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Sunday, June 9, 2013
Retired General Demonstrates Lack Of Honor With Lies About Obama
Topic: WorldNetDaily

You'd think that a career military man who made it to the rank of general would have more honor than to lie in public. But apparently retired Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady has no honor.

Brady lied in a June 4 WorldNetDaily column: "In the midst of the massacre of our ambassador and three heroic Americans [in Behghazi], President Obama was nowhere to be found." In fact, congressional testimony repeatedly showed that Obama and the White House were fully engaged during the Benghazi attack.

Brady also dishonrably suggests Obama is to blame for "unprecedented rates of suicide and PTSD." Perhaps he doesn't realize that two wars were started on the watch of Obama's predecessor, a Republican, and that, not Obama, is perhaps the root of the military's PTSD and suicide epidemic.

Ultimately, Brady's column is just a petulant right-wing rant:

As incompetence, deception, duplicity and dishonesty become the hall marks of the Obama administration, it is important that we not lose sight of the greatest danger posed beyond these serial scandals: the feminization, emasculation and dismantling of our military. The two most important elements of national survival are the media and the military; one keeps us free and the other keeps us secure. We know the media are failing – God help us if the military does also. We may be able to fix the government in 2014. Fixing the military is more problematic.


e now have a quad-sexual military with all the health, readiness and moral issues that come with exalting sodomy. Sexual assault is at an all-time high. Women will be tasked to lead bayonet charges. As a result of the sex scandals, Congress is now looking to curtail the military’s ability to discipline, another tribute to the lack of leadership in the military and lack of military understanding in Congress.


Sadly the military is mirroring society – the goal of Mr. Obama and progressives – and will soon be impotent. Once the progressives have a helpless military they no longer need to explain why they didn’t go; they can say we are unable to go. Progress is not the path we are on; true progress is the path to our past. The other scandals may be more glamorous and outrageous (such as lying about Benghazi before the coffins of those massacred by terrorists, enemies’ lists and assaults on the First Amendment) but what Mr. Obama is doing to our military is more grave.

Brady may have been awarded a Medal of Honor, but his willingness to lie and mindlessly rant about his commander in chief more than demonstrates his true lack of honor.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:37 PM EDT

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