Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily has toned down its birther coverage since President Obama's re-election proved its four-year anti-Obama jihad to have no effect whatsoever beyond discrediting itself, but even WND will still swallow easy birther bait.
Thus, we have a June 22 WND article by Drew Zahn taking very seriously how Yahoo! News briefly and erroneously claimed Obama was born in Kenya. Zahn tries to peddle a conspiracy theory by pondering if Yahoo!'s mistake was "a sign of something more," then rehashes all the old discredited conspiracy theories about the "purported copy of Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate" released by the White House.
Zahn, as is WND policy, can't be bothered to point out how Mike Zullo's Cold Case Posse has been discredited, and he certainly won't say anything about these conspiracies in the way Dr. Conspiracy has summed it up:
Given the independent verifications that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, there has never been any sense to the birther claims that Obama’s long form birth certificate PDF was the creation of a human forger. What they did was to dig deeper and deeper into bits of the file until they went beyond their competence, found something they didn’t understand, and then claimed that it was an anomaly that proved forgery.
The infamous Maricopa County Cold Case Posse published analyses from unqualified amateurs who argued that the Obama form was a fake because the hardware and software they tried didn’t give the same results. They basically said that because the Obots couldn’t match, detail for detail, the White House PDF, that it must be a fake (never mind the proof of the external proofs that it was authentic).
The fact that Zahn -- and everybody else at WND -- deliberately ignores facts that don't comport with its anti-Obama agenda despite being repeatedly caught in the act is just one more reason why (c'mon, say it with me) nobody believes WorldNetDaily.