM EDT

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