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Wednesday, June 26, 2013
WND's Gun Columnist Tries To Bring Back Waco to Attack Hillary
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jeff Knox -- who we last saw promoting "pork-infused" bullets as a final insult to dead Muslims -- goes back to the '90s to try and dig up some dirt to attack Hillary Clinton in his June 20 WorldNetDaily column:

Could they end the reign of Obama?

Could the tragic events of Waco in 1993 bring down the president and the Democratic machine after 20 years? Mike McNulty, producer of the Emmy Award winning, Academy Award nominated documentary “Waco: Rules of Engagement” and its follow-up films, “Waco, A New Revelation” and “The FLIR Project,” believes it could. McNulty says that the close ties between the Waco atrocity and members of the Obama administration – including Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and powerful congressional Democrats – could unravel the administration and the entire Washington Democratic power structure.


Hillary Clinton’s role in the assault on the Davidian campus and its subsequent cover-up has never been fully disclosed. McNulty says that his information indicates that Mrs. Clinton was not only involved, but in command, directing the FBI’s actions from the White House and leading the subsequent cover-up. The Texas Rangers have said that their objections to the destruction of the Waco evidence were squelched directly by the White House.

Knox doesn't explain why Clinton is responsible for the deaths of people so brainwashed by cult leader David Koresh that they didn't have the sense to flee a burning building.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:56 PM EDT

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