Topic: WorldNetDaily
If anything has illustrated WorldNetDaily's abject fealty toward President Trump, it's WND's "Thank Trump" campaign. And editor Joseph Farah has gone to embarrassing lengths to promote it.
Farah unsurprisingly used his pre-Thanksgiving column to tout it:
I am so thankful for Donald J. Trump. I thank God daily for the privilege of waking up in a country led by a man who seems driven to take America back from the brink of absolute ruin.
That’s why I launched a week ago the ThankTrump.US campaign, so everyone could express their gratitude to the president in a meaningful way, with personalized digital cards sent his way. Because it’s off to such a great start, I’m extending it through at least February to give Americans the opportunity to hear about it and take part – for free!
Make sure you take a look at the Big List of Trump’s first-year accomplishments, which is updated constantly with new achievements. If that doesn’t inspire you to take part in this project, nothing will.
Farah went biblical to promote it in a Dec. 14 column:
Specifically, I was thinking about that verse in 2 Kings when Elisha said: “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.”
Do you believe that?
Then let President Trump and his White House team know we’ve got their backs – with our votes, with our energy, with our feet, with our voices and with our prayers.
Yes, it looks like Trump’s opposition is overwhelming. His adversaries are powerful, organized, wealthy, determined, and they have devised wicked plots against him. They conspire to remove him from power and demoralize all those responsible for electing him.
But, as Elisha said: “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” You can help deliver that message to President Trump through this campaign and with your fervent prayers that can open the eyes of the spiritually blind.
Am I passionate about this effort? Yes, I am. But I need help spreading the word, delivering this very good news – not only to President Trump, but to the entire nation and the whole world.
Farah enthused further in his Dec. 20 column:
It’s time like this, when I am in a celebratory mood, that I urge everyone who agrees with me to join the campaign. Where else do you have the opportunity, in your euphoria about his accomplishments, his tenacity, his spirit, his determination and his courage to express your gratitude publicly with a digital personalized thank-you card?
The answer is nowhere!
Also, spread the news through social media. Counteract the negativism of the left.
ENCOURAGE him! That’s what this campaign is about. Everyone needs encouragement – even Donald Trump.
Even if he doesn’t need it, you owe it to yourself to give it to him because his presidency could well be a once-in-your-lifetime opportunity for a rebirth of American greatness.
On Dec. 25, Farah got mad that Time magazine didn't name Trump as person of the year, going on to bloviate:
And, of course, there was a plug for his thank-Trump campaign, asserting that "When someone like Trump leaves his comfortable existence of wealth and comfort to enter public life with the intent of slaying dragons, I say he needs and deserves encouragement."So, it’s safe to say Donald J. Trump is not only the person of the year in 2017. He’s a force of nature that will continue to overshadow the competition for years to come.
Maybe he’s the person of the decade.
Maybe he’s the person of the century.
Maybe he’s the person of the millennium.
Person of the year, however, would be a giant, anti-climactic understatement.
In his Dec. 28 column, Farah insisted his campaign has "gone viral":
There’s something wonderful about campaigns like this. Already, it’s clear to me that this simple idea has caught fire. Every day, I hear more and more commentators and pundits suggesting there’s a lot for which to thank our president.
I wish I had millions of dollars to make great ads promoting this idea. I’m glad others do and are taking up my challenge to thank the president both directly and publicly for all he’s done.
WND even ran an article every day in January before the anniversary of Trump's inauguration plugging the campaign, with Farah's full endorsement:
“Jan. 20 marks the anniversary of the president’s Inauguration Day, so it’s a great time to let him know how much you appreciate all he’s done for the country in such a short time,” said Joseph Farah, WND’s founder who launched the campaign just before Thanksgiving. “It’s a record of accomplishment unparalleled in modern American history.”
“As President Trump heads into a new year, it’s important he doesn’t lose the courage and boldness that have enabled him to defy the establishment and get so much done for the American people,” said Farah. “Given all the opposition he faces, it would be too easy for him to surrender to the forces that besiege him.”
That’s why is so important. As 2018 begins, it is a perfect time to look back with thankfulness to the man who made 2017 such a great year for America.
WND even harnessed Ugandan President Yoweni Museveni's praise for Trump in an article as evidence that "a word of thanks also has come to Trump from overseas." Needless to say, WND didn't report that Museveni is a corrupt dictator who lifted an age limit on his office so he could stay on the job, jailed his critics and spent $77 of state money on expenses related to his residence.
Perhaps this servile fealty to Trump -- which demonstrates the complete opposite of its current claim to be "credible, independent and fearless" -- is one more reason why WND is circling the drain.