Topic: WorldNetDaily gives up journalism to serve as servile stenographers (and a damage-control squad) for the Trump White House, as well as for friendly opinion-mongers and pro-Trump legal groups. Read more >>
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
NEW ARTICLE: The Stenography Factory
Topic: WorldNetDaily gives up journalism to serve as servile stenographers (and a damage-control squad) for the Trump White House, as well as for friendly opinion-mongers and pro-Trump legal groups. Read more >>
Posted by Terry K.
at 8:21 PM EST
Dueling WND Columnists, Radium-In-Water Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily
-- Chuck Norris, Jan. 14 WorldNetDaily column
-- David Lightsey, Jan. 17 WND column
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:10 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 11:50 AM EST
MRC's Bozell Falls for O'Keefe's Bogus Twitter 'Shadow Ban' Story
Topic: Media Research Center James O'Keefe screwed the pooch when he got busted for trying to fool the Washington Post with a bogus sexual harassment "victim" of Roy Moore -- and even then, the Media Research Center's Brent Bozell was slow to denounce O'Keefe, if only to preserve his self-proclaimed "moral standing" in the conservative media and hide the fact that the MRC has been an enthusiastic promoter of O'Keefe's previous charades. When O'Keefe did another goofy sting -- in the form of secretly recorded videos of a random Twitter employee who said something about "shadow banning" conservatives -- he managed to un-screw the pooch in Bozell's eyes. Cue Bozell's usual pop-eyed freakout mode:
Yes, Bozell really did claim that this purported "shadow banning" was "the most sinister threat to free speech in history." Bozell followed this with an open letter to Twitter's CEO insisting that "Project Veritas’s videos provide evidence which cannot be disputed." Well, actually, it can. As tech news site Ars Technica details:
Which might explain why we haven't heard much about this non-scandal from Bozell and the MRC since his initial rage. Bozell probably doesn't want to admit he got burned by someone he should never have trusted in the first place.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:37 AM EST
Monday, January 29, 2018
WND's Farah Pretends He Doesn't Care That Trump's Actions Fulfill End-Times Prophecy
Topic: WorldNetDaily Joseph Farah huffs in his Jan. 21 WorldNetDaily column:
It will not surprise you to learn that Farah is being less than honest here. Here's how the Newsweek article lays it out in a way Farah won't tell you it did:
You know who else has promoted the notion that Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is one in a series of events -- inculding building the third temple -- that will start the end times? Farah's own website. An April 2017 WND article touts one of its favorite pastors, Mark Biltz -- who we last saw trying to hijack last year's eclipse -- as confirming the idea the construction of the third temple signifies the start of the end times:
Then, a Dec. 10 WND article promoted a claim that Trump's recognition of Israel would help head to the construction of the third temple:
Curiously, the article didn't reference WND's previous claim that construction of the third temple would signify the start of the end times. One can also argue that Farah himself ascribes to this view. In a 2016 column written on one of his Holy Land tours (the one in which he and Jonathan Cahn staged a publicity stunt on the Temple Mount), Farah touted "an amazing prophecy dating back to 1217 by a scholarly and highly respected rabbi by the name of Judah Ben Samuel":
Remember, Farah is a guy who claimed that "I have no doubts that someone actually colluded with the Trump campaign to bring it victory in 2016. That someone was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel who repeatedly promised in the Bible to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse it." So he's totally down with the idea of Trump fulfilling prophecy. Farah may not be supporting Trump for the explicit purpose of bringing about the end times -- his column lists "many good reasons" why he and his fellow evangelicals do, one of which just happens to be "He respects Israel and recognizes Jerusalem as its eternal capital and the capital of no other nation or people in the history of the world" -- but he certainly can't be displeased that Trump's actions are in line with his own eschatological beliefs.
Posted by Terry K.
at 7:40 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 11:52 AM EST
Dishonest CNS Editor Just Can't Stop Perpetuating False Planned Parenthood Myth
Topic: Earlier this month, we caught editor in chief Terry Jeffrey perpetuating his website's long, dishonest history of falsely suggesting that federal money to Planned Parenthood pays for abortion -- something that is prohibited by law -- by placing the amount of federal money it receives in close proximity to the number of abortions its clinics perform. It seems Jeffrey is determined to continue his dishonestly. He writes in a Jan. 10 column:
This was followed with a complaint that "the Mexico City Policy does not stop federal Medicaid and Title X money from going to domestic Planned Parenthood affiliates — the affiliates that aborted 321,384 babies in the United States in fiscal 2016." Jeffrey refused to explain that Medicaid and Title X money to Planned Parenthood does not pay for abortion. Jeffrey did it again in his Jan. 19 column:
Again, Jeffrey refused to make clear that none of this federal money pays for abortion. CNS' mission statement claims it's a "news source" for those "who put a higher premium on balance than spin." But Jeffrey's journalistic dishonesty shows CNS puts right-wing spin first and foremost.
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:51 PM EST
Thank-You Campaign Makes WND's Farah A Total Trump Suck-Up
Topic: WorldNetDaily If anything has illustrated WorldNetDaily's abject fealty toward President Trump, it's WND's "Thank Trump" campaign. And editor Joseph Farah has gone to embarrassing lengths to promote it. Farah unsurprisingly used his pre-Thanksgiving column to tout it:
Farah went biblical to promote it in a Dec. 14 column:
Farah enthused further in his Dec. 20 column:
On Dec. 25, Farah got mad that Time magazine didn't name Trump as person of the year, going on to bloviate: And, of course, there was a plug for his thank-Trump campaign, asserting that "When someone like Trump leaves his comfortable existence of wealth and comfort to enter public life with the intent of slaying dragons, I say he needs and deserves encouragement." In his Dec. 28 column, Farah insisted his campaign has "gone viral":
WND even ran an article every day in January before the anniversary of Trump's inauguration plugging the campaign, with Farah's full endorsement:
WND even harnessed Ugandan President Yoweni Museveni's praise for Trump in an article as evidence that "a word of thanks also has come to Trump from overseas." Needless to say, WND didn't report that Museveni is a corrupt dictator who lifted an age limit on his office so he could stay on the job, jailed his critics and spent $77 of state money on expenses related to his residence. Perhaps this servile fealty to Trump -- which demonstrates the complete opposite of its current claim to be "credible, independent and fearless" -- is one more reason why WND is circling the drain.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:11 AM EST
Sunday, January 28, 2018
MRC Thinks April Ryan 'Gushed' About Receiving Death Threats
Topic: Media Research Center Given the revelations of a man who ranted about "fake news" and threatened to kill (which it just can't seem to get worked up enough about to criticize), an Jan. 18 Media Research Center post by Kristine Marsh seems even more harsher in hindsight. In it, Marsh mocks journalists -- including, ironically, CNN's Jim Acosta, as "crazy" for being concerned about his safety and seems to suggest Acosta deserves anything that might be coming to him for being such a purportedly biased reporter (bolding is hers):
Yes, Marsh actually claimed that Ryan "gushed" about receiving death threats. That's not how that works. Marsh then huffed that "Acosta then rebuked his 'friend' John Roberts’ network, saying Fox, by contrast, 'had an agenda, which is to turn people off of the press. It’s determined, it’s purposeful, and it’s bad for our democracy,' ther CNN journalist slammed." Only at the MRC is it a "slam" to point out the indisputable fact that Fox News is biased. Marsh ended with a final slam at Acosta in order to portray him as a raving lunatic (havaing already claimed he was "ranting" and expressing "rage" in a "tirade"): We’ve seen this behavior before from Acosta. Last year, at another media event held by the Newseum,he declared that it was “un-American” for Trump to attack CNN, while it was perfectly acceptable for him to scream at the president during press conferences."
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:20 PM EST
WND Again Whines People Are Doing to Trump What It Did to Obama (And Hillary)
Topic: WorldNetDaily In an anonymously written Jan. 17 article, WorldNetDaily complains that the "mainstream media" have "declared open season on the president’s health, claiming the physician must be lying about it." Among those complaints:
As we've pointed out, WND made many of these same complaints about President Obama declaring him to be an "unhinged" "reckless" "bombastic" "psychopath." WND managing editor David Kupelian devoted an entire 2015 column to portraying Obama as a "delusional" "malignant narcissistic" "sociopath." WND columnist Gina Loudon even argued that Obama was a "psychopath" on the level of Hitler and Pol Pot. Yes, WND is projecting again. WND also whined that the media "routinely ignored and downplayed former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s physical collapse, uncontrollable coughing fits and self-reported memory failure" and that "the mainstream media called reports of Hillary’s declining state 'conspiracy theories' and even demanded news outlets stop talking about the issue." Because that's pretty much what they were. WND fed those conspiracy theories, largely in an attempt to distract from questions about Trump's health, and even called in Dolly Kyle Browning -- not a medical expert -- to opinion on Hillary's health.
Posted by Terry K.
at 6:33 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, January 28, 2018 6:43 PM EST
Saturday, January 27, 2018
MRC's Graham Defends Pro-Trump Commentator, Downplays His History of Offensive Remarks
Topic: Media Research Center The Media Research Center's Tim Graham is in reflexive CNN-bashing mode at the start of his Jan. 19 post:
Graham seems to have overlooked the "for cause" part of Martin's statement -- where he smeared his CNN colleagues as racists for disagreeing with him -- which seems to put the lie to Martin's subsequent claim that he doesn't know why he was fired. Further, Martin has a long history of offensive remarks that CNN should have perhaps looked into before hiring him in the first place. Graham then whines:
Funny, we don't remember Graham complaining about Fox News doing the exact same type of panel-stacking -- butr then, it's to promote a conservative agenda and mock liberals and the paid "outlier" (there's a reason "Fox News Democrat" is an actual thing). Also: His link to Right Wing Watch that purportedly proves that liberals "oppose the very idea of a paid pro-Trump contributor slot at CNN" goes to a link roundup, and the only one of those links that relates to CNN is a Media Matters item detailing Martin's "black racists" smear. Graham also missed the part in the Hollywood Reporter report confirming Martin's departure in which Media Matters CEO Angelo Carusone explained that Martin, like Lord before him, cared only about "dishonesty and disruptions during on-air discussions," adding: "Hopefully now CNN will finally recognize that they'll better serve their audience by hiring an inclusive group of honest brokers representing a wide range of perspectives rather than someone dedicated to defending one person, Donald Trump, no matter what." In other words, Graham is falsely framing the issue to advance his own conservative -- and pro-Trump right or wrong -- agenda. Not a surprise.
Posted by Terry K.
at 10:29 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 11:53 AM EST
Disgraced Ex-Cop Kerik Now A Newsmax Columnist
Topic: Newsmax For some reason -- perhaps something having to do with serving as his image rehab consultant after he was busted on corruption charges that sent him to prison -- Newsmax appears to have given Bernard Kerik a regular column. And he has ended up being probably the last thing Newsmax needs: yet another pro-Trump cheerleader. In his Jan. 5 column, Kerik cited his own experience in railing against the Trump-Russia investigation:
We would remind people that Kerik pleaded guilty to the several counts that sent him to prison -- mostly tax-related offenses -- which undercuts his argument that he was a victim of a "selective and political prosecution." Kerik of all people should know that those in law enforcement (Kerik was formerly the New York City police commissioner) face extra scrutiny when accused of wrongdoing. Then, Kerik mounts a bizarre defense of, all people, Rod Blagojevich:
But as one writer points out, that was far from the only thing Blagojevich did:
In his Jan. 12 column, Kerik defended Trump over his reference to "shithole countries" like a good Trump lackey:
Also of note: Kerik's Newsmax bio highlights how he "has been recognized in more than 100 awards for meritorious and heroic service," but makes no reference to his prison stint.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:07 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 27, 2018 10:36 AM EST
Friday, January 26, 2018
MRC's Bozell Still Mad That Jeff Flake Stole A Book Title From His Father
Topic: Media Research Center Last August, Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell turned his MRC, ostensibly a nonprofit operation, into a vehicle for his personal grievances by attacking Sen. Jeff Flake over the title his book "Conscience of a Conservative," which is the same title as the book Bozell's father ghost-wrote for Barry Goldwater in the 1960s. When Flake delived a Senate floor speech arguing that some of President Trump's actions were akin to those undertaken by dictators such as Josef Stalin, Bozell ran to his favorite TV channel to level even more personal insults at Flake, as lovingly documentted in a Jan. 15 NewsBusters post: Yep, he's still abusing his own organization to deal with personal grievances. Regarding Bozell's claim that "If this were anybody else saying this about the President of the United States, and I think he would be thrown out of his office": When Republican Rep. Randy Weber likened President Obama to Hitler in 2015, the MRC didn't not demand that Weber "be thrown out of his office"; rather, it attacked anyone who criticized the comparison by playing the whataboutism card.
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:05 PM EST
WND Still Selling Paul Nehlen's Book, Still Silent On His Anti-Semitism
Topic: WorldNetDaily As we've documented, WorldNetDaily has not been an enthusiastic promoter of Paul Nehlen's political campaign for Paul Ryan's congressional seat, but it also published his book "Wage the Battle." But that promotion seemed to fade away as Nehlen's rhetoric turned more white nationalist and anti-Semitic; it hasn't actively promoted Nehlen on its website since September, but it never said why. Meanwhile, Nehlen has turned even more anti-Semitic, ranting about "Jewish media" and coordinating with alt-right supporters to attack it. Throughout all of this, however, WND has continued selling Nehlen's book -- it's still for sale in WND's online store (as is its e-book version), and it still pops up in the italic-type promotions among the headlines on its front page. WND's store also sold Nehlen's anti-Muslim film "Hijrah" -- which it also promoted in WND "news" articles -- but that appears to no longer be available. The Internet Archive lists "Hijrah" as being available from the store as recently as Jan. 11. And despite the growing disgust with Nehlen among conservatives -- heck, even the alt-right leaders at Breitbart have washed their hands of him -- WND has yet to issue a public statement regarding its relationship with Nehlen. Why? One reason could be that WND's book division appears to have gone dormant. The WND Books Twitter account hasn't made a post since October, the "coming soon" page of its website features books that have been out for nearly a year, and its front page is still featuring, yes, Paul Nehlen's book (though the bottom of the front page lists "coming soon" titles with release dates for next month). Still, even though WND is shedding personnel as it circles the train, you'd think Joseph Farah -- you know, the guy who runs the company -- would want to take a few minutes away from issuing pleas for money to say something about an author it published whose increasingly offensive and discrediting behavior is affecting WND's reputation and future business prospects (well, as much as it can be affected at this point, given that WND already has a well-earned reputation for fake news). This is a public-relations crisis WND should be addressing, but it's not for some reason -- it can't possibly need money so badly as to continue to sell the book of an anti-Semite. Perhaps its inability to handle this is more evidence that WND doesn't deserve to live.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:53 AM EST
Updated: Friday, January 26, 2018 12:58 AM EST
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Sick: MRC Mocks CNN For Reacting To Death Threats Against It
Topic: Media Research Center How sick, cynical and hafe-filled is the Media Research Center? Its first reaction to the arrest of a man who issued death threats against employees at CNN was to mock CNN for reacting to it. On Jan. 22, it was reported that a Michigan man was arrested for making 22 calls to CNN headquarters in Atlanta threating violence against its employees, stating at one point, "Fake news. I'm coming to gun you all down." You'd think that the MRC -- despite hating CNN with the passion of a thousand suns -- would issue a statement that violence or threats of violence against the news media is frowned upon. But for two days it was silent -- even MRC officials Brent Bozell and Tim Graham said nothing. Finally, a Jan. 24 NewsBusters post by Randy Hall addressed the issue -- but only through attacking CNN anchor Don Lemon for reacting to it. Lemon suggested that President Trump's repeated attacks on CNN as "fake news' may have spurred thte death threats, and Hall wasn't having it, declaring that Lemon was engaging in "a pathetic act of self-sanctimonious behavior" by raising the issue. Hall quoted Lemon saying "When you tweet a doctored video of you body slamming CNN, people are watching," followed by political analyst Brian Karem stating to Trump, "You're complicit in any harm to any journalist anywhere in the United States by encouraging the violence that you encourage."Which you'd think would be self-explanatory, but apparently it wasn't toHall; instead, he retorted: "Wait, so Brian, would that mean that you'd agree that James Hodgkinson was inspired by Rachel Maddow and Bernie Sanders to try and murder Republican congressmen in June at a Virginia baseball field?" Hall offered no evidence that Maddow or Sanders ever encouraged violence against any Republican congressman. Meanwhile, Graham broke his silence on the CNN death threats by retweeting Hall's post with the embellishing insult of "SOUR Don Lemon." Yeah, well, when one's life has been threatened, it does tend to make one a bit sour. This, by the way, is the same MRC that can't stop blaming the Southern Poverty Law Center for a 2012 shooting at the right-wing Family Research Council, even though the SPLC never encouraged violence or had any personal contact with the shooter beforehand (he admitted looking at the SPLC's list of anti-gay hate groups, of which the FRC is one, before the shooting).
Posted by Terry K.
at 9:51 PM EST
WND Serves Up Another Suck-Up Profile Of A Trump Staffer
Topic: WorldNetDaily As an unabashed, highly biased pro-Trump operation, WorldNetDaily is prone to the occasional sycophantic profile of Trump operatives; i,e, its embarassingly fawning article last year about then-White House press secretary Sean Spicer. WND has struck again in the form of a Jan. 11 article in which Bob Unruh sucks up to White House adviser Stephen Miller:
Unruh's article appears to have been spurred by his combative interview with CNN's Jake Tapper. Unruh spun that "Tapper appeared to become flustered by Miller’s defense of the president and his refusal to answer some questions."
Posted by Terry K.
at 4:05 PM EST
MRC Promotes Accused Sexual Harasser's Stock Picks To Its Readers
Topic: Media Research Center We've detailed how the Media Research Center has studiously overlooked allegations of sexual harassment against Fox Business host Charles Payne, as well as a subsequent lawsuit from a woman, onetime Fox News commentator Scottie Nell Hughes, who says he coerced her into having a sexual relationship with him. Now, the MRC is actually taking money from Payne. A Jan. 24 email sent to members of the MRC's mailing list from InvestorPlace, a financial news website that pays Payne for a branded newsletter containing stock picks as well as something called "Charles Payne's Smart Investing," described as "a once-in-a-lifetime, 12-month journey to help you reclaim your American Dream" open to "a small number of individual investors." The email touts "5 New Trump Trades" promoted by Payne in a very ribght-wing-friendly manner:
The message includes a disclaimer: "Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our advertiser alone, and not necessarily the opinion or editorial positions of or the Media Research Center." But given how (selectively) offended the MRC got over the sexual harassment issue, it's just not a good look when someone has rented its email list to promote an accused sexual harasser.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:01 AM EST
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