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Tuesday, June 25, 2013
MRC's Gainor Dishonestly Takes Obama's School Remarks Out of Context
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's Dan Gainor is a loyal right-wing apparatchik, and he's not about to let facts get in the way when he's bashing President Obama.

Gainor wrote a June 20 NewsBusters post complaining that Obama "used a town hall meeting for youth in Belfast to show his contempt for religious education" and "criticized separate religious schools for promoting 'division.'" Gainor went on to complain that "ABC, CBS and NBC all skipped the story, even though it made the rounds in conservative media especially on Wednesday."

Of course, the reason it "made the rounds in conservative media" and not the media in general is because conservative media took Obama's quote out of context. As we've documented, Obama was speaking specifically to the situation in Northern Ireland, which has a lengthy history of animus and violence between Catholics and Protestants.

The faux outrage from Gainor and other right-wingers also ignores one of the core reasons there is an extensive Catholic education system in the U.S. in the first place --  the public schools were dominated by Protestants.

But such facts don't matter to Gainor. He simply went on to rant how "The Obama administration has angered people of faith" by citing the manufactured controversy of "hiding a cross when Obama was speaking at Georgetown."

But then, Gainor is not being paid to pay careful consideration to facts that interfere with his agenda, is he?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:38 AM EDT

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