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Monday, August 11, 2014
WND: 'Obama Seeks To Appease Pagan Gods'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

An Aug. 10 WorldNetDaily article by Steve Peacock serves up the most ludicrous we've seen in quite some time (and remember, our job is to monitor the ConWeb, so we see lots of ludicrous stuff):

Yes, that's right, "Obama Seeks To Appease Pagan Gods." And how, exactly, is Obama doing that? By providing money to Egypt to protect historic temples:

Amid surging violence in the Mideast, from Gaza to Syria to Iraq, the Obama administration is stepping up efforts in Egypt to preserve a multi-deity temple to the “creator god” Horus and the “crocodile god” Sobek.

After footing a multi-million-dollar bill to help the government of Egypt lower the water level at the Temple of Kom Ombo and other archeological sites, U.S. taxpayers are now shelling out more cash to extend the project beyond its contractual end date, according to procurement documents WND discovered via routine database research.

While Peacock's article never makes the claim that that Obama is appeasing pagan gods,  theheadline is ridiculous, and Peacock should be complaining to his WND bosses that his articles are ill-served by misleading headlines.

Then again, Peacock's main function at WND is to obsess about how much aid money is going to Kenya under the Obama administration, so perhaps he sees this headline as accurate.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:35 AM EDT
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Some have speculated that Obama’s real father may have been the slain black civil rights leader Malcolm X, who embraced Sunni Islam after his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1964 and being expelled from the Nation of Islam. Apart from the uncanny likeness of the two men, there are those who claim that ample evidence exists to support this theory. One former intelligence operative has come forward, asserting that DNA evidence exists excluding Barack Obama Sr. as the president’s father. None of these parties has been able to produce incontrovertible evidence, however.

All things considered, a Malcolm X paternity certainly would explain the president having also embraced Sunni Islam, which he is dedicatedly working to advance. It might also explain his poorly concealed anti-Christian bias, as well as his administration’s appalling treatment of Israel.

-- Erik Rush, July 30 WorldNetDaily column

“Wouldn’t proceedings documenting Obama’s dictatorial assault on the former Constitution” – the voice of the youngster speaking stayed steady – “have turned many voters against him, too?”

The old lady thought for a minute. “I’m not sure anyone thought of that,” she replied.

“Did the Stupid Party at least win those stupid elections?”

“What does it matter now?” she said. “They turned out to be the last ones.”

“What’s ‘media’ again?” someone said, just to break the gloomy silence.

“People paid to flatter the tyrant – I’ve told you. Now, where was I? Oh yes, it was an election year.”

The youngsters looked blankly. They just didn’t get why elected officials, sworn to uphold the former Constitution, would break their own oath just as surely as Obama had and do nothing to defend the nation against what turned out to be the tyrant’s final assault.

-- Diana West, July 31 WND column

I’m proud that I was among the first to recognize Obama is unfit for office and a threat to the nation he claims to lead. He’s more of a threat to national security than any terrorist organization. Why? Because terrorists can only kill some of us.

But unconstitutional action by the president of the United States corrupts the very soul of America. If it is not dealt with decisively through impeachment, it can kill the rule of law. It can kill our very spirit. It can kill the American ideal that the will of the people is pre-eminent, rather than the will of some vaunted elite.

The long-term effects of the socialized medicine plan that bears his name will inevitably lead, if not repealed, to lots of death, economic dislocation and suffering of the kind we have seen in Obama’s Department of Veterans Affairs.

Understand what I am saying here – and this is not hyperbole: We have reached a point in which our own government poses a greater danger to the future of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in America than do the formidable foreign enemies we face.

-- Joseph Farah, Aug. 1 WND column

If Obama is not impeached for his high crimes and misdemeanors before he leaves office of his own accord, then it is hard to imagine any future president ever being impeached, again. The crimes he has committed against the Constitution are breathtaking and legion, unsurpassed in American history and, hopefully, in America’s future.

In other words, if Obama is not impeached, we should write off this constitutional provision forever.

-- Joseph Farah, Aug. 3 WND column

This horrible war has not only exposed Hamas’ terror tunnels; it has unmasked and unmosqued Barack Hussein Obama.

Jihadist in the White House. At home and abroad, Jew-hatred is policy.

-- Pamela Geller, Aug. 3 WND column

Mr Obama, who would be the most powerful man in the world if he had the faintest idea how to govern, is a shambling amateur. His embarrassing and elementary mistakes – from Benghazigate via his bogus “birth certificate” to his war on coal and his naïve declarations of belief in the apocalyptic exaggerations of a handful of climate communists.

-- Christopher Monckton, Aug. 5 WND column

On Tuesday of this week, Barack Obama turned 53. Or so we were told.

On the occasion of this presumed birthday, it might be useful to revisit a claim by Obama himself as to when he was born, one that would put his current age at 48 – or younger.

-- Jack Cashill, Aug. 6 WND column

The Obama faction is not making war just on whites. When Obama colludes in the exploitation of hapless youngsters as pawns in the elitist faction’s war on America’s borders, he’s making war on them. He pretended that illegal immigration is about compassion for job seekers. Black, Hispanic and Asian Americans, as well as all other workers began to wake up to the damage that implied for their job prospects. So he manufactures a “crisis” that focuses attention on youngsters too young to work. Yet his deceit camouflages the truth, which is that his elitist faction corporate masters are mainly interested in cheapening labor in America, no matter what group has to be damaged and exploited to do so.

-- Alan Keyes, Aug. 7 WND column

We are no longer debating what is an impeachable offense; we are being asked to look away and pretend the Constitution is not being shredded. Our answer must be: Sorry, but that is not something allowed by the genetic code of patriots.

The truth is impeachment will NEVER be the safest course or the smartest course for the political establishment, but it is the necessary course for the survival of the U.S. Constitution even if ultimately rejected by the U.S. Senate after a fair trial. We must make the case for impeachment to demonstrate that no man is above the law, not even the first black president. If we do not make that case, we are betraying the Constitution and degrading our children’s inheritance.

If we go down the road of “not now but maybe later” when Obama is arrogantly daring us by openly engaging in clearly unconstitutional acts, when will it ever by “smart politics” to threaten impeachment against unconstitutional acts by any future president? Impeachment will always be “off the table.”

-- Tom Tancredo, Aug. 8 WND column

For another thing, say what you will about Clinton, he comes off as a good old boy. Obama comes across as an arrogant schmuck whose domestic agenda has put a brake on our economic recovery and whose foreign policy has alienated America’s friends and emboldened our enemies.

-- Burt Prelutsky, Aug. 8 WND column

Under the Obama administration run by our so-called commander in chief, affirmative action has been expanded to include Muslim terrorists such as Hamas and yet another Afghan terrorist, amidst its security forces, who just killed the American general, Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene, the highest-ranking U.S. officer to be murdered since 1970 in the Vietnam War.


Thus, in the world of war against radical Islam, Obama and his comrades, like Kerry and the U.N.’s Ban, have created a new type of affirmative action where Muslim terrorists have more rights than our own military and our country as a whole.

Obama must now be held legally accountable for his treason, either through impeachment or some other legal means. The nation finally must be rid of this tyrant, who allows our own best and brightest to be sacrificed at the altar of his Muslim roots and sympathies.

-- Larry Klayman, Aug. 8 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 7:02 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, August 10, 2014 7:12 PM EDT
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Marisa Martin's Archie Derangement Syndrome
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily columnist Marisa Martin hides behind a pseudonym, and we would too if we wrote the kind of paranoid drivel she cranks out.

In her July 6 WND column, "Martin" goes into full freak-out mode over over the Archie Comics storyline in which Archie dies taking a bullet for his gay best friend:

Archie Andrews was the love of my life at 12 – but I was forced to share him with sweet Betty and sultry Veronica, of course. How galling.

Faced with the usual dilemma of gracefully deposing a cartoon character who has “lived” ungodly long periods of time, Archie’s creators had him lay down his life for a friend. Isn’t that wonderful? Just as Jesus commended, but with so many variables … and the devil lies in the details, as they say.

One of these details is that by 2014 Archie’s taste in friends has greatly changed. Goofy Jughead was replaced by “best friend” Kevin Keller, an open homosexual. From the malt shop podium they could kick back and extol the virtues of the “gay” life, just like Plato and his disciples (although Plato later reversed this, describing the “crime of male with male, or female with female, is an outrage on nature utterly unholy, odious to the gods and ugliest of ugly things”).

Moving back to Riverdale from Athens, Archie Comics gladly sacrifices their protagonist to homosexual “BFF” Kevin in his final chapter. Although this was issued last month, it’s part of a campaign to reshape comics as a tool of social reeducation.
Progressive “Archie” publisher and co-CEO John Goldwater informed the AP of this himself: “We hope by showing how something so violent can happen to Archie, that we can – in some way – learn from him.”

It’s understandable that Archie’s publishers would want him bashed, because they obviously reached way beyond the public gullibility point. How many straight guys have a “gay” best friend, anyway? Perhaps an acquaintance or even a few friends, but Kevin and Archie discussing baseball and the comparative hotness of his babes?

Goldwater is a true believer, though. Aggressively pushing a type of “gay” hero worship, he claims to have accidentally stumbled across the story idea.

He eulogizes Archie’s murder in a paean of grandeur and praise for the noble sacrifice of life – but it’s obviously all about the homosexuality: “[Archie] dies selflessly in a manner that epitomizes not only the best of Riverdale, but the best in all of us.”

It’s clearly all about the sex, or an “openly gay” character wouldn’t be intrusively inserted into the storyline in Boy Scout country of Riverdale. Merits of homosexuality are never discussed in Goldwater’s interviews or the appropriateness of forcing it on children either. Why not have Archie die for Mother Teresa or a bus load of children? No political capital.

Martin continues her descent over the edge by correctly diagnosing her paranoia in the process yet reveling in it anyway:

I’ll probably be accused of being a conspiracy theorist for this, but the timing of these social campaigns is extraordinarily coincidental. Goldwater and his cronies launch his big change-the-kids campaign about 2008, the nascent Obama years. Talking points are identical: change, diversity, gun control and promotion of “gay” and alternative lifestyles, specifically in the military – oh, and zombie invasions.

I’m sure it’s a total coincidence, though, and Goldwater and his co-workers have never even heard of Obama or the Democratic national platform, nor are they useful lackeys in any way or have they been promised an ambassador’s position in Libya.

Goldwater proudly announces, “A new Riverdale is born!” with the death of traditional “Archie” and friends.

At its heels comes the news of their new series, “Escape from Riverdale.”

Perhaps some merciful writer/artist team will dream up “Escape from the Undead: Liberals Suck Riverdale Dry: Will Archie save the town in time?”

Like we said: If we wrote stuff like this, we'd hide behind a fake name too.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:24 AM EDT
Friday, August 8, 2014
WND's Barbara Simpson Ignores Facts To Rage At Immigrants
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Barbara Simpson rants in her Aug. 3 WorldNetDaily column:

There’s only one way to describe my immediate reaction a couple of weeks ago when it was announced that the feds were going to use an upscale resort in Weslaco, Texas, to house illegal aliens.

The announcement came with pictures of the intended illegal domicile. It looked like something a travel agent would use to entice you to book a reservation.

I looked at those pictures and felt as though someone had plunged a knife in my gut. I had never felt that way before. It was depressing.

I looked at those pictures and realized with horror and dejection that my country was lost and that the likes of Barack Obama and his ilk were destroying our borders forever, and they would continue, virtually unimpeded, to destroy the greatest nation this planet has ever known.

The resort had all the amenities that only people with a substantial income could afford if they were in the market for a wonderful vacation – green lawns, lighted tennis courts, three pools, a Jacuzzi, an exercise room, suites, concierge service and all the amenities, plus retail and meeting space on seven acres.

For reasons not fully explained, the place was unoccupied and as far as the feds were concerned, it was ready and waiting for the occupants they were more than ready to provide.

It was just sitting there – waiting – for illegal aliens, people in this country illegally.

The intent was to have the illegals ensconced in luxury they could never have imagined, and it would all be free, along with meals, educational and recreational programs, case management, residential child care, as well as medical and mental health care – of course.

Simpson is so invested in her hatred of immigrants that she's ignoring facts about the proposed facility that debunk her rage.

"The feds" were not going to run this facility; a local group, Baptist Child and Family Services, were. And it would have been turned into a dormitory-type facility like others BCFS runs, not operated in a way to have "illegals ensconced in luxury."

Because of misinformation promulgated by conservatives like Simpson, BCFS has abandoned its plan for the facility.

But never mind the facts, Simpson still has rage to vent:

The common thread in all of this is that America taxpayers are paying for it and will be left with open borders and the influx of millions of uneducated, unskilled, non-English-speaking people who will fancy themselves American citizens.

What a farce.

Thanks, Barack, for killing my country, without firing a shot.

And thanks, Barbara Simpson, for demonstrating what an ideal WND columnist you are with your complete disregard for the facts.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:28 PM EDT
Thursday, August 7, 2014
NEW ARTICLE -- Out There, Exhibit 60: Is Gina Loudon A Psychopath?
Topic: WorldNetDaily
The WorldNetDaily columnist's eagerness to armchair-diagnose President Obama's purported mental illness makes one wonder about her own mental state. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 3:14 PM EDT
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
WND's AAPS-Linked Doctor Irresponsibly Fearmongers About Ebola
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Fearmongering about filthy, disease-ridden immigrants is what has endeared Elizabeth Lee Vliet to WorldNetDaily. And as befits a WND writer and someone affiliated with the ffar-right-ringe Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, facts just don't seem to matter to her.

In her Aug. 3 WND column, Vliet latches on to the Ebola scare:

Deadly Ebola hemorrhagic fever is raging out of control in multiple countries in West Africa. Border Patrol agents confirmed that West Africans have been apprehended coming via Mexico into the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, with a number of seriously ill individuals whisked away to undisclosed locations for treatment of undisclosed illnesses. ABC News reported in mid-July that seriously ill illegals were flown from Texas to Ventura Naval base recently with high fever, respiratory difficulties, and coughing blood. At least three required ICU admission. No information was released on what illness was diagnosed, but the time course, severity of symptoms, and need for immediate ICU treatment is not typical for tuberculosis and more consistent with Ebola or hemorrhagic forms of dengue fever.

But the WND article to which Vliet links as evidence says nothing  about seriously ill West Africans crossing the southern border and being "whisked away to undisclosed locations for treatment of undisclosed illnesses."

Vliet gets more unhinged and conspiratorial as her column goes on:

Ebola’s use as a weapon of terror and mass destruction has been documented by, which reports that the former Soviet Union biological weapons program had weaponized the Ebola virus, and that Aum Shinrikyo, the Japanese terror group, recently sent members to Africa to harvest the virus during an outbreak.

After long neglecting the contagious disease issues that arose in early June, on July 31, ABC, NBC, CBS and other news outlets simultaneously reported the arrival of two Ebola patients from Africa. Does this give “plausible deniability” to the possible role of illegal border-crossers in bringing Ebola to the U.S.?

In fact, the article she cites are only speculation and unverified reports (emphasis added):

Reports suggested that the Ebola virus was researched and weaponized by the former Soviet Union's biological weapons program Biopreparat. Dr. Ken Alibek, former the First Deputy Director of Biopreparat, speculated that the Russians had aerosolized the Ebola virus for dissemination as a biological weapon. The Japanese terrorist group Aum Shinrikyo reportedly sent members to Zaire during an outbreak to harvest the virus.

Given that this article is undated, Vliet has no basis to claim any of these purported incidents happened "recently."

Meanwhile, PolitiFact points out just how remote the possibility of Ebola-infected immigrants from West Africa being smuggled across the southern border is, citing actual experts in doing so:

"The incubation period is two to 21 days, so theoretically, an African could fly from an infected area, land in a Mexican airport, take a bus toward the border, hire a coyote to take him across and then ‘present’ with Ebola," said Thomas Fekete, section chief for infectious diseases at the Temple University School of Medicine. "But this presupposes a suicidal person who also has the resources for this kind of travel."

Indeed, the prior, scattered examples of exotic and deadly diseases reaching the United States suggest that "the likelihood of an illegal migrant getting infected and introducing the disease to the U.S. is probably less than that of a ‘legal’ traveler," said Daniel G. Bausch, head of the virology and emerging infections department at the U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No.6 in Lima, Peru.

Another problem: If you had such an infection, the chances are good that you would die on the journey to the United States, said Arthur Caplan, director of the division of medical ethics at New York University’s Langone Medical Center. "You would be too sick to make it to the border by foot," he said.

But Vliet isn't done:

Not very contagious? Really? Then why do World Health Organization officials say the “worst on record” Ebola outbreak in three countries in West Africa is spreading out of control? Why all the special hazmat suits for doctors and nurses? Why did two doctors die treating Ebola patients? Why all the special and expensive isolation units for Ebola patients? In sharp contrast to WHO, U.S. Centers for Disease Control, or CDC, and government spokespersons seem to be going out of their way to downplay risks to Americans.

That's because the risks are, in fact, miniscule. Numerous experts agree that there is little threat of an Ebola outbreak in the U.S. because the U.S. health infrastructure is much more robust than it is in West Africa. And since Ebola is not transmitted through the air but, rather, by direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person, it is indeed "not very contagious."

By spreading lies and conspiracy theories, Vliet is acting in an irresponsible manner with her Ebola fearmongering.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:00 PM EDT
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
WND's Unruh Turns In Another Press Release For A Right-Wing Legal Group
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Bob Unruh turns his stenography skills to another right-wing organization in an Aug. 1 article:

A team of attorneys is jumping to the defense of a scientist who was fired after making the stunning discovery of soft tissue attached to a triceratops skeleton, undermining the belief that dinosaurs roamed earth no less than 60 million years ago.

The Pacific Justice Institute said its case on behalf of Mark Armitage alleges a university official where Mark Armitage worked shouted at him, “We are not going to tolerate your religion in this department!”

The suit against California State University Northridge, filed recently in Los Angeles County Superior Court against the board of trustees, alleges discrimination.

“Terminating an employee because of their religious views is completely inappropriate and illegal,” said Brad Dacus, PJI president.

Unruh is so invested in advocating for PJI that not only can't he be bothered to obtain any response to the lawsuit from the university, the headline of Unruh's article is surprisingly close to the headline on PJI's press release on the lawsuit.



Unruh also obscures facts to make PJI and its client look good. He suggests that Armitage's dinosaur research was done under the auspices of the university that employed him; in fact, Armitage was doing his dinosaur research outside of the school with other creationists, and he was employed by the university only as a part-time microscope technician.

Unruh also suggests that Armitage's publication of his "stunning discovery of soft tissue attached to a triceratops skeleton" was directly linked to his alleged firing. But as the blog io9 points out, Armitage apparently went beyond his job description by discussing his young-earth creationism with students:

This description of events sounds like Mr. Armitage informed some students of his young-earth creationist beliefs, and this might be where Dr. Kwok, his new supervisor, found out about them as well. Unmentioned by the lawsuit, students (undergrad? grad?) in biology departments are not big fans of hearing about young-earth creationism, so at least one of these students might have thought Mr. Armitage was proselytizing to them, even if he didn't intend to.


It sounds like Mr. Armitage said something not-very-scientific towards students and may or may not have told them that dinosaur fossils are thousands of years old. Maybe Mr. Armitage shouldn't have done that.

Further, as io9 commenters went on to note, Armitage's paper on his dinosaur research is suspect because it lacks information about where his research was conducted or any acknowledgments for research assistance. This raises the possibility that Armitage may have been using the microscope lab he worked at to conduct his research, perhaps without permission.

It seems there's much more to this story than Unruh would have you think. Too bad Unruh is completely uninterested in reporting it.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:55 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 1:00 PM EDT
Monday, August 4, 2014
WND's Zahn Tries To Impose Christianity On Pre-Christian 'Hercules'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

See if you can follow this chain of thought from Drew Zahn's WorldNetDaily review of the new "Hercules" film:

The film follows the adventures of the ancient Greek hero Hercules after he’s completed his legendary 12 labors, with the clever twist that he’s not really the son of Zeus, as Greek mythology would teach, but only a hardened warrior who has gotten by with the help of his friends. The stories of his conquests, however, grew to mythical proportions (with a bit of help), until people believed him the “son of a god.”

Each “magical” event and “monster” in his life is revealed by the film to be a perfectly natural occurrence only inflated to its supernatural reputation by a bit of trickery and the help of the grapevine.

And so long as we’re talking only about the mythical Hercules, this naturalist explanation for an ancient, supernatural hero is not a problem. Discerning audiences could enjoy the action and imagery and celebrate the movie’s messages about heroism, integrity and the measure of a man.

But if, by chance, this thread theme of the movie – that ancient heroes were not really supernatural, but at best overblown legends and, at worst, frauds – were to apply to Jesus Christ … why, then we’d have a different message to the movie after all.

And that’s where I found the half of a worm.

No, Jesus is never mentioned by name in the movie, nor are any direct parallels made. There’s a companion who betrays Hercules, the son of a god father and human mother, for money – but it’s still clear we’re talking about Hercules, not Jesus and his betrayer, Judas.

Yet the final line of the film feels way too much like finding the head of the thread was a snake all along.

“The world needs a hero they can believe in,” explains Hercules’ companion Amphiaraus. “Is he actually the son of Zeus? It doesn’t really matter.”

Then the final credits roll, with the song singing, “Ain’t no God on these streets, in the heart of the jungle. Won’t you follow me into the jungle?”

For me, the moment just felt a step too far.

I can’t say the filmmakers meant the movie in any way as a reference to Christ – “Hercules” does nothing to really justify that conclusion. But I do think audiences, especially undiscerning audiences culture-wide, will all too easily find their minds greased to swallow the humanistic idea that Jesus was a heroic figure, a good teacher, even if he wasn’t really divine. They just watched, after all, how all magic and monsters and miracles aren’t really real, but legends that grew into supernatural malarkey over the passage of time. If it was true of Hercules …

“The world needs a hero they can believe in. Is he actually the son of [God]? It doesn’t really matter.”

Doesn’t matter? Doesn’t matter! It’s all that matters!

As we read it, Zahn is concerned that a Greek myth might be extrapolated to apply to Christianity, despite the fact that there is no mention of Christianity in the film.Which makes sense, since the time of Greek mythology predates Christianity.

Indeed, Zahn writes later: "The movie is set in a time of superstition, and there’s stories told of the Greek gods, but no actual gods appear, nor is religion prominently displayed. In fact, the point of the movie is that the superstition is all false anyway."

But doesn't the arrival of Christianity implicitly hold that the Greek mythology it superceded was all superstition and, thus, false?

It seems that Zahn is trying to impose his version of Christianity on a pre-Christian narrative. But imposing his own agenda instead of reviewing movies for what they are is what Zahn is all about.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:19 AM EDT
Sunday, August 3, 2014
WND Columnist Botches Facts On U.S. Humanitarian Aid To Gaza
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Ben Kinchlow gets a couple things wrong about the U.S. role in the Israel-Hamas conflict in his July 28 WorldNetDaily column. First, he writes: "Please correct me if I am wrong, but I do not recall Secretary of State John Kerry flying in to meet with the Palestinian leadership to stop their firing rockets into Israeli towns and villages."

But "the Palestinian leadership" is not firing rockets into Israel; Hamas is. Because Hamas is considered a terrorist organization, the U.S. does not negotiate directly with them.

Keep in mind, Israel and America are allies, yet the Obama administration announced a week ago that it is sending $47 million in humanitarian aid to the Palestinian government.

“Humanitarian aid” to a government that calls on its own citizens to refuse to leave buildings Israel has warned will be targeted? If these government officials are willing to have their people killed by pre-announced Israeli airstrikes and artillery barrages, how much humanitarian concern does it have?

First, Kinchlow is again falsely conflating Hamas with all Palestinians. Second, that aid is not being given to the Palestinian government -- it's going to USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

Still, Kinchlow clings to his misinformation:

I have a question for the current administration. You just approved an additional $47 million in humanitarian aid to a government that openly calls for the destruction of its neighbor, continually allows rockets to be fired at civilians and promotes the death of its own citizens as martyrs and human shields.

“What up wid dat, Homies?”

The better question is what up wid a columnist who fails to get his facts straight before he opines.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:36 AM EDT
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

I was astonished and angered to read last week that the American Civil Liberties Union gathered “a coalition of 45 civil rights, human rights, privacy rights and faith-based organizations (and) sent a letter to President Obama asking for ‘a full public accounting of … practices’” related to the NSA’s spying on five leading American Muslims.

Sure, it’s a legitimate complaint, so why am I angry? Because instead of requesting this “full public accounting,” the ACLU should be organizing with other presumed guardians of our individual constitutional liberties to demand that impeachment proceedings begin against Obama, the most flagrant presidential violator of the Constitution in our history.

This is for the sake of our very identity as Americans.

-- Nat Hentoff, July 15 WorldNetDaily column

So, what are the real sympathies of the Obama administration and Democratic power players toward their beleaguered black urban constituents? I would imagine it is something in the area of utter contempt. Think about it: Progressive-socialist Democratic politicians have been exploiting blacks for decades; certainly, having managed to bring them from a place of cultural viability to abject thralldom – with their willing participation, I might add – can’t have improved these elites’ opinions of blacks at large. As far as Obama and his cabal are concerned, well, blacks are just useful idiots in the true Leninist sense.

My question is what these suffering inner-city blacks across America would think – and do – if they knew that their suffering was by design. I suppose that ultimately using blacks’ outrage to foment violent urban uprisings may indeed be part of the plan, but this remains to be seen.

-- Erik Rush, July 16 WND column

It wasn’t that long ago that a prospective Supreme Court justice was blackballed because he had occasionally smoked marijuana while in college. Although it seems as if it happened a hundred years ago, it wasn’t that long until we elected Bill Clinton, who admitted he had smoked pot, but lied about never having inhaled. That’s like saying you ate a T-bone steak, but didn’t swallow.

We then elected Barack Obama who not only smoked weed on a regular basis, but bragged about it in his autobiography. All along, I had thought that all of his obvious problems were the result of his having been abandoned as a child by his mother, father and stepfather, and left to be raised by communist grandparents and a sexual pervert, Frank Marshall Davis, who served as a mentor to young Barack.

However, now that medical research has linked marijuana not only to a diminished mental capacity, but to schizophrenia, I have had to revise my diagnosis. It’s just possible that marijuana played an equally large role in the stoner’s turning out to be such a lousy excuse for a president.

-- Burt Prelutsky, July 17 WND column

You have to be extraordinarily ignorant or gullible to believe that the chaos on the southwest border is an accident of history or the unexpected byproduct of a well-meaning act of Congress back in 2008. Just the opposite is true.

The current “surge” in border crossings by families and unaccompanied children is about as unexpected and unplanned as the expansion of Medicaid enrollments under Obamacare. Both are the logical and predictable results of Obama policies.

-- Tom Tancredo, July 18 WND column

The question has been asked many times over the last five years: What is Barack Obama doing?

Why is he inviting massive numbers of illegal aliens, including children, to risk their lives to swarm our southern border?

Why has he created a national health-care system that is unsustainable economically in the long term and is creating crisis in the short term?

Why is he turning down the opportunity to buy oil from our neighbor to the north and forcing Canada to sell it to China instead?

In short, why is he doing so much of what he is doing that seems not to make a lot of sense to the American people?

The shocking answer is that they do make sense in a perverted, un-American paradigm – one I have tried to bring to the attention of the American people for many years. The purpose is to increase misery and manufacture crises.

-- Joseph Farah, July 22 WND column

Had Obama not sought election to the presidency, his ideas could rightly be characterized as un-American. In fact, they were by many opponents in 2008 and 2012.

There were many presidents in American history who exceeded their constitutional authority.

There were many presidents in American history who hurt the country through their actions.

There were many presidents in American history who caused pain and sorrow for their constituents.

But has there ever before been an American president who intentionally took office to subvert and undermine the Constitution for the express purpose of imposing his own will on the people without a thought or care to constitutional limits?

That would be Barack Obama.

The Anti-President.

-- Joseph Farah, July 23 WND column

President Barack Hussein Obama is literally destroying the world. If you thought that Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were bad, there is no comparison to this socialist/communist, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white commander in chief whom I frequently refer to sarcastically, but realistically, as the “Mullah in Chief.”

-- Larry Klayman, July 25 WND column

Remember, Obama is not a leader in the traditional sense. He’s not a president in any sense – at least as we have known that office in the past. He’s a community organizer who counts on demonizing his opponents, playing the victim, blaming, as he did last week, “the unjust status quo,” as if he is an outside in Washington rather than the occupant of the White House for the last five and a half years.

I’ve never thought Obama’s decisions were haphazard, unplanned, unscripted and without purpose – just irresponsible, reckless, un-American, extra-constitutional and evil.

And that’s why I raise the question.

More and more critical observers are suggesting Obama wants Republicans to move toward impeachment. It is as if he is daring them to do so. Maybe he recognizes the party’s timid national leadership is reticent to take him on in any meaningful way. Maybe he hopes the midterm election damage will be less severe if the Republican base throws up its hands in frustration over having no meaningful alternative. Maybe he just wants to introduce more confusion and chaos into American politics. Maybe the border crisis is yet another attempt to play the race card that has been his trump card since he ran for president.

Whatever it is, America is paying a big price right now for electing and re-electing this fraud, this impostor, this demagogue.

-- Joseph Farah, July 28 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 10:16 PM EDT
Friday, August 1, 2014
No, WND, Sandra Fluke Never Claimed She Was Too Poor To Afford Birth Control
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily reporter Chelsea Schilling has a long, long history of getting facts wrong. She starts off her July 29 article with yet another whopper:

Sandra Fluke – the feminist attorney who in 2012 claimed she couldn’t afford the $9 monthly cost of birth control pills and has said taxpayers should pay for it – is loaning her own legislative campaign a hefty sum of $100,000.

In fact, during the 2012 congressional testimony that prompted WND friend Rush Limbaugh to misogynistically label her a slut and a prostitute (which Schilling soft-pedals as Limbaugh merely suggesting it), Fluke did not discuss her own personal circumstances.

Schilling also furthers the misnomer that all birth control costs $9 a month. As the New Republic points out, not every birth control method works for every woman due to side effects, and that includes cheap generic birth control:

For some women, finding the right contraceptive is a matter of finding the right pill. For others, it’s a matter of finding a whole other birth control method – like implants, inter-uterine devices, or surgical sterilization. Most of these alternatives cost more than $9 a month and some of them cost a lot more than $9 a month.

Such ignorance of basic facts in order to forward a political agenda is just another reason why nobody believes WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:23 PM EDT
Thursday, July 31, 2014
NEW ARTICLE: There's No Place Like WND (For Discredited Filmmakers And Unethical Reporting)
Topic: WorldNetDaily
Joel Gilbert knows the best way to get WorldNetDaily to promote his new anti-Obama film and ignore his track record of falsehoods: Put Jerome Corsi in the movie. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 11:18 AM EDT
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
WND Pretends 9-Year-Old Attack On Al Franken Is New
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily tries hard to push a scandal in a July 27 article:

While the re-election campaign of U.S. Sen. Joe Walsh, D-Mont., has been rocked by claims that he plagiarized 25 percent of his 2007 master’s thesis, another well-known Democrat senator is in the hot seat, facing plagiarism accusations from an author.

As a radio host on the left-leaning network Air America, Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., regularly emphasized the importance of telling the truth.

“Telling the truth is something I take seriously, and I try to hold myself to an impossibly high standard,” he wrote in his book “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.”

But Alan Skorski, author of “Pants on Fire: How Al Franken Lies, Smears and Deceives,” contends Franken plagiarized a chapter, “The Chapter on Fox,” lifting the words from a leftist group called Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting, or FAIR.

Skorski lists at least 18 examples of what he claims is Franken quoting almost word for word from the group’s reports on Fox News and conservatives.

There are two significant pieces of information missing from this unbylined article. First, WND published Skorski's book. Second, WND published it in 2005.

That's right -- WND is reporting 9-year-old allegations as new. Heck, Skorski himself stopped promoting his book in 2006. And WND certainly won't tell you that Skorski's main attacks against Franken have been discredited.

What we seem to have here is a desperate attempt to move some books moldering away in WND's seemingly vast warehouse. WND is currently selling the book for $19.96, which is about $19.95 more than you will pay for a nice used copy of it through Amazon.

Further, WND's sudden concern about plagiarism is laughable given WND's own lengthy history of stealing the work of others.

Before accusing Franken of "massive plagiarism," perhaps WND should clean up its own archives first.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:34 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:07 AM EDT
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
WND's Loudon Tries To Capitalize On Teen Daughter's Relationship With 57-Year-Old Actor
Topic: WorldNetDaily

What to make of Gina Loudon?

We've already noted her apparent mental health issues as manifested in the dishonesty and Obama derangement that appears in her WorldNetDaily column. Now she has devoted her July 27 WND column to her 18-year-old daughter's relationship with a 57-year-old man.

Loudon begins her column with this odd note:

This is a very personal family matter. With all the darkness, violence, conflict and trauma in the world today, it’s stunning that the news media would focus in on a personal family matter and exploit sensationally for a little titillation. But it is what it is. This is an emotional topic for me – not one I was prepared to deal with publicly. But here are my thoughts and feelings as I balance the privacy of my family, my concern and love I have for my daughter and the curiosity of the public over the latest “entertainment” story.

I would ask for the prayers of your readers that God takes charge of this situation for the best interests of all concerned.

Loudon can't possibly be that naive. The man her daughter happens to be having a relationship with (described in the headline as a "well-known actor" though we had never heard of him until now) is Steven Bauer, currently starring in a critically acclaimed TV show, "Ray Donovan," and he was once married to and has a son with actress Melanie Griffith. The two made their relationship public by attending a movie premiere together. Does Loudon really think that the entertainment media would ignore such catnip?

Loudon's column is about her trepidation about, and ultimate acceptance of, her daughter's relationship. But it's about something else too -- damage control and an attempt to control the narrative. It's as if Loudon has decided that if anyone was going to "exploit sensationally" her daughter's relationship, it would be her.

How else to explain the somewhat sultry-looking mother-daughter picture that begins Loudon's column (shown above)? That's an odd image to use in a column in which you're trying to convince readers that your daughter "has remained (and remains) pure until marriage" despite dating a 57-year-old actor.

Loudon's attempt to capitalize on her daughter's relationship may be more disturbing than the relationship itself.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:41 AM EDT
Monday, July 28, 2014
Of Course WND Loves Heckler Who Called Obama The Antichrist
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily devotes an entire July 25 article to how some random heckler called President Obama the Antichrist:

A heckler blasted Barack Obama during the president’s speech in Los Angeles this week, calling him the “anti-Christ” and warning him that he would be “destroyed,” before being ushered out by a police officer.

When Obama got up to speak, the man, wearing a blue shirt and standing at the front of an otherwise Obama-adoring crowd, shouted: “Jesus Christ created the heaven and the earth. … You are the anti-Christ. You are the anti-Christ. … You will be destroyed. You will be destroyed.’

Amid a mixture of cheers and boos from the crowd, with several people shaking their heads, the man continued shouting as an officer came and took his arm and led him away.

Curiously, WND fails to take the opportunity to let its readers know that it was an early rider on the Antichrist bandwagon.

As we've documented, WND has been pushing this idea since even before Obama was elected, later promoting a anonymous YouTube video (since revealed to be the work of Carl Gallups, under his nom de smear PPSimmons) erroneously quoting Scripture to claim that the Bible has identified Obama as the Antichrist.

This is a rare example of the WND self-promotion machine failing.

(Image: Mark Geary's Kickstarter for "A Is For Antichrist")

Posted by Terry K. at 12:55 PM EDT

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