Topic: WorldNetDaily
Will all the hydra-headed horrors whip-lashing the Obama White House spend themselves out splashing against a Democratic seawall in the Senate, and the media-corps awaken in the middle of the night and scream, “What am I doing? I repent!” and beg for return to their old bunk in Obama’s back pocket, thereby allowing Democratic gains in both houses of Congress next year and the already scripted nomination and coronation of Hillary Clinton in 2016?
Or will Barack and Michelle flee like the Batistas of pre-Castro Cuba after a big and normal-looking White House party and make it across the Mexican border with fake mustache, goatee and wig, leaving behind a statement that he could no longer waste his life-lifting energies on a population as fickle and ungrateful as we Americans?
-- Barry Farber, May 21 WorldNetDaily column
Given this prevailing perverted worldview amongst Americans, it is no surprise that one Barack Hussein Obama (or whatever his name truly is), having attained the office of president of the United States of America, expected to enjoy more latitude than his predecessors with regard to his actions. This was intensified by the fact that as the first black president, he immediately became an historic figure. Add to that the cult of inordinate deference and adulation promoted by various forms of media, and we had an individual with whom practically no one actually wanted to find fault.
So, in pursuing his diabolical Marxist agenda, Obama knew that he would be able to gain far more ground than a white individual with the same plan. He may not have known precisely how dedicated and effective the press would be, or how long Americans would remain asleep, but he and his Cabinet had a pretty good idea of how far they could go.
-- Erik Rush, May 22 WND column
Why would Obama authorize a drone hit on Anwar al-Awlaki (who never killed anyone) but not give the victims of his Islamic preachings the same military designation?
What is his plan? It’s to partner with Muslim Brotherhood groups in America that work feverishly to “eliminate and destroy” America from within.
-- Pamela Geller, May 26 WND column
For a long time, as much as I wanted to see Obama gone, I opposed the notion of Congress attempting to impeach him. I figured that with the Senate in the hands of Harry Reid, nothing would come of it. What’s more, when it was attempted with Clinton, he came out at the other end more popular than ever, a martyr in the eyes of the left.
But I no longer care about the end result. I want Obama to go through the process because he has it coming. In totalitarian states, after all, the people have no other recourse except to take to the streets and spill blood. But we have available the process of impeachment, and Obama should be forced to defend his contemptible lies and actions.If for no other reason than his unbearable arrogance, the schmuck should have to pay a penalty.
-- Burt Prelutsky, May 28 WND column
Nat Hentoff, May 28 WND columnRegardless of political parties, though, where is there a Jefferson among us today? Someone who would demand an independent commission with due-process rights for the primary witness, President Obama, in a possible impeachment case against him? Mounting evidence, going back to the beginning of his first term, could be examined.
Should there be an actual fully televised impeachment procedure – which could happen if We the People demanded it – public school students watching might call for a return of civics classes to their schools, newly reminded that they are self-governing Americans.
It is madness to ignore the aggregate of evidence against Obama just because a lot of people want to believe that he’s a good guy. It is madness to ignore all of the evidence that shows us very clearly going down the road of every other civilized nation that has descended into tyranny. It is madness to ignore the evidence that speaks to Obama having deliberately and willfully sabotaged our economy, even as he continues to do so. It is madness to ignore his cozy and very open relationships with America’s sworn enemies. It is madness to ignore that we pretty much have the framework for an entire totalitarian state build right into Obamacare, the president’s crowning achievement.
And it’s madness to ignore that these things did not come about until one Barack Hussein Obama became president.
-- Erik Rush, May 29 WND column
Until the current administration came along, never in American history had so many people claimed to be taking responsibility without taking even the least little bit. Some leaders take pride in knowing how to delegate responsibility. Obama and his crew only know how to delegate blame.
-- Burt Prelutsky, June 4 WND column
Never mind that no one who voted for him knows who he is. Indonesian? Kenyan? Hawaiian? Who cares?! Presumably our dictators-in-waiting do. Obama’s three different Social Security numbers were “no problem” for the NSA’s vast army of high-tech voyeurs and their black budget. Created to spy on our enemies, these agencies and companies have now all put in their bid to rule over us.
-- Craige McMillan, June 7 WND column
Gov. Christie, you hug the president on camera at every opportunity, begging Obama like a shameless strumpet for federal dollars to fix New Jersey, which remains in disrepair, yet you don’t care about how you waste the taxpayer’s money? … Ewww!
-- Ellis Washington, June 7 WND column